Our common sense has been taken for a hike
By David Verveer
Slowly but surely, the world is turning in a playground for crooks, who invent illogical sceneries and prophecies in order to benefit from the human stupidity which is growing by the day. My problem is not with one particular subject, but the general trend, in which you can see that some swindlers are taking the entire world for a swing in their carrousel of crimes and lies.
Let us take for example the convention against Global Warming, a scheme thought out by one of world’s greatest crooks, the former vice president of the United States of America, Mr All Gore, who told us, and convinced us with a clever presentation, that our world is warming up. It would have been expected from the general public to ask the basic most question, which is “SO WHAT?”
But nobody ask that, they looked at the poor ice bears swimming between the driving ice, and swallowed the statement that these creatures are doomed to be dying out, because both north and south pole are turning into a Riviera.
According to Agricultural experts, a Global warming of several degrees would be beneficial and open up many waste lands, worldwide, which are to day too cold and with a too extreme temperature, to permit agriculture, in order to feed the growing world population. Further more, climate experts claim that an increase in temperature would practically eliminate storms and cyclones, increased rainfall would solve the water shortage, as water is life.
He, our hero, All Gore found also a culprit, namely Carbon Dioxide (CO2) which causes a greenhouse effect, that stops this gas to escape into higher atmosphere, and ergo, we are warming up, Icebergs are melting down, water level is rising and the New Yorkers will have to learn to swim to work. For this nonsense he (our All) earned not only the Nobel Prize but also an Oscar. In the mean time, Gore invested heavily in setting up, alternative energy plants based on bio-fuel (fuel made from plants, especially corn, a USA surplus crop which feeds the third world countries), resulting an enormous price hike, when farmers preferred to sell there corn to bio-fuel plants, and the surplus became too expensive for the world poorer masses.
But let us look one moment at the core of his hoax, the global warming, which is certainly not caused by Carbon Dioxide, for 2 reasons, the first fact of life is, that our Globe is not warming up, it is however due to numerous reasons in a warming up and after that, a cooling down cycle, and according measurements, we started the decline about 2 years ago, and funny enough, the Copenhagen conference was held at one of the coolest days worldwide, ever measured, but that did not register by the politicians who went to Copenhagen, to decide on a new scheme, Carbon Dioxide taxes, thank God, the poorer nations did not fall for this hoax, and refused to sign the agreement.
But what is Carbon Dioxide, and what means green house gas? Carbon Dioxide is a gas which is produced by all living, and dying bodies (humans, animals, plants, trees, but also oceans, volcanoes, etc.). This gas, which for example our body, living or dead, produces, is essential for plants and trees, without it they can not grow, and when farmers realized that due to shortage in food supply, their farming methods have to improve, and need to be more cost efficient, they started cultivating vegetables and fruits in greenhouses, and in order to speed up the growing process they pumped in to the greenhouse, Carbon Dioxide. In the beginning with simple wood stoves, but later on with more efficient equipment, and indeed, they managed in this way to shorten the growing period and reach the market much earlier than products grown in the open air.
True that Carbon Dioxide in large quantities produced by power plants increases the pollution and causes cancer, and reduction of the Carbon Dioxide of power plants will be beneficial to the population living in the surrounding of the plant, but claiming that this causes Global Warming is simply not true, and all the scientists who were engaged by All Gore were lying on purpose, and faking computer results to proof their point. In actual fact, one can get the computer to give you the requested results, by putting in assumed coefficients, (unknown factors). By giving those coefficients a large(r) value, the results will be of course likewise, much larger and not relevant.
Our All Gore, when people discovered some falsification of results of leading British scientists (sometimes named Climategate or Envirogate) tried another trick during the conference, by presenting new results prepared by a well known scientist, showing the correlation between temperature and the Carbon Dioxide in the air, however he did not expect that this scientist decided to stop the masquerade, and informed the world, that he and his staff had not prepared this presentation, and that he intents to go to court in order to fight his good name as scientist.
The All Gore hoax is stupid and illogical in many aspects, like for example that the melting ice of the Nord Pole would influence the sea level and endanger low level coastal areas, but any high school student remembers that in science class, melting ice in a class of water, did not change the water level, and the cry Eureka should be sufficient to show the faulty reasoning.
The temperatures of our world varies according several causes, a the wobbling route of our World around the sun, the distance of a given moment of the moon to the earth and the sun, the volcano eruptions, the temperature of the ocean, the black spots on the sun and the energy pattern of the sun, and could go on like this, as all these facts influence the temperature on earth, and non of them is man made, and the Carbon Dioxide is not guilty of any wrongdoings.
But then why came the entire world to this stupid conference, and my answer is (I assume) that this is based on the tale of the emperor’s cloths, nobody wanted to admit that they did not understand, and everybody relied on the experts, who were crooks.
All Gore, you failed this time. Or did you already make enough in your investments, and you can rest sitting on your money.
My pity goes out for these Ice bears that are over exposed by the filming crews of the Green Church and their prophet All Gore.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My new old computer "Tom"
My new old computer "Tom"
By David Verveer
My grandson Tom (10 and a half year old) uses his computer to make his homework for school, to read and study subject given by the teacher, in order that the children do their own research, besides this, he plays games, especially football (soccer) games. And after loading the computer with endless programs, it became extremely slow, and his mother decided that he should have a new machine, and thus I received a computer, full of software, slow or not responding.
I started to unload the games and un necessary rubbish, run some anti virus checks, tried to install a new copy of Windows XP, but it refused by stating that the version of XP installed is more updated than my disc, thus I started experimenting with this computer, and found it quick and better than the other computers I use at the moment, a perfect machine for using it as my online writer.
It is funny to know that you do not need today the latest version of computer hardware if you intent to use the computer for everyday uses, such as browsing on the internet, or writing blogs, and even though, the cost of a new computer is getting cheaper by the day, an old software updated computer can do the same job, with much lower investments.
It is of course important to decide beforehand, the functions for which you intent to use this computer, if you intent to use it in order to Google the globe, better use a new computer with better screen settings, but even for use as Skype phone, this old computer serves perfectly.
The fact that a computer becomes old stuff, the moment you bought it, is a fact of live, but really all the improvements, the new gadgets, the new software, do you really need it, and are they cost effective, for example, getting the newest office software, or operation system, even when they are not very expensive, you will find that you got so used to the old well known features, that in actual fact you will never fully use those new tricks.
A computer's live span is 3 to 6 years, until you get persuaded that it is better to buy a new one, rather than upgrading, specially as the parts of the old versions are not anymore produced, that is what the computer guy tells you, and of course, you have not the knowledge or time to investigate if that is true or not, it might be that the repairman prefers to sell a new computer rather than deal with repairing an old one, he makes much more money on the sale of the new computer.
It is true that there is equipment which can not run on a older computer, such as computer games, due to insufficient memory available, but you should know, increasing memory through buying additional memory, is of course much cheaper.
My message is, don't hurry in throwing your old computer in the trash, see first if it can function as standby, or the computer for other members in the family, and if it really takes up to much space, think of friends, parents or in general older people, who really want to try too, the new possibilities of using a computer, and do not need (and wont use) the newest features available, for you it is a valueless peace of equipment, for them, it is an opening to a new world. I think that in today's world, everybody needs to be connected to the internet, like in old days, the wireless radio and later on the TV.
By David Verveer
My grandson Tom (10 and a half year old) uses his computer to make his homework for school, to read and study subject given by the teacher, in order that the children do their own research, besides this, he plays games, especially football (soccer) games. And after loading the computer with endless programs, it became extremely slow, and his mother decided that he should have a new machine, and thus I received a computer, full of software, slow or not responding.
I started to unload the games and un necessary rubbish, run some anti virus checks, tried to install a new copy of Windows XP, but it refused by stating that the version of XP installed is more updated than my disc, thus I started experimenting with this computer, and found it quick and better than the other computers I use at the moment, a perfect machine for using it as my online writer.
It is funny to know that you do not need today the latest version of computer hardware if you intent to use the computer for everyday uses, such as browsing on the internet, or writing blogs, and even though, the cost of a new computer is getting cheaper by the day, an old software updated computer can do the same job, with much lower investments.
It is of course important to decide beforehand, the functions for which you intent to use this computer, if you intent to use it in order to Google the globe, better use a new computer with better screen settings, but even for use as Skype phone, this old computer serves perfectly.
The fact that a computer becomes old stuff, the moment you bought it, is a fact of live, but really all the improvements, the new gadgets, the new software, do you really need it, and are they cost effective, for example, getting the newest office software, or operation system, even when they are not very expensive, you will find that you got so used to the old well known features, that in actual fact you will never fully use those new tricks.
A computer's live span is 3 to 6 years, until you get persuaded that it is better to buy a new one, rather than upgrading, specially as the parts of the old versions are not anymore produced, that is what the computer guy tells you, and of course, you have not the knowledge or time to investigate if that is true or not, it might be that the repairman prefers to sell a new computer rather than deal with repairing an old one, he makes much more money on the sale of the new computer.
It is true that there is equipment which can not run on a older computer, such as computer games, due to insufficient memory available, but you should know, increasing memory through buying additional memory, is of course much cheaper.
My message is, don't hurry in throwing your old computer in the trash, see first if it can function as standby, or the computer for other members in the family, and if it really takes up to much space, think of friends, parents or in general older people, who really want to try too, the new possibilities of using a computer, and do not need (and wont use) the newest features available, for you it is a valueless peace of equipment, for them, it is an opening to a new world. I think that in today's world, everybody needs to be connected to the internet, like in old days, the wireless radio and later on the TV.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Zijn we niet allemaal zijn kinderen?
Door David Verveer
Het is alweer 6 december, wat vliegt de tijd, alweer een jaar sinds mijn laatste teleurstelling met die goede(?) oude man, die alhoewel hij ernstig discrimineert met zijn personeel, geen voor oordelen heeft voor zijn cliënteel, dat hij, Monseigneur Nicolas, van alle kinderen houd, wit, zwart, Katholiek, Protestant, Joods, Mohammedaans, Atheïst of Groen. Hoe komt het dat jaar op jaar, (a 70 jaar), hij mij vergeet, en niet dat ik niet heel voorzichtig en zeer precies alle ingrediënten heb bereid voor een nachtelijke bezoek van deze heilige man.
Zoals staat geschreven, heb ik al een paar dagen geleden, een paar oude sokken met gaten op gehangen, (de laatste jaren gooit mijn vrouw sokken met gaten weg, in plaats van ze te stoppen, met het stomme excuus, dat ze het gaatje van de naald niet kan zien om de draad aan de naald te verbinden, maar goed zij is niet in Nederland geboren, en weet niet wat zuinig zijn, betekend).
Ik kon natuurlijk de sokken niet hangen onder de schoorsteen, om de stomme bouwers hier in Israel, de schoorsteen hebben vergeten, en daar ik wou dat de goede man, mijn sokken zou vinden, heb ik hun gevuld met een beetje kaas (je weet wel, die kaas met dat groen spul er in), aan de was lijn, maar dat moest ik stoppen, daar de buren in eens begonnen te klagen over een door dringende sterke stank van rottende kaas, ik vond het juist lekker ruiken, deed me denken aan een kaas winkel, 50 jaar geleden, maar ja, kan ik aan mijn buren vertellen dat de goede sint, zijn reuk verloren heeft, na zoveel jaren van knoflook eten. Dus heb ik de stinkende sokken in de vuilnisbak gegooid, met gevolg dat de straat katten die beneden in de straat leven, de vuilnisbak aanvielen in grote getallen, en uiteindelijk omgooide en de inhoud verspreiden. Ik heb geen spijt van mijn daad, want de katten hadden toch niets anders te doen, en lagen te slapen in de zon, al hoewel die rotzooi die ze gemaakt hebben, was alles behalve leuk om te zien. Maar goed ik dwaal af met mijn verhaal over die rotzak, Klaas, die schijnbaar niet heilig is, want hij komt niet naar Israel, (het heilige land) behalve dan een feestje georganiseerd bij de Nederlandse Immigranten vereniging, die een verklede vent met watten baard, en een rode muts (zonder kruis) verwelkomen in de haven van Jaffa, maar die gozer is nep, en zijn paardje stond niet te huppelen, nee ik hou niet van surrogaat.
Maar waar was ik, o ja, ik heb mijn nieuwe sokken (met hele kleine gaatjes) op gehangen, en daar ik mijn vrouw verdacht van stiekem met Klaas te spreken, gaf ik haar een paar van hinten, wat ik graag zou willen ontvangen van dat sujet, niet overdreven, geheel niet, gewone wensen van een ex Nederlander, die al meer dan een halve eeuw in het buitenland leeft, zo als bijvoorbeeld een puur chocolade letter, een Gelderse rookworst, zoute drop, een nieuwe draagbare computer, allemaal kleine wensjes, die voor hem een habbekrats maar voor mij, de hele wereld.
Maar ik had net zo goed een nieuwe auto kunnen verzoeken, want die kluns is helemaal niet gekomen, zelfs zijn Afrikaans Amerikaanse knecht niet.
Vanmorgen, 6 December, stond ik vroeg op, direct ging ik kijken wat ik in mijn sokken aan de was lijn had, en je raad het al, noppes, niets , die klojannes heeft het al weer geflikt, ik, een van de enige die nog in hem geloofd, tijdens de jaren had ik makkelijk in iemand anders kunnen geloven, maar ik bleef sterk in mijn geloof. Niet dat ze me niet probeerde te verlijden met geweldige beloften, zo als bijvoorbeeld de Christenen beloofde me een goed hiernamaals, de Islam 72 maagden, de groenen lucht zonder C2O, maar ik denk dat het vlees beter is dan de botten, en bleef geloven door de jaren heen, stormen en onweer maakten me niet bang, ik bleef trouw aan Sinterklaas, maar wat bracht hij mij? NOPPUS!
Mijn klein kinderen hun verjaardag vergeet ik meestal, maar God zij dank, mijn vrouw helpt me altijd herinneren, en geeft mij de opdracht om ze te feliciteren, zowel met een zingende wens op Internet en een woordelijke wens d.m.v. de telefoon, het rotte is, dat ik al tamelijk doof ben, en hun niet zo goed kan verstaan, maar waar voor vertel ik jullie dat, om nogmaals uit te leggen, dat ik een beetje vergeetachtig ben geworden, maar Sinterklaas zijn verjaardag, nee hoor, is me in gegrift, dagen van tevoren begin ik te dromen over de cadeautjes die ik ga krijgen, ik vind uit (alleen maar om te helpen) de koers van de nieuwe Israëlische Shekel, t.o.v. de Euro, het draag vermogen van ons dak, en zo voort, maar ik ben het gewend, Nederland en Spanje zijn antisemitisch geworden.
Maar een ding beloof ik jullie, ik doe niet meer mee, dit is de laatste keer dat ik me daar over druk maakt, voor mijn part kan hij de pot op, ik ga over naar Chanoeklaas, en daar mee uit.
Het is alweer 6 december, wat vliegt de tijd, alweer een jaar sinds mijn laatste teleurstelling met die goede(?) oude man, die alhoewel hij ernstig discrimineert met zijn personeel, geen voor oordelen heeft voor zijn cliënteel, dat hij, Monseigneur Nicolas, van alle kinderen houd, wit, zwart, Katholiek, Protestant, Joods, Mohammedaans, Atheïst of Groen. Hoe komt het dat jaar op jaar, (a 70 jaar), hij mij vergeet, en niet dat ik niet heel voorzichtig en zeer precies alle ingrediënten heb bereid voor een nachtelijke bezoek van deze heilige man.
Zoals staat geschreven, heb ik al een paar dagen geleden, een paar oude sokken met gaten op gehangen, (de laatste jaren gooit mijn vrouw sokken met gaten weg, in plaats van ze te stoppen, met het stomme excuus, dat ze het gaatje van de naald niet kan zien om de draad aan de naald te verbinden, maar goed zij is niet in Nederland geboren, en weet niet wat zuinig zijn, betekend).
Ik kon natuurlijk de sokken niet hangen onder de schoorsteen, om de stomme bouwers hier in Israel, de schoorsteen hebben vergeten, en daar ik wou dat de goede man, mijn sokken zou vinden, heb ik hun gevuld met een beetje kaas (je weet wel, die kaas met dat groen spul er in), aan de was lijn, maar dat moest ik stoppen, daar de buren in eens begonnen te klagen over een door dringende sterke stank van rottende kaas, ik vond het juist lekker ruiken, deed me denken aan een kaas winkel, 50 jaar geleden, maar ja, kan ik aan mijn buren vertellen dat de goede sint, zijn reuk verloren heeft, na zoveel jaren van knoflook eten. Dus heb ik de stinkende sokken in de vuilnisbak gegooid, met gevolg dat de straat katten die beneden in de straat leven, de vuilnisbak aanvielen in grote getallen, en uiteindelijk omgooide en de inhoud verspreiden. Ik heb geen spijt van mijn daad, want de katten hadden toch niets anders te doen, en lagen te slapen in de zon, al hoewel die rotzooi die ze gemaakt hebben, was alles behalve leuk om te zien. Maar goed ik dwaal af met mijn verhaal over die rotzak, Klaas, die schijnbaar niet heilig is, want hij komt niet naar Israel, (het heilige land) behalve dan een feestje georganiseerd bij de Nederlandse Immigranten vereniging, die een verklede vent met watten baard, en een rode muts (zonder kruis) verwelkomen in de haven van Jaffa, maar die gozer is nep, en zijn paardje stond niet te huppelen, nee ik hou niet van surrogaat.
Maar waar was ik, o ja, ik heb mijn nieuwe sokken (met hele kleine gaatjes) op gehangen, en daar ik mijn vrouw verdacht van stiekem met Klaas te spreken, gaf ik haar een paar van hinten, wat ik graag zou willen ontvangen van dat sujet, niet overdreven, geheel niet, gewone wensen van een ex Nederlander, die al meer dan een halve eeuw in het buitenland leeft, zo als bijvoorbeeld een puur chocolade letter, een Gelderse rookworst, zoute drop, een nieuwe draagbare computer, allemaal kleine wensjes, die voor hem een habbekrats maar voor mij, de hele wereld.
Maar ik had net zo goed een nieuwe auto kunnen verzoeken, want die kluns is helemaal niet gekomen, zelfs zijn Afrikaans Amerikaanse knecht niet.
Vanmorgen, 6 December, stond ik vroeg op, direct ging ik kijken wat ik in mijn sokken aan de was lijn had, en je raad het al, noppes, niets , die klojannes heeft het al weer geflikt, ik, een van de enige die nog in hem geloofd, tijdens de jaren had ik makkelijk in iemand anders kunnen geloven, maar ik bleef sterk in mijn geloof. Niet dat ze me niet probeerde te verlijden met geweldige beloften, zo als bijvoorbeeld de Christenen beloofde me een goed hiernamaals, de Islam 72 maagden, de groenen lucht zonder C2O, maar ik denk dat het vlees beter is dan de botten, en bleef geloven door de jaren heen, stormen en onweer maakten me niet bang, ik bleef trouw aan Sinterklaas, maar wat bracht hij mij? NOPPUS!
Mijn klein kinderen hun verjaardag vergeet ik meestal, maar God zij dank, mijn vrouw helpt me altijd herinneren, en geeft mij de opdracht om ze te feliciteren, zowel met een zingende wens op Internet en een woordelijke wens d.m.v. de telefoon, het rotte is, dat ik al tamelijk doof ben, en hun niet zo goed kan verstaan, maar waar voor vertel ik jullie dat, om nogmaals uit te leggen, dat ik een beetje vergeetachtig ben geworden, maar Sinterklaas zijn verjaardag, nee hoor, is me in gegrift, dagen van tevoren begin ik te dromen over de cadeautjes die ik ga krijgen, ik vind uit (alleen maar om te helpen) de koers van de nieuwe Israëlische Shekel, t.o.v. de Euro, het draag vermogen van ons dak, en zo voort, maar ik ben het gewend, Nederland en Spanje zijn antisemitisch geworden.
Maar een ding beloof ik jullie, ik doe niet meer mee, dit is de laatste keer dat ik me daar over druk maakt, voor mijn part kan hij de pot op, ik ga over naar Chanoeklaas, en daar mee uit.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
De Minaretten affair
De Minaretten affair
Door David Verveer
Toen een paar dagen geleden de Zwitser tegen het bouwen van minaretten stemden, en de reacties van discriminatie, bijval enz. de Internet vol zetten, besloot ik te wachten, voor dat ik mijn eigen persoonlijke mening zou uiten, die op zich zelf, heel weinig te maken heeft met de Islam en Europa, maar meer met de houding van de Nederlander ten opzichte van de herinnering aan de uit geroeiden Joodse Hagenaars, en de kleine restjes van Joden die de oorlog hebben overleefd en tijdelijk terug kwamen naar hun stad,Den Haag.
Ik schreef tijdelijk,want de meeste Joden pakten hun spulletjes op en zijn inmiddels geïmmigreerd naar Israël, Verenigde Staten, Canada, Australië, Zuid Afrika, enz. Meeste van de Joden die zijn gebleven, proberen hun afkomst te vergeten, en denken dat als ze niet opvallend Joods doen, Nederlands hun weer als vol zal accepteren, maar ik dwaal af, dit is niet het onderwerp dat ik wil bespreken, iedereen heeft het recht om zijn eigen nest zo in ter richten dat hij zich thuis voelt, en dat gaat niemand anders wat aan,
Je zult je wel afvragen wat heeft dit te maken met de Zwitsers en hun vreemde vorm van democratie, die alle seinen heeft van discriminatie, en in principe heeft dit niets te maken met de verdwenen Joodse gemeente in Den Haag, maar dan komen mijn gevoelens boven, die terug denken aan mijn jeugd jaren in Den Haag van na de oorlog, en onze ongeregelde bezoeken aan de grote sjoel (synagoge) in de Wagen straat, wat in onze ogen het centrum was van Joods zijn, zo als de Tempel was voor de Joden 2.000 jaren geleden. Dit heeft geen jota te maken met vroom of gelovig te zijn, dit was onze verbinding met het Joodse volk, het centrum van de Zionistische verenigingen, de plaats waar mijn Bar Mitsva gevierd werd, in kort het Joods centrum.
Intussen groeiden wij op, van kinderen die heel weinig van hun geloof en stam wisten, groeiden we langzaam en zeker, tot de overtuiging dat we niet in ons eigen land waren, als kind verwarde ik de kruisvaarders als helden, samen met helden daden van Joodse helden uit de bijbel en van heden, in Israël.
Veel begreep ik daar niet van, daar als kind, probeer je jezelf aan te passen aan de omgeving, en mijn omgeving waren kinderen die of Protestant of Katholiek waren, en in principe niet veel verschilden van ons, de Joodse niet religieuze kinderen.
Zelde werd ik voor Rot Jood uit gescholden, niet omdat zo iets toen niet bestond, maar kon men niet aan mijn uiterlijk zien dat ik een Joods kind was, en na de oorlog werd het Joods probleem heel weinig besproken, waarschijnlijk omdat het een zeer punt was bij de Hollanders.
Intussen groeide ik op tot een leeftijd dat ik zelf mocht beslissen waar en wat ik wil doen met mijn leven, en besloot ik om naar Israël te immigreren, daar ik mij persoonlijk steeds minder thuis voelde in Nederland, dit is geen verwijt aan Nederland en zijn bevolking, maar een gevoel van niet er bij te behoren, en als kudde dier, voelt men het beste als je er uit ziet en voelt net zo als je omgeving.
Jaren gingen voor bij, tot ik de gelegenheid had om Den Haag weer te bezoeken, en als een goede zoon, zocht ik de gevel van een winkel in de Wagenstraat waar op stond geschreven, dat dit gebouw was gebouwd bij Architect Emanuel Verveer, mijn vader die in de oorlog was gefusilleerd door de moffen, als verzetsstrijder. Natuurlijk ging ik ook kijken naar onze vertrouwde sjoel, toen ik tot mijn grote schrik zag dat de sjoel nu twee minaretten had gekregen en een moskee was geworden. En ik moet eerlijk zeggen, dat kwam als een grote schok, niet alleen dat symbolisch, het Jodendom was verdreven door de Islam, maar ook de onsmakelijke houding van de Nederlandse regering en de gemeente Den Haag, die dit hebben toegestaan.
Weten jullie dat Den Haag had de tweede grootste Joodse Gemeente in Nederland, waar nu de grote winkel centra zijn in Den Haag, rond de Spuistraat woonden voor de oorlog voor meer dan twee eeuwen een grote en bloeiende gemeenschap, die veel heeft gedaan voor de commerciële vooruitgang van Den Haag. Al dit is uit gewist, niet alleen door de moffen, maar ook door acties zo als het bouwen van minaretten op onze sjoel. Er is heel weinig te vinden om ons aan de Joodse gemeente in Den Haag te herinneren, ergens in een kelder is een plaat, een monument of een naam plaatje, maar Den Haag heeft zijn Joodse medeburgers totaal vergeten, en Hitler zijn programma om het Jodendom uit te wissen is zeer zeker gelukt in Den Haag.
Ik heb niets tegen minaretten, hier in Israël zijn er duizenden, er meestal erg mooi en fleuren te omgeving op, ik vind dat iedereen vrij moet zijn in wat hij geloofd of niet geloofd, dat is ieders eigen recht, ik denk dat de Zwitsers fout zijn in hun beslissing, en de mensen die schreeuwen in Nederland om deze beslissing ook in Nederland te maken, net zo fout zijn, maar mij doen de minaretten op de grote sjoel van Den Haag pijn, dat is een van de meest ongevoelige beslissingen die de overheid in Holland ooit heeft gemaakt, maar ja, ik heb geen rechten meer in Nederland.
Door David Verveer
Toen een paar dagen geleden de Zwitser tegen het bouwen van minaretten stemden, en de reacties van discriminatie, bijval enz. de Internet vol zetten, besloot ik te wachten, voor dat ik mijn eigen persoonlijke mening zou uiten, die op zich zelf, heel weinig te maken heeft met de Islam en Europa, maar meer met de houding van de Nederlander ten opzichte van de herinnering aan de uit geroeiden Joodse Hagenaars, en de kleine restjes van Joden die de oorlog hebben overleefd en tijdelijk terug kwamen naar hun stad,Den Haag.
Ik schreef tijdelijk,want de meeste Joden pakten hun spulletjes op en zijn inmiddels geïmmigreerd naar Israël, Verenigde Staten, Canada, Australië, Zuid Afrika, enz. Meeste van de Joden die zijn gebleven, proberen hun afkomst te vergeten, en denken dat als ze niet opvallend Joods doen, Nederlands hun weer als vol zal accepteren, maar ik dwaal af, dit is niet het onderwerp dat ik wil bespreken, iedereen heeft het recht om zijn eigen nest zo in ter richten dat hij zich thuis voelt, en dat gaat niemand anders wat aan,
Je zult je wel afvragen wat heeft dit te maken met de Zwitsers en hun vreemde vorm van democratie, die alle seinen heeft van discriminatie, en in principe heeft dit niets te maken met de verdwenen Joodse gemeente in Den Haag, maar dan komen mijn gevoelens boven, die terug denken aan mijn jeugd jaren in Den Haag van na de oorlog, en onze ongeregelde bezoeken aan de grote sjoel (synagoge) in de Wagen straat, wat in onze ogen het centrum was van Joods zijn, zo als de Tempel was voor de Joden 2.000 jaren geleden. Dit heeft geen jota te maken met vroom of gelovig te zijn, dit was onze verbinding met het Joodse volk, het centrum van de Zionistische verenigingen, de plaats waar mijn Bar Mitsva gevierd werd, in kort het Joods centrum.
Intussen groeiden wij op, van kinderen die heel weinig van hun geloof en stam wisten, groeiden we langzaam en zeker, tot de overtuiging dat we niet in ons eigen land waren, als kind verwarde ik de kruisvaarders als helden, samen met helden daden van Joodse helden uit de bijbel en van heden, in Israël.
Veel begreep ik daar niet van, daar als kind, probeer je jezelf aan te passen aan de omgeving, en mijn omgeving waren kinderen die of Protestant of Katholiek waren, en in principe niet veel verschilden van ons, de Joodse niet religieuze kinderen.
Zelde werd ik voor Rot Jood uit gescholden, niet omdat zo iets toen niet bestond, maar kon men niet aan mijn uiterlijk zien dat ik een Joods kind was, en na de oorlog werd het Joods probleem heel weinig besproken, waarschijnlijk omdat het een zeer punt was bij de Hollanders.
Intussen groeide ik op tot een leeftijd dat ik zelf mocht beslissen waar en wat ik wil doen met mijn leven, en besloot ik om naar Israël te immigreren, daar ik mij persoonlijk steeds minder thuis voelde in Nederland, dit is geen verwijt aan Nederland en zijn bevolking, maar een gevoel van niet er bij te behoren, en als kudde dier, voelt men het beste als je er uit ziet en voelt net zo als je omgeving.
Jaren gingen voor bij, tot ik de gelegenheid had om Den Haag weer te bezoeken, en als een goede zoon, zocht ik de gevel van een winkel in de Wagenstraat waar op stond geschreven, dat dit gebouw was gebouwd bij Architect Emanuel Verveer, mijn vader die in de oorlog was gefusilleerd door de moffen, als verzetsstrijder. Natuurlijk ging ik ook kijken naar onze vertrouwde sjoel, toen ik tot mijn grote schrik zag dat de sjoel nu twee minaretten had gekregen en een moskee was geworden. En ik moet eerlijk zeggen, dat kwam als een grote schok, niet alleen dat symbolisch, het Jodendom was verdreven door de Islam, maar ook de onsmakelijke houding van de Nederlandse regering en de gemeente Den Haag, die dit hebben toegestaan.
Weten jullie dat Den Haag had de tweede grootste Joodse Gemeente in Nederland, waar nu de grote winkel centra zijn in Den Haag, rond de Spuistraat woonden voor de oorlog voor meer dan twee eeuwen een grote en bloeiende gemeenschap, die veel heeft gedaan voor de commerciële vooruitgang van Den Haag. Al dit is uit gewist, niet alleen door de moffen, maar ook door acties zo als het bouwen van minaretten op onze sjoel. Er is heel weinig te vinden om ons aan de Joodse gemeente in Den Haag te herinneren, ergens in een kelder is een plaat, een monument of een naam plaatje, maar Den Haag heeft zijn Joodse medeburgers totaal vergeten, en Hitler zijn programma om het Jodendom uit te wissen is zeer zeker gelukt in Den Haag.
Ik heb niets tegen minaretten, hier in Israël zijn er duizenden, er meestal erg mooi en fleuren te omgeving op, ik vind dat iedereen vrij moet zijn in wat hij geloofd of niet geloofd, dat is ieders eigen recht, ik denk dat de Zwitsers fout zijn in hun beslissing, en de mensen die schreeuwen in Nederland om deze beslissing ook in Nederland te maken, net zo fout zijn, maar mij doen de minaretten op de grote sjoel van Den Haag pijn, dat is een van de meest ongevoelige beslissingen die de overheid in Holland ooit heeft gemaakt, maar ja, ik heb geen rechten meer in Nederland.
I just wonder?
By David Verveer
Let us assume for one moment that we, the humans, are not alone in this endless outer space, and far away, incapable of making contact with us, live other creatures, which have the same or higher intelligence as the human being.
I know the pictures of the Mars men, and other funny looking imaginations of people who are, just like us, unable to imagine how these creatures should look like, which elements do they have similar to the humans, and why do they share or don’t share eye sight, ears, legs, etc.
I am not so sure that their dimensions will be the same as ours, our size is determined by the gravity of our globe, and our time is directed by the time span it takes the world to circulate our sun. in outer space a day takes perhaps 40 earth hours instead of 24. Our life span which is increasing gradually is now between 70 to 90 years old, what might their life span be, if their environment is not polluted?
And indeed, just like these science fiction pictures, an animal like being might have won the war of survival on their planet, who knows, it might be the cats running their world (our cats are also of the opinion that they are owners and masters).
But again, our limited imagination can not picture this creature from outer space, and our self convincing superior feelings stops at a light year distance, just like the pre-historical men, who knew only their own surroundings, and 10 Km were for them outer space. It might be that outer space civilizations have discovered us for thousand of earth years, look up on us as primitive ants, and declared earth of limits, as a reservation of lower beings.
Did you never wonder why the atom molecule and its ions look a bit like the sun, earth and other planets, perhaps we really are only an atom in the never ending world of outer space. Did you ever look at bacteria under a microscope, doesn’t they look frightening? But perhaps we are only microbes in something much bigger. What if our thinking conscious never dies, but goes on to a next living cell, as it can not exist without a human or living being’s brain power, many religions claim the immortality of the “me”, who knows, in my last run I might have been a scientist, but wait a moment, does the above transfer from the old to the new work with the same time logic as we know it, perhaps the past is the present and the present the future.
I am sorry, I did not try to confuse you, but don’t you think that the scandal of to day, makes any impression on the wonder of life, of which we don’t know anything? Only one example of this amazing world, my book keeper gave me a note, on which was written what certificate I had to request from the revenue office, in order to close the books, I put it in my pocket, coming home, I did not find it. Next day, on my home coming, I found the note laying on the floor, in front of the entrance of our house, I think it was my guardian angel who placed this note under my feet, and have no other explanation, he (my guardian angel) most likely thought, what a clumsy clot I have to work with, look what a cozy job got my nephew has with guarding over the pope’s wife, life as guardian angel surely is unfair.
Let us assume for one moment that we, the humans, are not alone in this endless outer space, and far away, incapable of making contact with us, live other creatures, which have the same or higher intelligence as the human being.
I know the pictures of the Mars men, and other funny looking imaginations of people who are, just like us, unable to imagine how these creatures should look like, which elements do they have similar to the humans, and why do they share or don’t share eye sight, ears, legs, etc.
I am not so sure that their dimensions will be the same as ours, our size is determined by the gravity of our globe, and our time is directed by the time span it takes the world to circulate our sun. in outer space a day takes perhaps 40 earth hours instead of 24. Our life span which is increasing gradually is now between 70 to 90 years old, what might their life span be, if their environment is not polluted?
And indeed, just like these science fiction pictures, an animal like being might have won the war of survival on their planet, who knows, it might be the cats running their world (our cats are also of the opinion that they are owners and masters).
But again, our limited imagination can not picture this creature from outer space, and our self convincing superior feelings stops at a light year distance, just like the pre-historical men, who knew only their own surroundings, and 10 Km were for them outer space. It might be that outer space civilizations have discovered us for thousand of earth years, look up on us as primitive ants, and declared earth of limits, as a reservation of lower beings.
Did you never wonder why the atom molecule and its ions look a bit like the sun, earth and other planets, perhaps we really are only an atom in the never ending world of outer space. Did you ever look at bacteria under a microscope, doesn’t they look frightening? But perhaps we are only microbes in something much bigger. What if our thinking conscious never dies, but goes on to a next living cell, as it can not exist without a human or living being’s brain power, many religions claim the immortality of the “me”, who knows, in my last run I might have been a scientist, but wait a moment, does the above transfer from the old to the new work with the same time logic as we know it, perhaps the past is the present and the present the future.
I am sorry, I did not try to confuse you, but don’t you think that the scandal of to day, makes any impression on the wonder of life, of which we don’t know anything? Only one example of this amazing world, my book keeper gave me a note, on which was written what certificate I had to request from the revenue office, in order to close the books, I put it in my pocket, coming home, I did not find it. Next day, on my home coming, I found the note laying on the floor, in front of the entrance of our house, I think it was my guardian angel who placed this note under my feet, and have no other explanation, he (my guardian angel) most likely thought, what a clumsy clot I have to work with, look what a cozy job got my nephew has with guarding over the pope’s wife, life as guardian angel surely is unfair.
Monday, November 30, 2009
I am not a number
By David Verveer
It all started with the visit to the family doctor in the near by polyclinic. In the early days (about 30 years ago), the patients arriving to see the doctor would write there name on a piece of paper, and according the order in this paper, they would enter the doctor's room. Of course there were exemptions, soldiers in uniform, who had to return fast to the army, were ushered in and seen by the doctor without queue, also people with small babies in their care, were pushed through, of course there were also people, who only want to ask the doctor a question, wont take a second, and in they went, but that did not mean that they would come out just as quick. Of course, people clearly suffering, complaining of pain and misery, would jump some positions in waiting, but in general, the system worked quiet well, people who needed to see the doctor, would take in advance a half free day from work. But I did not mention the horror, called "people with protection", which would come in, walk strait to the door, knock on the door, without waiting, enter, and after a few minutes the poor patient who was half way explaining the doctor his complains, would be asked to wait for a few minutes outside, as the newly arrived person had "protection".
What was protection, the best protection was to be friend with the doctor, or his superiors, but also officials serving the Union, or friend of the Mayor would get the protection. But don't think that the patients in the waiting room would take all this in silence, a heavy argument would develop, in which everybody in the room explained why he can't wait, why he should have received protection, you would learn about their horrible diseases, theirs and their family, but apparently most would survive and endure the waiting.
But than started the reform, doctors told their patients to phone to the office for an appointment, and indeed, when you arrive at the pre arranged time, you get a number, and after waiting, more or less, one hour, you go in to see your doctor, who has already your file at hand, and efficiently starts to hand out recipes to cure your complaint. The new system is very efficient, but highly contagions, suddenly we get numbers at the butchers in the super market, the dispensary, even the post office.
Here in Israel, one is asked everywhere for your ID number, your name is only in order to check if you do not pretend to be somebody else, and, I have to admit, I do not remember my ID number by heart, which is considered dumb, is it not anough that I have to remember my phone number, my computer password, that I remember my post code, my ex army number and even my student number at high school. Do they realize that I am not a number; I am a human, with a family and private name, and even a code name, but not a number, I realize that it is a matter of getting used to it, and see in the future, a mother calling her son, 325/9 come to mama, but not me, I am not a number.
It all started with the visit to the family doctor in the near by polyclinic. In the early days (about 30 years ago), the patients arriving to see the doctor would write there name on a piece of paper, and according the order in this paper, they would enter the doctor's room. Of course there were exemptions, soldiers in uniform, who had to return fast to the army, were ushered in and seen by the doctor without queue, also people with small babies in their care, were pushed through, of course there were also people, who only want to ask the doctor a question, wont take a second, and in they went, but that did not mean that they would come out just as quick. Of course, people clearly suffering, complaining of pain and misery, would jump some positions in waiting, but in general, the system worked quiet well, people who needed to see the doctor, would take in advance a half free day from work. But I did not mention the horror, called "people with protection", which would come in, walk strait to the door, knock on the door, without waiting, enter, and after a few minutes the poor patient who was half way explaining the doctor his complains, would be asked to wait for a few minutes outside, as the newly arrived person had "protection".
What was protection, the best protection was to be friend with the doctor, or his superiors, but also officials serving the Union, or friend of the Mayor would get the protection. But don't think that the patients in the waiting room would take all this in silence, a heavy argument would develop, in which everybody in the room explained why he can't wait, why he should have received protection, you would learn about their horrible diseases, theirs and their family, but apparently most would survive and endure the waiting.
But than started the reform, doctors told their patients to phone to the office for an appointment, and indeed, when you arrive at the pre arranged time, you get a number, and after waiting, more or less, one hour, you go in to see your doctor, who has already your file at hand, and efficiently starts to hand out recipes to cure your complaint. The new system is very efficient, but highly contagions, suddenly we get numbers at the butchers in the super market, the dispensary, even the post office.
Here in Israel, one is asked everywhere for your ID number, your name is only in order to check if you do not pretend to be somebody else, and, I have to admit, I do not remember my ID number by heart, which is considered dumb, is it not anough that I have to remember my phone number, my computer password, that I remember my post code, my ex army number and even my student number at high school. Do they realize that I am not a number; I am a human, with a family and private name, and even a code name, but not a number, I realize that it is a matter of getting used to it, and see in the future, a mother calling her son, 325/9 come to mama, but not me, I am not a number.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
the motorbike demonstration
The motorbike demonstration
By David Verveer
The Israeli insurance companies have raised the insurance on motorbikes with 24% starting today, the 15th of November, on the first working day of the week.
Generally on Sunday, the entrances to the economic capitol Tel Aviv are from 7 o'clock until 10 o'clock blocked by private and public transport trying to get to the work sites, and people waste lots of time getting to work. But today, those angry motorcyclists by thousands decided to block the entrances of the metropolis, by driving slow in large groups, preventing anybody to pass them, in order to create a chaos, and an absolute non ending traffic jam.
Many people, who come from the periphery of Tel Aviv, out towns from the Sharon or from the south, decided to take an earlier bus or even take the train, packed to the maximum with desperate passengers, but as the train will not be affected by traffic jams, it is a preferable alternative, than sitting in busses the entire morning.
My wife made it by an earlier bus and arrived without any traffic jams two hours too early, and as she missed out breakfast this morning, she will go and get a cup of coffee, before going to the office.
In actual fact, the public views with sympathy the motorcyclist's demonstration, as the increased cost for motorbike insurance is unfair and irresponsible measure of the government, which only result will be an increase of old cheap cars in the already congested streets of the Israeli towns, where it is impossibilities in finding a parking space to leave your car during working hours.
Especially Tel Aviv, but also other towns in Israel do not have subways, city trains and other public transport, besides the busses and taxis, crowding the streets. People, even though, more expensive, prefer to drive with their own cars into town, and in most cases the cars are without any passengers besides the driver. Of course this traffic congestion does not contribute to the air quality in town, and the air pollution level reaches dangerous levels in the Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem.
Not to mention that the traffic accidents annually reach in average 450 dead, much more than the annually death caused by the military and terroristic acts of Israel's enemies, however, peculiarly the sacrifices caused by traffic accidents don't reach the world press, while any aggravation or terrorist act are directly published worldwide in the media. I wonder if the deaths, caused through traffic accidents are less tragic for the families, than killing of innocent civilians, by acts of terror.
But in the end, all this is a sadistic game with taxing and revenues, in which the poor and less fortunate are forced to pay impossible payments, while the rich get tax exemptions, and receive illogical large salaries, with a lame excuse that we do not want to frighten off the investors, but what with your young and the retired citizens, who have no means to pay for Netanyahu's financial outlook, indeed it was important that Israel remains economical healthy, and we are thankful (I think) that the financial crisis is over, but for heavens name, the only ones who paid for these phenomena are the lower classes, the retired, the poor and sick. No efforts were made to tax those huge investors, for whom a ten percent tax increase would hardly play a part in their profits, while taxing the poor 1% more, would mean thousands more incapable in finishing the month.
How come that every time the Likud takes over the government after winning the election (this time they even did not win but were able to construct a funny right wing coalition), suddenly the Government tells us that we have to tighten our belt, we have to contribute in order to save the countries economy, with temporary taxes, increase in costs for basic needs (bread, water, electricity, fuel, cereals, public transport and I could go on, but like anybody else, I forgot yesterdays prices, and try to keep my nose above water level).
Many of those price increases could have been prevented, if earlier governments and ministers of finance, such as Netanyahu had listened to the professional advices given him by experts by investing in the infrastructure, but no, they preferred to make it easier on the owners of the infrastructural monopolies, increasing their profits. I know we can not compete in cheap labor, industries based on cheap workers are impossible to thrive in Israel, even in the agricultural and horticultural sector, we have to realize that nobody is paying in order to keep the farmer happy, everyone in the Global village wants the best quality of products at the cheapest price, facts of life.
What we need, and indeed succeed already in many aspects, is to go after high-tech projects, even if that means, selling them eventually to other countries in order to produce those Israeli inventions elsewhere, as our strength lays in technology, not in cheap labor. Taxing the poor more will lead to disaster, as they have no reserve left, they can not afford another blow, they are already milked dry.
By David Verveer
The Israeli insurance companies have raised the insurance on motorbikes with 24% starting today, the 15th of November, on the first working day of the week.
Generally on Sunday, the entrances to the economic capitol Tel Aviv are from 7 o'clock until 10 o'clock blocked by private and public transport trying to get to the work sites, and people waste lots of time getting to work. But today, those angry motorcyclists by thousands decided to block the entrances of the metropolis, by driving slow in large groups, preventing anybody to pass them, in order to create a chaos, and an absolute non ending traffic jam.
Many people, who come from the periphery of Tel Aviv, out towns from the Sharon or from the south, decided to take an earlier bus or even take the train, packed to the maximum with desperate passengers, but as the train will not be affected by traffic jams, it is a preferable alternative, than sitting in busses the entire morning.
My wife made it by an earlier bus and arrived without any traffic jams two hours too early, and as she missed out breakfast this morning, she will go and get a cup of coffee, before going to the office.
In actual fact, the public views with sympathy the motorcyclist's demonstration, as the increased cost for motorbike insurance is unfair and irresponsible measure of the government, which only result will be an increase of old cheap cars in the already congested streets of the Israeli towns, where it is impossibilities in finding a parking space to leave your car during working hours.
Especially Tel Aviv, but also other towns in Israel do not have subways, city trains and other public transport, besides the busses and taxis, crowding the streets. People, even though, more expensive, prefer to drive with their own cars into town, and in most cases the cars are without any passengers besides the driver. Of course this traffic congestion does not contribute to the air quality in town, and the air pollution level reaches dangerous levels in the Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem.
Not to mention that the traffic accidents annually reach in average 450 dead, much more than the annually death caused by the military and terroristic acts of Israel's enemies, however, peculiarly the sacrifices caused by traffic accidents don't reach the world press, while any aggravation or terrorist act are directly published worldwide in the media. I wonder if the deaths, caused through traffic accidents are less tragic for the families, than killing of innocent civilians, by acts of terror.
But in the end, all this is a sadistic game with taxing and revenues, in which the poor and less fortunate are forced to pay impossible payments, while the rich get tax exemptions, and receive illogical large salaries, with a lame excuse that we do not want to frighten off the investors, but what with your young and the retired citizens, who have no means to pay for Netanyahu's financial outlook, indeed it was important that Israel remains economical healthy, and we are thankful (I think) that the financial crisis is over, but for heavens name, the only ones who paid for these phenomena are the lower classes, the retired, the poor and sick. No efforts were made to tax those huge investors, for whom a ten percent tax increase would hardly play a part in their profits, while taxing the poor 1% more, would mean thousands more incapable in finishing the month.
How come that every time the Likud takes over the government after winning the election (this time they even did not win but were able to construct a funny right wing coalition), suddenly the Government tells us that we have to tighten our belt, we have to contribute in order to save the countries economy, with temporary taxes, increase in costs for basic needs (bread, water, electricity, fuel, cereals, public transport and I could go on, but like anybody else, I forgot yesterdays prices, and try to keep my nose above water level).
Many of those price increases could have been prevented, if earlier governments and ministers of finance, such as Netanyahu had listened to the professional advices given him by experts by investing in the infrastructure, but no, they preferred to make it easier on the owners of the infrastructural monopolies, increasing their profits. I know we can not compete in cheap labor, industries based on cheap workers are impossible to thrive in Israel, even in the agricultural and horticultural sector, we have to realize that nobody is paying in order to keep the farmer happy, everyone in the Global village wants the best quality of products at the cheapest price, facts of life.
What we need, and indeed succeed already in many aspects, is to go after high-tech projects, even if that means, selling them eventually to other countries in order to produce those Israeli inventions elsewhere, as our strength lays in technology, not in cheap labor. Taxing the poor more will lead to disaster, as they have no reserve left, they can not afford another blow, they are already milked dry.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
EU started a total blockade of the European mini state "Arabstan"
EU started a total blockade of the European mini state "Arabstan".
By David Verveer
Our correspondent in Roermond, the Netherlands, reporting from the eastern bank of the river Meuse, which, as we reported several days back, suffers from continues bombardments by Arabstani terrorists, shooting on Roermond's civilian neighborhoods with rockets and missiles.
The security council of the EU issued an ultimatum to the leaders of Arabstan (former Ravenstein, a mini state wedged between Holland and Belgium, populated by Islam workers, a country that gained independence several years back). The EU ultimatum threatens to close all the borders into and from Arabstan, including blocking local citizens to go to their work in the surrounding countries (the main source of income of the mini state), provided the bombardment is not stopped immediately. The lame excuse that has been provided by Arabstani leaders, claiming that those rockets are fired by terrorists, is not acceptable, as according international law, the government is responsible to prevent terrorism.
As from last Monday 4 o'clock in the morning, the blockade became reality, and 2 million workers and their families are in actual fact imprisoned in a huge open prison or concentration camp. In fact, the smuggling activities organized by drug rings, will now provide the urgent needs of the civilian population (those smugglers have built a illegal tunnel complex, through which merchandise is delivered, and sold at inflated prices to the local citizens.
The EU allows Red Cross supplies for human assistance, and convoys of trucks, ships and trains daily enter Arabstan, after being searched for illegal merchandise.
The UN Security Council has ordered to investigate if this blockade is legal or should be considered a crime to humanity. The Libyan representative proposes a boycott on all products coming from the EU, until the blockade will be cancelled.
Sudan has intended to send volunteers to help defending the borders of Arabstan.
In the mean time, the bombardment on Roermond continues, schools are closed and families with children are advised to stay with friends outside the war zone.
The Pope requested restrain from both sides, however the Turkish President Erdogan told his hosts on a state visit to Venezuela, that the Muslim fighters of Arabstan are in their moral rights to fight for their religious freedom, and that according Muslim religion, it is the duty of these fighters to defend the Quran and Islam.
Geert Wilders, the anti Islam Politian in the Netherlands tells the Dutch population, that he had warned them, but they would not listen.
The blockade does not include the continues supply of electricity, gas, fuel, and water from the neighboring countries, alternative supply routes were found, when a rocket landed on the main electricity transformation station near Roermond, and damaged the ordinary supply lines of electricity to the capital city Islamabad (former city of Maaseik).
A NATO general told the press that in the mean time, NATO does not consider invading Arabstan, due to the fact that Arabstan has no regular army, and NATO soldiers do not fight civilians (innocent or not).
Pleasure boats filled with Humanist Organizations sailed from Luxemburg in the direction of Islamabad, to protest the blockade, on board known celebrities such as former Dutch Premier van Agt, the peace Nobel laureate Bishop Metutu and Crown prince Albert of Belgium. However, the former actress Brigitte Bardot cancelled her participation when she found out that this expedition did not include animal rights.
It is not yet clear if the navy will allow them to enter Islamabad port.
The Government of Arabstan announced that the Napoleonic laws will be replaced by the Islamic Laws in the country, which includes also capital punishment.
The Euro Song Festival has accepted Arabstan as full member, and hopes to see Arabstani participation in the next Euro Song Festival.
By David Verveer
Our correspondent in Roermond, the Netherlands, reporting from the eastern bank of the river Meuse, which, as we reported several days back, suffers from continues bombardments by Arabstani terrorists, shooting on Roermond's civilian neighborhoods with rockets and missiles.
The security council of the EU issued an ultimatum to the leaders of Arabstan (former Ravenstein, a mini state wedged between Holland and Belgium, populated by Islam workers, a country that gained independence several years back). The EU ultimatum threatens to close all the borders into and from Arabstan, including blocking local citizens to go to their work in the surrounding countries (the main source of income of the mini state), provided the bombardment is not stopped immediately. The lame excuse that has been provided by Arabstani leaders, claiming that those rockets are fired by terrorists, is not acceptable, as according international law, the government is responsible to prevent terrorism.
As from last Monday 4 o'clock in the morning, the blockade became reality, and 2 million workers and their families are in actual fact imprisoned in a huge open prison or concentration camp. In fact, the smuggling activities organized by drug rings, will now provide the urgent needs of the civilian population (those smugglers have built a illegal tunnel complex, through which merchandise is delivered, and sold at inflated prices to the local citizens.
The EU allows Red Cross supplies for human assistance, and convoys of trucks, ships and trains daily enter Arabstan, after being searched for illegal merchandise.
The UN Security Council has ordered to investigate if this blockade is legal or should be considered a crime to humanity. The Libyan representative proposes a boycott on all products coming from the EU, until the blockade will be cancelled.
Sudan has intended to send volunteers to help defending the borders of Arabstan.
In the mean time, the bombardment on Roermond continues, schools are closed and families with children are advised to stay with friends outside the war zone.
The Pope requested restrain from both sides, however the Turkish President Erdogan told his hosts on a state visit to Venezuela, that the Muslim fighters of Arabstan are in their moral rights to fight for their religious freedom, and that according Muslim religion, it is the duty of these fighters to defend the Quran and Islam.
Geert Wilders, the anti Islam Politian in the Netherlands tells the Dutch population, that he had warned them, but they would not listen.
The blockade does not include the continues supply of electricity, gas, fuel, and water from the neighboring countries, alternative supply routes were found, when a rocket landed on the main electricity transformation station near Roermond, and damaged the ordinary supply lines of electricity to the capital city Islamabad (former city of Maaseik).
A NATO general told the press that in the mean time, NATO does not consider invading Arabstan, due to the fact that Arabstan has no regular army, and NATO soldiers do not fight civilians (innocent or not).
Pleasure boats filled with Humanist Organizations sailed from Luxemburg in the direction of Islamabad, to protest the blockade, on board known celebrities such as former Dutch Premier van Agt, the peace Nobel laureate Bishop Metutu and Crown prince Albert of Belgium. However, the former actress Brigitte Bardot cancelled her participation when she found out that this expedition did not include animal rights.
It is not yet clear if the navy will allow them to enter Islamabad port.
The Government of Arabstan announced that the Napoleonic laws will be replaced by the Islamic Laws in the country, which includes also capital punishment.
The Euro Song Festival has accepted Arabstan as full member, and hopes to see Arabstani participation in the next Euro Song Festival.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The recipe book on how you are allowed to fight terrorism
By David Verveer
There is an ancient joke about the Jew (the reason why the story is about a Jew and not a Gentile, is based on advanced psychiatry, and will not be discussed in this non scientific paper). This Jew was enlisted in the army, during war time, and send out with a patrol to face the enemy. Suddenly an enemy tank started to shoot towards our hero, and only pure simple luck saved him from being killed, or wounded. Our hero, let us name him in order to make the story more comprehensible, Joachim Nathaniel Cohn (JNC) jumped up, ran towards the enemy tank shouting loudly, are you bloody blind, be carefully, you could have hurt us!
And this is precisely the message of the Goldstone report (that Mr. Goldstone happens to be Jewish is of no importance and anybody who might think that I mention this on purpose is an anti-Semite, as you would not have mentioned his religion if he would have been a Mormon, you would have thought religion is irrelevant, don't you think?
Having studied the 500 page Goldstone report, I will now summarize how our friend Goldstone advises countries which are attacked by terrorist should react. First of all, if the enemy (I think enemy sounds discriminating, we should read instead "freedom fighters" bombard your tows with missiles, don't be childish, how much damage does such primitive rocket, don't react, if you don't answer, soon they will get fed up and stop with this annoyance.
However, if you decide that you have to show some way of reprisal (very primitive, not the way civilized people behave) do respond with shooting into the sea (be careful that nobody is there to get hurt), and please put some noise reducer on your cannons, as the local population might be resting, and remember, children and older people, women, students, policemen should b warned before you shoot, in order to prevent possible traumas and damage.
You have to be fair, if there is a number of innocent freedom fighters killed due to your firing, remember to let them kill the same number of soldiers on your side, a non even number of killings will bring you automatically into court for crimes to humanity.
If your troupes get shot upon, you have to verify if from the direction of the shoting (let us say, in an area of 2 square Kilometer) there are no innocent civilians, don't just shoot back, you might damage buildings and people.
Using weapons and bombs which might hurt or wound people is absolutely forbidden.
Shooting back is allowed only after you absolutely verified if the shooting was intentional, if the shooters are licensed freedom fighters, and if they are alone and not near civilians or UN employees.
Don't shoot on ambulances, even not if you are fired upon, from the ambulance, it might be that the shooter suffers a mental shock, and mentally ill shooters are not responsible for their deeds.
And remember, the settlers are occupying illegally Arab lands, and those brave freedom fighters try to liberate occupied territory, and don't confuse this rapport with irrelevant facts, don't you realize how much oil those Arabs produce?
There is an ancient joke about the Jew (the reason why the story is about a Jew and not a Gentile, is based on advanced psychiatry, and will not be discussed in this non scientific paper). This Jew was enlisted in the army, during war time, and send out with a patrol to face the enemy. Suddenly an enemy tank started to shoot towards our hero, and only pure simple luck saved him from being killed, or wounded. Our hero, let us name him in order to make the story more comprehensible, Joachim Nathaniel Cohn (JNC) jumped up, ran towards the enemy tank shouting loudly, are you bloody blind, be carefully, you could have hurt us!
And this is precisely the message of the Goldstone report (that Mr. Goldstone happens to be Jewish is of no importance and anybody who might think that I mention this on purpose is an anti-Semite, as you would not have mentioned his religion if he would have been a Mormon, you would have thought religion is irrelevant, don't you think?
Having studied the 500 page Goldstone report, I will now summarize how our friend Goldstone advises countries which are attacked by terrorist should react. First of all, if the enemy (I think enemy sounds discriminating, we should read instead "freedom fighters" bombard your tows with missiles, don't be childish, how much damage does such primitive rocket, don't react, if you don't answer, soon they will get fed up and stop with this annoyance.
However, if you decide that you have to show some way of reprisal (very primitive, not the way civilized people behave) do respond with shooting into the sea (be careful that nobody is there to get hurt), and please put some noise reducer on your cannons, as the local population might be resting, and remember, children and older people, women, students, policemen should b warned before you shoot, in order to prevent possible traumas and damage.
You have to be fair, if there is a number of innocent freedom fighters killed due to your firing, remember to let them kill the same number of soldiers on your side, a non even number of killings will bring you automatically into court for crimes to humanity.
If your troupes get shot upon, you have to verify if from the direction of the shoting (let us say, in an area of 2 square Kilometer) there are no innocent civilians, don't just shoot back, you might damage buildings and people.
Using weapons and bombs which might hurt or wound people is absolutely forbidden.
Shooting back is allowed only after you absolutely verified if the shooting was intentional, if the shooters are licensed freedom fighters, and if they are alone and not near civilians or UN employees.
Don't shoot on ambulances, even not if you are fired upon, from the ambulance, it might be that the shooter suffers a mental shock, and mentally ill shooters are not responsible for their deeds.
And remember, the settlers are occupying illegally Arab lands, and those brave freedom fighters try to liberate occupied territory, and don't confuse this rapport with irrelevant facts, don't you realize how much oil those Arabs produce?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Arabstan (the former territory of Ravenstein)
Arabstan (the former territory of Ravenstein), Islamic jewel in Western Europe
By David Verveer
Arabstan, a fictional mini state situated between Holland and Belgium, which gained independence only several years back and is populated by mainly Islamic workers, and run by a Democratic chosen Islamic coalition of immigrants coming from Arabic countries, who came to Western Europe in a giant Islamic wave of labor forces, and during the second Lebanese war (between Lebanon and Israel) fought for independence and self government, on a small area that is wedged between the two countries.
Ravenstein (as the territory was called before the war of independence) was an independent country, which was illegally conquered by the Dutch after the battle of Waterloo, but which in matter of fact, belonged to the Belgium royal family (see also my former writings on the Ravenstein beauties and Ravenstein revisited).
The region is strategically situated between the giant industrial regions of the German Ruhr, the Dutch Rotterdam and Belgium Antwerp ports, the mines in Belgium's Brabant and Limburg provinces, and is an ideal place to house Islamic labor forces, which enables them to live their own life stile, live under their own religious laws, without aggravating their neighbors with their behaviour.
On it self, the creation of this kind of self governing Bantustan appeared to have solved most of the discrimination in daily live, and if not the threats of terrorism imported by Islamic world terrorist organizations, nearly everybody would be happy with this arrangement. Even the increased smuggling trade of drugs, run by drug lords from the territory, is a cheap price to pay in order to gain a quiet operational environment.
The capital city Maaseik (now renamed Islamabad), a river port on the river Meuse, has grown to a metropolis of 2 million inhabitants, with huge new modern styled neighborhoods, as Arabstan is prospering from its labor force, and even though the income taxes are much lower than those of the neighboring countries, it provides a steady income for the young state.
I know, it sounds all a little bid too perfect, and indeed, according the agreement of the EU, the state of Arabstan has to remain demilitarized and is not allowed to have a standing army and / or weapons, besides of course those needed by the local police. Funny anough the border areas are not save, due to the firing of rockets on the neighboring Dutch town of Roermond on the other bank of the river Meuse (Maas). The official government of Arabstan denies their part in this bombardment, and blames it on the smuggling terrorists. The Dutch government did not reply by shooting back, but pressure on the government is very strong, and we imagine that a punitive military strike by the Dutch is evident, as no civilized country will allow their citizens to be bombarded unpunished. The United Nations assembly requested both sides to solve the dispute in a peaceful manner; the security council demanded that Holland stops interfering with the free trade of the sovereign nation of Arabstan.
Lately the smugglers and terrorist organizations started in arming secretly the country, by smuggling in small and medium arms and munitions. This is done by hiding those goods in the trucks and cargo trains, trading and passing through the territory. The border control and screening of the merchandise is not very effective.
But now they discovered a new way of smuggling weapons, by way of shipping it by river. The united German / Dutch and Belgium custom police started intercepting those cargo ships, and after checking their loads, they are allowed to continue their trip, but last week, a huge river boat "Franklin" (under the flag of Liechtenstein) was boarded by the custom police, when nearing the port of Islamabad (Maaseik), and it appeared to carry a huge load of heavy artillery and other military merchandise. Syria has turned to the Security Council of the UN excusing Holland of piracy in International waterways.
The majority of members in the Security Council are likely to vote against the piracy actions of Holland, and only a veto from the USA can save Holland from being judged by the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
It is clear for anybody with a little sense of human rights, that the shameful behaviour of the Dutch and their obvious show of un-fair play that the Dutch will always remain the same brutal criminals and pirates that roamed the oceans and colonized and killed the local natives. The head of a Ghana's prince who was beheaded by the Dutch Colonial Forces, (headed by General Jan Verveer*) has only now sent back for burial in his native land. How disgustingly cruel are those Dutch?
* General Verveer is not related to the writer of this post.
By David Verveer
Arabstan, a fictional mini state situated between Holland and Belgium, which gained independence only several years back and is populated by mainly Islamic workers, and run by a Democratic chosen Islamic coalition of immigrants coming from Arabic countries, who came to Western Europe in a giant Islamic wave of labor forces, and during the second Lebanese war (between Lebanon and Israel) fought for independence and self government, on a small area that is wedged between the two countries.
Ravenstein (as the territory was called before the war of independence) was an independent country, which was illegally conquered by the Dutch after the battle of Waterloo, but which in matter of fact, belonged to the Belgium royal family (see also my former writings on the Ravenstein beauties and Ravenstein revisited).
The region is strategically situated between the giant industrial regions of the German Ruhr, the Dutch Rotterdam and Belgium Antwerp ports, the mines in Belgium's Brabant and Limburg provinces, and is an ideal place to house Islamic labor forces, which enables them to live their own life stile, live under their own religious laws, without aggravating their neighbors with their behaviour.
On it self, the creation of this kind of self governing Bantustan appeared to have solved most of the discrimination in daily live, and if not the threats of terrorism imported by Islamic world terrorist organizations, nearly everybody would be happy with this arrangement. Even the increased smuggling trade of drugs, run by drug lords from the territory, is a cheap price to pay in order to gain a quiet operational environment.
The capital city Maaseik (now renamed Islamabad), a river port on the river Meuse, has grown to a metropolis of 2 million inhabitants, with huge new modern styled neighborhoods, as Arabstan is prospering from its labor force, and even though the income taxes are much lower than those of the neighboring countries, it provides a steady income for the young state.
I know, it sounds all a little bid too perfect, and indeed, according the agreement of the EU, the state of Arabstan has to remain demilitarized and is not allowed to have a standing army and / or weapons, besides of course those needed by the local police. Funny anough the border areas are not save, due to the firing of rockets on the neighboring Dutch town of Roermond on the other bank of the river Meuse (Maas). The official government of Arabstan denies their part in this bombardment, and blames it on the smuggling terrorists. The Dutch government did not reply by shooting back, but pressure on the government is very strong, and we imagine that a punitive military strike by the Dutch is evident, as no civilized country will allow their citizens to be bombarded unpunished. The United Nations assembly requested both sides to solve the dispute in a peaceful manner; the security council demanded that Holland stops interfering with the free trade of the sovereign nation of Arabstan.
Lately the smugglers and terrorist organizations started in arming secretly the country, by smuggling in small and medium arms and munitions. This is done by hiding those goods in the trucks and cargo trains, trading and passing through the territory. The border control and screening of the merchandise is not very effective.
But now they discovered a new way of smuggling weapons, by way of shipping it by river. The united German / Dutch and Belgium custom police started intercepting those cargo ships, and after checking their loads, they are allowed to continue their trip, but last week, a huge river boat "Franklin" (under the flag of Liechtenstein) was boarded by the custom police, when nearing the port of Islamabad (Maaseik), and it appeared to carry a huge load of heavy artillery and other military merchandise. Syria has turned to the Security Council of the UN excusing Holland of piracy in International waterways.
The majority of members in the Security Council are likely to vote against the piracy actions of Holland, and only a veto from the USA can save Holland from being judged by the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
It is clear for anybody with a little sense of human rights, that the shameful behaviour of the Dutch and their obvious show of un-fair play that the Dutch will always remain the same brutal criminals and pirates that roamed the oceans and colonized and killed the local natives. The head of a Ghana's prince who was beheaded by the Dutch Colonial Forces, (headed by General Jan Verveer*) has only now sent back for burial in his native land. How disgustingly cruel are those Dutch?
* General Verveer is not related to the writer of this post.
Monday, November 2, 2009
wat bedoelen ze met extreem rechts?
Wat bedoelen ze met extreem rechts?
Door David Verveer
Ik leef al meer dan 50 jaar buiten Nederland, en nu met de Internet lees ik dagelijks ook de Nederlandse kranten, en meeste artikelen en onderwerpen zijn ongeveer zo als mijn plaatselijke berichtgeving, met interessante artikelen zoals bijvoorbeeld, Jantje Klaassen heeft zijn vrouw vermoord met klappen, omdat ze hem niet meer in bed wou hebben want hij snork in zijn slaap. Op zich zelf, een hartstikke interessante mededeling, die, als je de namen veranderd, ook hier kan gebeuren, en hier vragen ze de buren of ze iets aan hem hadden gemerkt, met antwoorden zoals, altijd een nette jongen, was een beetje driftig, maar nooit op Sabbat, nee hoor, heel netjes, en zijn vrouw had vele vriendjes over de vloer, als hij op werk was, maar ze hadden net een nieuwe auto gekocht, waar kwam dat vandaan, van zijn baantje bij de bus compagnie?
Maar nu schrijven ze bij jullie over die meneer Wilders, die volgens een onderzoek extreem rechts is, en dat begrijp ik niet, in mijn tijd was de KVP rechts, en de CHU met die Freule van Utenwaall tot Stoetwegen, of zo iets, uitersts rechts, en de PvdA links en de communisten extreem links, maar dat is allemaal veranderd, de PvdA vertegenwoordigd niet meer de werkers, is extreem pro Palestijn, terwijl de Volkskrant dat een Katholiek dagblad was, meer links is dan het Parool. Volgens wat ik heb gelezen is Wilders pro Israël en anti Islam, en dan vraag ik me af, of de politieke bestaan omgebouwd is en dat de aannemer de blauwdrukken heeft omgedraaid?
Dr. Willem Drees was links en rood, en bijzonder geliefd bij het gewone volk, is dat nu veranderd?
Het koningshuis met Koningin Juliana was zeer populair, desondanks Prins Bernhard, die niemand vertrouwde. Zijn de Hollanders veranderd?
Vroeger zei men soms, die klere Jood, maar dat was niet netjes en mocht niet, tegenwoordig schreeuwen ze, Hamas, hamas, Joden aan het gas, en dat word niet gestraft, zelfs kamerleden doen daar aan mee.
Mijn vraag is, zijn alle echte linkse mensen bij de PvdA uitgestorven en de echte rechtse aristrocatie CHU geimmigreerd? Wie is wie en waarom is zwart nu op eens wit?
Door David Verveer
Ik leef al meer dan 50 jaar buiten Nederland, en nu met de Internet lees ik dagelijks ook de Nederlandse kranten, en meeste artikelen en onderwerpen zijn ongeveer zo als mijn plaatselijke berichtgeving, met interessante artikelen zoals bijvoorbeeld, Jantje Klaassen heeft zijn vrouw vermoord met klappen, omdat ze hem niet meer in bed wou hebben want hij snork in zijn slaap. Op zich zelf, een hartstikke interessante mededeling, die, als je de namen veranderd, ook hier kan gebeuren, en hier vragen ze de buren of ze iets aan hem hadden gemerkt, met antwoorden zoals, altijd een nette jongen, was een beetje driftig, maar nooit op Sabbat, nee hoor, heel netjes, en zijn vrouw had vele vriendjes over de vloer, als hij op werk was, maar ze hadden net een nieuwe auto gekocht, waar kwam dat vandaan, van zijn baantje bij de bus compagnie?
Maar nu schrijven ze bij jullie over die meneer Wilders, die volgens een onderzoek extreem rechts is, en dat begrijp ik niet, in mijn tijd was de KVP rechts, en de CHU met die Freule van Utenwaall tot Stoetwegen, of zo iets, uitersts rechts, en de PvdA links en de communisten extreem links, maar dat is allemaal veranderd, de PvdA vertegenwoordigd niet meer de werkers, is extreem pro Palestijn, terwijl de Volkskrant dat een Katholiek dagblad was, meer links is dan het Parool. Volgens wat ik heb gelezen is Wilders pro Israël en anti Islam, en dan vraag ik me af, of de politieke bestaan omgebouwd is en dat de aannemer de blauwdrukken heeft omgedraaid?
Dr. Willem Drees was links en rood, en bijzonder geliefd bij het gewone volk, is dat nu veranderd?
Het koningshuis met Koningin Juliana was zeer populair, desondanks Prins Bernhard, die niemand vertrouwde. Zijn de Hollanders veranderd?
Vroeger zei men soms, die klere Jood, maar dat was niet netjes en mocht niet, tegenwoordig schreeuwen ze, Hamas, hamas, Joden aan het gas, en dat word niet gestraft, zelfs kamerleden doen daar aan mee.
Mijn vraag is, zijn alle echte linkse mensen bij de PvdA uitgestorven en de echte rechtse aristrocatie CHU geimmigreerd? Wie is wie en waarom is zwart nu op eens wit?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
My roll model and hero
My roll model and hero
By David Verveer
He was born with the fragile X syndrome, a condition which can develop in mental disorders including conditions rather similar to Autism, and indeed as child he was faulty diagnosed as slightly autistic, and sent to a nursery school for children with behavioral problems. But his mother (and grand parents) did not give up on him and with numerous educational treatments and disbelieve in what the experts predicted, he slowly but surely, showed signs of recovering and turning into a normal (and even gifted child). When 6 years old he enrolled a normal primary school, with after school counseling of an educational expert who with her enormous patience and love, made sure that he remained at the mental development level of his class mates, and indeed, not only because this tutoring but also with the high IQ he managed to become a good student.
No money was spared to provide him with all possible educational activities such as swimming (do deal with autistic tendencies), horse riding, and numerous other costly activities, but all this had a positive improvement on his live and behavior patterns.
In the mean time, he had to encountered many personal catastrophes, his father died of cancer when he was three years old, his mother re-married 3 years later, a new father who loved and really cared for him, but also he was killed in a road accident and when only 9 years old, he was again fatherless, but with a small but important difference, he now also had a kid brother, and even though he lost the status of being the only worry of the extended family, he managed very well in the function of big caring brother.
He finished the primary school, and was selected for a special program named "excellence" for children who are good students, with a target of giving them the opportunity of combining high school with university, and today, only 16 years old, high school and university student, sportsman and the star of the family, even though, sometimes his brother (who was not effected by the fragile X syndrome) steals sometimes the limelight.
The reason I am writing all this is, is to show what one can do with patience, love and determination, the doctors in their wisdom, do not know the possibilities of a human mind, specially not when dealing with relatively unknown syndromes such as the fragile X syndrome, their definition, that most likely nothing could be done, and that his entire life, he would require special attention, was totally mistaken, true that love and support are still very important but he is the living proof that one should never give up on anyone.
O yes, as small child he was very quiet, now he doesn't shut up for a moment, makes a lot of noise, and has set opinions over nearly everything, but there are no perfect presents. He is and will always be my roll model and hero.
By David Verveer
He was born with the fragile X syndrome, a condition which can develop in mental disorders including conditions rather similar to Autism, and indeed as child he was faulty diagnosed as slightly autistic, and sent to a nursery school for children with behavioral problems. But his mother (and grand parents) did not give up on him and with numerous educational treatments and disbelieve in what the experts predicted, he slowly but surely, showed signs of recovering and turning into a normal (and even gifted child). When 6 years old he enrolled a normal primary school, with after school counseling of an educational expert who with her enormous patience and love, made sure that he remained at the mental development level of his class mates, and indeed, not only because this tutoring but also with the high IQ he managed to become a good student.
No money was spared to provide him with all possible educational activities such as swimming (do deal with autistic tendencies), horse riding, and numerous other costly activities, but all this had a positive improvement on his live and behavior patterns.
In the mean time, he had to encountered many personal catastrophes, his father died of cancer when he was three years old, his mother re-married 3 years later, a new father who loved and really cared for him, but also he was killed in a road accident and when only 9 years old, he was again fatherless, but with a small but important difference, he now also had a kid brother, and even though he lost the status of being the only worry of the extended family, he managed very well in the function of big caring brother.
He finished the primary school, and was selected for a special program named "excellence" for children who are good students, with a target of giving them the opportunity of combining high school with university, and today, only 16 years old, high school and university student, sportsman and the star of the family, even though, sometimes his brother (who was not effected by the fragile X syndrome) steals sometimes the limelight.
The reason I am writing all this is, is to show what one can do with patience, love and determination, the doctors in their wisdom, do not know the possibilities of a human mind, specially not when dealing with relatively unknown syndromes such as the fragile X syndrome, their definition, that most likely nothing could be done, and that his entire life, he would require special attention, was totally mistaken, true that love and support are still very important but he is the living proof that one should never give up on anyone.
O yes, as small child he was very quiet, now he doesn't shut up for a moment, makes a lot of noise, and has set opinions over nearly everything, but there are no perfect presents. He is and will always be my roll model and hero.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
stop worrying, enjoy yourselves!
By David Verveer
We Israelis are not fooling ourselves, we know that a next war (campaign is a more suitable indication) is imminent, irrelevant who is to blame, our hawkish government or the terrorist regimes bordering with Israel or regaining power in the Palestine Authority Western Bank. A peaceful solution, what every normal person wants and dreams about will not have sufficient pressure to retain and tip the scales from war and chaos to living in harmony.
The last effective leaders who could have caused such evolution were Yitzchak Rabin, the king Husain of Jordan and Anwar Sadat from Egypt. But those heroes were slain by extremist nationals or died from cancer. Their removal from the political scene became a dire warning to the current politicians and leaders, which sounds something like this: don't even try to make peace, nobody believes in it and nobody will back you on this, be happy and make war (but make speeches and dramatic pleas for peace, in order to get some World PR).
Don't get me wrong, most (literate) citizens in the Middle East want peace and get on with life, and certainly do not want another skirmish which demands sacrifices and innocent deaths, but on the other hand, we do not take our future in our own hands, we rely on others to decide on war and peace. Is Israel, with a relative democratic election system, and with our Arab neighbors, a mixed autocratic and dictatorial semi democratic system, which provides power on both fronts to extremists and nationalists, who do not believe in giving any space for the opponent, and see only their own narrow point of view as a God given aims.
It is a question of time, until a massive terrorist act or kidnap causes the next flare of war, or a preventive action thought necessary by our current leaders, in order to prevent nuclear power to the Ayatollahs is Iran, not that this will change anything, just the opposite, it will encourage the Anti Israel campaigners worldwide (specially due to Europe's and USA depending on the Arab oil and the growing Islam power in Europe. Sounds pessimistic, doesn't it? But that is not my purpose, "ADRABA" we would say in Hebrew, which is an original Aramaic word which means something like "just instead of this", as I believe that we have to make the best of the time we spend on this earth, if we, unlike our neighboring Slavic and Hellenic cultures, enjoy and celebrate tragedies, but bless everyday we have left without murder and bloodshed.
In my opinion it does not make sense to celebrate the catastrophic paste, but believe we should concentrate on making the best of today, even more, I would suggest, let us forget about the tragedies of the past, stop blaming everybody else, instead be patient with your co-players on earth, even when you think, their way of live stinks and is totally wrong.
I have a feeling that my feelings and attitude to life is shared by many Israelis, who started to go out in the evenings, make trips and enjoy holidays, even risk some financial difficulties, only to enjoy the day. It doesn't make sense to cry on calamities in future, just like those of the past. One thing we have to remember, we live today, what happens tomorrow is still far away, what happened yesterday is like spilled milk.
I hate questions such as, what will we do if……., I have no idea, and only when playing chess you should worry and find solutions for the next five moves, but in real live, this does not make sense, as nobody can prophesize the future, and believe me that is a good thing.
Take for example, the doomsday warning every autumn on a possible draught year without sufficient precipitation to replenish our annual water shortage, crying about it, will not help at all, the only solution are desalination plants, the technology is there, the money can be found, but nobody cuts the Gordian knot, because perhaps the coming year we have a blessed year with lots of rain. And instead of crying on spoiled milk, with spoilt water is the case entirely different, we are able to recycle all waste water and use it in agriculture, no drop has to stream to the sea, we have the know-how. We sell it worldwide, but like anything else, the Sandler goes bare feet, it is easier to tax the citizen with huge water bills, than setting up treatment and desalination plants solving the problem for now and in the future.
But such nonsense is not only here in Israel, but worldwide, especially with the hoax of Global warming and the restrictions on CO2, again like with water, we have the solutions by using air pollution free energy solutions, but don't punish the poor, cut of their cheap food supply by using cereals in order to produce methanol, that will make some crooks rich, but doesn't solve anything.
But again, you and I do not have the power to change anything, or put the world in the correct direction, and nobody will be thankful for our suffering in order to save the world, just the opposite, our descendents will judge us as fighters against windmills and will ask, why did they not enjoy their lives as much as possible, and I have no answer other than promising to try my utmost to have a nice day, wishing you the same,
David Verveer
We Israelis are not fooling ourselves, we know that a next war (campaign is a more suitable indication) is imminent, irrelevant who is to blame, our hawkish government or the terrorist regimes bordering with Israel or regaining power in the Palestine Authority Western Bank. A peaceful solution, what every normal person wants and dreams about will not have sufficient pressure to retain and tip the scales from war and chaos to living in harmony.
The last effective leaders who could have caused such evolution were Yitzchak Rabin, the king Husain of Jordan and Anwar Sadat from Egypt. But those heroes were slain by extremist nationals or died from cancer. Their removal from the political scene became a dire warning to the current politicians and leaders, which sounds something like this: don't even try to make peace, nobody believes in it and nobody will back you on this, be happy and make war (but make speeches and dramatic pleas for peace, in order to get some World PR).
Don't get me wrong, most (literate) citizens in the Middle East want peace and get on with life, and certainly do not want another skirmish which demands sacrifices and innocent deaths, but on the other hand, we do not take our future in our own hands, we rely on others to decide on war and peace. Is Israel, with a relative democratic election system, and with our Arab neighbors, a mixed autocratic and dictatorial semi democratic system, which provides power on both fronts to extremists and nationalists, who do not believe in giving any space for the opponent, and see only their own narrow point of view as a God given aims.
It is a question of time, until a massive terrorist act or kidnap causes the next flare of war, or a preventive action thought necessary by our current leaders, in order to prevent nuclear power to the Ayatollahs is Iran, not that this will change anything, just the opposite, it will encourage the Anti Israel campaigners worldwide (specially due to Europe's and USA depending on the Arab oil and the growing Islam power in Europe. Sounds pessimistic, doesn't it? But that is not my purpose, "ADRABA" we would say in Hebrew, which is an original Aramaic word which means something like "just instead of this", as I believe that we have to make the best of the time we spend on this earth, if we, unlike our neighboring Slavic and Hellenic cultures, enjoy and celebrate tragedies, but bless everyday we have left without murder and bloodshed.
In my opinion it does not make sense to celebrate the catastrophic paste, but believe we should concentrate on making the best of today, even more, I would suggest, let us forget about the tragedies of the past, stop blaming everybody else, instead be patient with your co-players on earth, even when you think, their way of live stinks and is totally wrong.
I have a feeling that my feelings and attitude to life is shared by many Israelis, who started to go out in the evenings, make trips and enjoy holidays, even risk some financial difficulties, only to enjoy the day. It doesn't make sense to cry on calamities in future, just like those of the past. One thing we have to remember, we live today, what happens tomorrow is still far away, what happened yesterday is like spilled milk.
I hate questions such as, what will we do if……., I have no idea, and only when playing chess you should worry and find solutions for the next five moves, but in real live, this does not make sense, as nobody can prophesize the future, and believe me that is a good thing.
Take for example, the doomsday warning every autumn on a possible draught year without sufficient precipitation to replenish our annual water shortage, crying about it, will not help at all, the only solution are desalination plants, the technology is there, the money can be found, but nobody cuts the Gordian knot, because perhaps the coming year we have a blessed year with lots of rain. And instead of crying on spoiled milk, with spoilt water is the case entirely different, we are able to recycle all waste water and use it in agriculture, no drop has to stream to the sea, we have the know-how. We sell it worldwide, but like anything else, the Sandler goes bare feet, it is easier to tax the citizen with huge water bills, than setting up treatment and desalination plants solving the problem for now and in the future.
But such nonsense is not only here in Israel, but worldwide, especially with the hoax of Global warming and the restrictions on CO2, again like with water, we have the solutions by using air pollution free energy solutions, but don't punish the poor, cut of their cheap food supply by using cereals in order to produce methanol, that will make some crooks rich, but doesn't solve anything.
But again, you and I do not have the power to change anything, or put the world in the correct direction, and nobody will be thankful for our suffering in order to save the world, just the opposite, our descendents will judge us as fighters against windmills and will ask, why did they not enjoy their lives as much as possible, and I have no answer other than promising to try my utmost to have a nice day, wishing you the same,
David Verveer
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
alte sachen
Alte Sachen, Alte Sachen
By David Verveer
The mid morning silence was abruptly disturbed by the cry of the Palestinian waste collector touring our city's streets with an old truck or a donkey towed wagon.
His cry for Alte Sachen (old stuff) is a tradition from the old days, more than 80 years ago, when traders were buying old furniture and utensils, which they cleaned, repaired and sold to the new Jewish immigrants, who had just arrived and did not possess any furniture, pans or pots, as they had fled with only the clothes on their backs, from all places in the Diaspora, in order to find a new life in Palestine (a British mandate) and later on (1948) in the young country Israel.
In historic days, these collectors / sellers were a blessing; they were the only available option for a kitchen table, a bed, an old wireless radio, frames for pictures, cupboards or a toilet bowl or anything else you needed.
The collector would not sell anything on the street, but if you were searching for something special, he would say that he might know somebody who could help you, and after a few days he would bring you the requested article, cleaned and polished, in perfect working conditions, just like new. Another place to look for second hand equipment would be the flee market, were you could (and still can) find anything you need.
But why the Palestinian waste collector calls out his cry in Yiddish, is due to the fact that he, the peddler doesn't speak Hebrew or Yiddish, and he simply continues the traditional peddler cry, like the Jewish peddlers of the old days. I don't know, if he realizes at all that his cry is in Yiddish and not in Hebrew.
These Palestinians do live on the other side of the green border, between Israel and the Palestinian authority. There, the families are big, generally more than ten children per family, and the relative poverty (in comparison with the Israelis), makes the second hand merchandise with attractive prices, a flowering business. To get rid of your old bed, furniture, Frigidaire or TV set in Israel will cost you disposal money, while selling it to the Alte Sachen, you might get paid, based on your capability of arguing about the price, but remember, they are professionals and you a simple amateur.
But for some, the cry of Alte Sachen sounds an insult, reminding them of their age, but they shouldn't be worried, nobody will be paying, to have them.
By David Verveer
The mid morning silence was abruptly disturbed by the cry of the Palestinian waste collector touring our city's streets with an old truck or a donkey towed wagon.
His cry for Alte Sachen (old stuff) is a tradition from the old days, more than 80 years ago, when traders were buying old furniture and utensils, which they cleaned, repaired and sold to the new Jewish immigrants, who had just arrived and did not possess any furniture, pans or pots, as they had fled with only the clothes on their backs, from all places in the Diaspora, in order to find a new life in Palestine (a British mandate) and later on (1948) in the young country Israel.
In historic days, these collectors / sellers were a blessing; they were the only available option for a kitchen table, a bed, an old wireless radio, frames for pictures, cupboards or a toilet bowl or anything else you needed.
The collector would not sell anything on the street, but if you were searching for something special, he would say that he might know somebody who could help you, and after a few days he would bring you the requested article, cleaned and polished, in perfect working conditions, just like new. Another place to look for second hand equipment would be the flee market, were you could (and still can) find anything you need.
But why the Palestinian waste collector calls out his cry in Yiddish, is due to the fact that he, the peddler doesn't speak Hebrew or Yiddish, and he simply continues the traditional peddler cry, like the Jewish peddlers of the old days. I don't know, if he realizes at all that his cry is in Yiddish and not in Hebrew.
These Palestinians do live on the other side of the green border, between Israel and the Palestinian authority. There, the families are big, generally more than ten children per family, and the relative poverty (in comparison with the Israelis), makes the second hand merchandise with attractive prices, a flowering business. To get rid of your old bed, furniture, Frigidaire or TV set in Israel will cost you disposal money, while selling it to the Alte Sachen, you might get paid, based on your capability of arguing about the price, but remember, they are professionals and you a simple amateur.
But for some, the cry of Alte Sachen sounds an insult, reminding them of their age, but they shouldn't be worried, nobody will be paying, to have them.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Why do you prefer to see bloody scenes?
By David Verveer
The World press is daily filled with articles dealing with the violence in the Middle East, and funny anough the enormous quantity of information about our region fails to mention that normal people live here, who besides warring and terror, try to live like ordinary people, and our daily routine is almost similar to that of any citizen in the modern world.
I have written several times on the integration here in Israel, not only between the very different origins of the Jewish population, but also the mingling in daily lives of Arab, Bedouin and Druze minorities with the Jewish citizens. Of course, there is discrimination (the facto), but officially this is rarely seen on the street and in the daily relationship between ordinary people of all faiths and origin.
Here in Israel, people who want to wear tribal, religious or modern clothing are allowed to do this without any restriction. I visited last week the Bar Ilan University and noticed the many types of attire, from Arab girls with headdress, Ultra religious Jewish girls, modest dressed and head covered, beatniks, Arab men with Kafiah, Chasidic Jews with typical Polish 18 century clothing, men in short trousers, with or without skullcap, girls dressed in mini, etc.
Nobody was bothered what his neighbor wore, you can see them sitting together on the lawn, discussing the latest lecture, a totally mixed crowd, facts the foreign press won't cover, but can be seen daily in our society.
What does this mean? Could it be that the Middle Eastern conflict is artificially kept burning by the extremists on all sides (and believe me, there are thousands variations in political thoughts, not only divided by religion and origin, but also by greed, power and manipulation).
Let us take for example the Temple mount in Jerusalem, a holy place for three religions, the Jews, Christians and Islam. Wars are fought around this small area of real estate, people visit it on pilgrimage, youth are sacrificed by extreme groupings, in order to fight the holy war in trying to conquer this collection of stones of ancient buildings, declared holy based on legends, dreams and uncertainty.
Mohammad visited the site in his dream and tied his horse on the temple mount, Isaac tried to kill his son Jacob (or the other way round, who cares) on the same spot, Moses never was allowed near it, a local despot with Jewish traces of blood, by the name of Herod (the great) rebuilt the temple on the same spot (but nobody can prove that story), which was destroyed by the Romans, leaving a wall as central place for the Jews to pray, (which helps us like talking to a wall). Jesus, a nice Jewish boy got annoyed with the temple priests making money from the pilgrims (something similar to the traders of the old city nowadays. The Romans, wary of the troublesome Jews crucified Jesus (a fact that somehow is forgotten, as the Jews are blamed for this).
But this makes the temple mount also holy for the Christian faiths and sects, which fight each other bitterly, clearly indicating that possessing the site is a blessing in disguise. But no local politician has the courage to admit it, it would be the end of his career.
In the mean time, for most days of the year the place is visited by people of all faiths, under the condition that the Jewish pilgrims don't pray on the Temple mount, as that endangers the foundation of the El Agsa Mosque, moving your lips, or swaying your body in trance, will mean immediate removal from the Temple Mount, but also the Jews are restricted in walking around on the Temple Mount, as they might walk on the place were in the past the holy of holiest chamber of the temple was situated, where only the high priest was allowed to enter.
I am not joking, this is serious, and this is in the 21 century. But on the site of this, Palestinian peddlers, Christian priests, Pilgrims from al over the world, Jews of all kinds, from hyper fanatic to free as a bird, crowd the streets in relative harmony, until some terrorist longing for 73 (I might be mistaken on the correct number, which being alive, I can not check in person) virgins explode himself in those crowds, or attacks an Israeli soldier with a kitchen knife, an event which would be mentioned on the inner pages of the daily, if it happened in Rotterdam, but when it happens in Jerusalem, it reaches the breaking news on the CNN and Fox news, (a question which also bothers me, if, the above mentioned large number of virgins, are also dead or still alive, and what does the slain hero do with so many virgins?).
What I am trying to say, is that all those high lighted events of the Middle East are kept alive by the media, who have their permanent resident correspondent on the spot, who can put some action in the paper, almost in the same time that it happened, sometimes even a little bid before, with pictures and explanations, dying children, blood (nice to put a camel on the background, and an Arab Sheikh with a Kalashnikov automatic rifle, and please do not forget the smoke).
The average American or European reader has no idea that Afghanistan and the Taliban are far away from Israel and Palestine, with only Muslims and camels connecting the two warzones, Iraq and Iran have no borders with Israel and Palestine, Somali is even on another continent, not to mention Morocco and Tunis, but who cares, don't spoil the fun, the Middle East is an hell hole, and don't try to convince me otherwise.
I would like to read and write stories about normal people, living a normal live, amusing meetings between people of different origins, who, in the end, are normal like you, but that seems not to interest you, you want to see blood, and the Middle East is for you, what were the games for the Romans in history, from which the bull fights are a left over.
The World press is daily filled with articles dealing with the violence in the Middle East, and funny anough the enormous quantity of information about our region fails to mention that normal people live here, who besides warring and terror, try to live like ordinary people, and our daily routine is almost similar to that of any citizen in the modern world.
I have written several times on the integration here in Israel, not only between the very different origins of the Jewish population, but also the mingling in daily lives of Arab, Bedouin and Druze minorities with the Jewish citizens. Of course, there is discrimination (the facto), but officially this is rarely seen on the street and in the daily relationship between ordinary people of all faiths and origin.
Here in Israel, people who want to wear tribal, religious or modern clothing are allowed to do this without any restriction. I visited last week the Bar Ilan University and noticed the many types of attire, from Arab girls with headdress, Ultra religious Jewish girls, modest dressed and head covered, beatniks, Arab men with Kafiah, Chasidic Jews with typical Polish 18 century clothing, men in short trousers, with or without skullcap, girls dressed in mini, etc.
Nobody was bothered what his neighbor wore, you can see them sitting together on the lawn, discussing the latest lecture, a totally mixed crowd, facts the foreign press won't cover, but can be seen daily in our society.
What does this mean? Could it be that the Middle Eastern conflict is artificially kept burning by the extremists on all sides (and believe me, there are thousands variations in political thoughts, not only divided by religion and origin, but also by greed, power and manipulation).
Let us take for example the Temple mount in Jerusalem, a holy place for three religions, the Jews, Christians and Islam. Wars are fought around this small area of real estate, people visit it on pilgrimage, youth are sacrificed by extreme groupings, in order to fight the holy war in trying to conquer this collection of stones of ancient buildings, declared holy based on legends, dreams and uncertainty.
Mohammad visited the site in his dream and tied his horse on the temple mount, Isaac tried to kill his son Jacob (or the other way round, who cares) on the same spot, Moses never was allowed near it, a local despot with Jewish traces of blood, by the name of Herod (the great) rebuilt the temple on the same spot (but nobody can prove that story), which was destroyed by the Romans, leaving a wall as central place for the Jews to pray, (which helps us like talking to a wall). Jesus, a nice Jewish boy got annoyed with the temple priests making money from the pilgrims (something similar to the traders of the old city nowadays. The Romans, wary of the troublesome Jews crucified Jesus (a fact that somehow is forgotten, as the Jews are blamed for this).
But this makes the temple mount also holy for the Christian faiths and sects, which fight each other bitterly, clearly indicating that possessing the site is a blessing in disguise. But no local politician has the courage to admit it, it would be the end of his career.
In the mean time, for most days of the year the place is visited by people of all faiths, under the condition that the Jewish pilgrims don't pray on the Temple mount, as that endangers the foundation of the El Agsa Mosque, moving your lips, or swaying your body in trance, will mean immediate removal from the Temple Mount, but also the Jews are restricted in walking around on the Temple Mount, as they might walk on the place were in the past the holy of holiest chamber of the temple was situated, where only the high priest was allowed to enter.
I am not joking, this is serious, and this is in the 21 century. But on the site of this, Palestinian peddlers, Christian priests, Pilgrims from al over the world, Jews of all kinds, from hyper fanatic to free as a bird, crowd the streets in relative harmony, until some terrorist longing for 73 (I might be mistaken on the correct number, which being alive, I can not check in person) virgins explode himself in those crowds, or attacks an Israeli soldier with a kitchen knife, an event which would be mentioned on the inner pages of the daily, if it happened in Rotterdam, but when it happens in Jerusalem, it reaches the breaking news on the CNN and Fox news, (a question which also bothers me, if, the above mentioned large number of virgins, are also dead or still alive, and what does the slain hero do with so many virgins?).
What I am trying to say, is that all those high lighted events of the Middle East are kept alive by the media, who have their permanent resident correspondent on the spot, who can put some action in the paper, almost in the same time that it happened, sometimes even a little bid before, with pictures and explanations, dying children, blood (nice to put a camel on the background, and an Arab Sheikh with a Kalashnikov automatic rifle, and please do not forget the smoke).
The average American or European reader has no idea that Afghanistan and the Taliban are far away from Israel and Palestine, with only Muslims and camels connecting the two warzones, Iraq and Iran have no borders with Israel and Palestine, Somali is even on another continent, not to mention Morocco and Tunis, but who cares, don't spoil the fun, the Middle East is an hell hole, and don't try to convince me otherwise.
I would like to read and write stories about normal people, living a normal live, amusing meetings between people of different origins, who, in the end, are normal like you, but that seems not to interest you, you want to see blood, and the Middle East is for you, what were the games for the Romans in history, from which the bull fights are a left over.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
waiter there is a fly in my soup
Waiter, there is a fly in my soup
By David Verveer
The title of this post is slightly misleading, as in my story the fly and the soup did not have any physical contact, nor was a waiter involved, only a manager of the bistro where we dined last Friday night.
The reason for giving this story a misleading name is mainly due to the fact that my friends told me that only stories above the belt are permitted, and as I like to make everybody happy, I replaced the location of button from the Jeans trousers wore by the Owner (or perhaps his representative) from his logical place on the trousers to the fish bowl which our friends consumed.
I need to mention that the food served was excellent and very tasty, the service polite and efficient, but something was very wrong, which spoiled slightly our culinary happiness, because how does one inform, or don't inform the unfortunate manager that the button on his trousers (sometimes called fly) was undone, I don't think there is any nice way to inform him of this unfortunate situation, and I repeat, the food was tasty without any complains.
Of course, when we noticed it for the first time we smiled, but decided to keep quiet; hoping that one of his waiters or waitresses would inform him discretely on his unfortunate attire, but nothing happened, he kept passing our table, we tried not to stare (which is very difficult when you discovered it) hoping that nothing worse would happen, and after having dined, we paid and left, ignoring the critical situation, but I keep on wondering, did we act correctly, was it morally justified to keep quiet? Should we have approached this gentleman and told him to bugle up, or give him a hint, something like, Sir, your necktie button is open, or ask him, if he does not feel the draft, but in our Israeli mingle of population, you never know if sarcasm and hints would be understood, and you might get thrown out the restaurant for insulting the manager on duty.
As I said, the food was excellent, but I don't think we will go back to that place very soon, who knows what might happen next time.
By David Verveer
The title of this post is slightly misleading, as in my story the fly and the soup did not have any physical contact, nor was a waiter involved, only a manager of the bistro where we dined last Friday night.
The reason for giving this story a misleading name is mainly due to the fact that my friends told me that only stories above the belt are permitted, and as I like to make everybody happy, I replaced the location of button from the Jeans trousers wore by the Owner (or perhaps his representative) from his logical place on the trousers to the fish bowl which our friends consumed.
I need to mention that the food served was excellent and very tasty, the service polite and efficient, but something was very wrong, which spoiled slightly our culinary happiness, because how does one inform, or don't inform the unfortunate manager that the button on his trousers (sometimes called fly) was undone, I don't think there is any nice way to inform him of this unfortunate situation, and I repeat, the food was tasty without any complains.
Of course, when we noticed it for the first time we smiled, but decided to keep quiet; hoping that one of his waiters or waitresses would inform him discretely on his unfortunate attire, but nothing happened, he kept passing our table, we tried not to stare (which is very difficult when you discovered it) hoping that nothing worse would happen, and after having dined, we paid and left, ignoring the critical situation, but I keep on wondering, did we act correctly, was it morally justified to keep quiet? Should we have approached this gentleman and told him to bugle up, or give him a hint, something like, Sir, your necktie button is open, or ask him, if he does not feel the draft, but in our Israeli mingle of population, you never know if sarcasm and hints would be understood, and you might get thrown out the restaurant for insulting the manager on duty.
As I said, the food was excellent, but I don't think we will go back to that place very soon, who knows what might happen next time.
Friday, October 23, 2009
From the Robot's point of View

From the Robot's point of view
By David Verveer
In the United Robot daily, a newspaper published for the robots of our time, I found this disturbing article: "Humanoids are the biggest polluters on earth".
The article is written by a chief scientific robot, built by the M.I.T. robot lab, named Robot "Ynot".
Ynot writes in his essay, published in cyberspace, that after close observation of the behavior of the human species, he came to the conclusion that men will eventually pollute the earth in such extend that they won't be able to continue to exist on this earth. He provide many samples of those polluting actions, some caused by over population, some due to extreme stupid behavior of mankind (like reduction of carbon dioxide, which is required by the fauna, in order to grow), but the main culprit is the lack of clean potable water, needed to allow life of any kind.
He explained in his article, that in the early twenty firth century, irresponsible humanoids started producing artificial energy based on turning grains into fuel, which caused overall famine and death all over the African and Asian continent, as this fuel caused steep rising of food prices, placing it outside the possibility of poor humans to survive, which on itself was of course a good cause, as humans are unnecessary since the creation of the new types of plasma fueled robots.
But Ynot continues to claim that humanoids, even after dying, manage to pollute the aquifer (groundwater) by decaying in the ground, causing seepage into the dwindling water sources. Today, any standard robot is capable to replace at least a complete family cell, which requires proper dwelling conditions, food transport and disgusting human habits such as sex, schooling and democracy, items which any low and old fashioned specie of robot does not need.
True, there are features humanoids can perform better than robots, such as living and caring, pity they can not be recycled like robots, but think on the mess they make as domestic pets.
He concludes in his learned essay, by suggesting an area quota for humanoids, which should be internationally controlled through wisely distribution of drugs to those stupid humans (drugs kill humans in a friendly environment
Of course Ynot's essay created enormous quantities of talkbacks, mostly written by robots, which through construction faults are partly humanized and claim to have feelings. Surprisingly, also some humans entered the discussion, trying to justify their existence, but these letters were rather comic, as every average robot knows that humans are hopeless and a complete creation failure.
Our book keeping between love and hate
By David Verveer
Like all normal people, the average Israeli has his list of people and ideals he hates versus a list of those he supports or loves. An European has the same problem, but the difference with the average Israeli, that his hate / love relations are less extreme, more in the type of TV armchair relation , than a idealistic fight with your neighbors and family on your convictions.
It is relative simple to choose sides, but when these opinions start to argue between them selves, the poor Israeli will have a sure identity crisis, as all these slogans and ideals will affect his direct live, and his conscience.
I will try to bring you some examples of the internal conflicts of the average Israeli, who of course supports justice to the Palestinians, but opposes their policy of terrorism to achieve it. We hate torture of prisoners, but if this will be the key in order to safe innocent victims from terrorist acts, we leave the decision to the officers in charge, as it looks different from there than here (a citation of Ariel Sharon).
We support the right of return of Jews (based on their biblical rights of 2000 year in the Diaspora, but oppose the right of return of local Palestinians, whose birthrights date only from 1948. We declare any unfriendly comments about the Jews and Israelis anti-Semitism, even when uttered by Muslim Semites such as our Palestinian cousins.
I could go on like this for a long time, but you gather my point, we live in a controversy based on a primitive survival policy, which many times looks to the outsider as inconsiderate and unfair to our neighbors but in our eyes, a form of defense and existence.
But it is even worse when we talk about our internal strives, fights and ideals from the more extremist Jews such as the zealots in Jerusalem, Hebron and, the hilltop idealists, the settlers, the ultra religious (both Arab and Jews), the rightists, the centralists, the Jewish anti Zionists, and in short, all those horrible people who do not agree with my own holy point of view, and when I think of it, only a very view think about it, just in the same way as I do, but naturally other thinkers are entirely wrong, only my way is correct.
We jump in the pen when we read a comment which opposes Israeli actions or ideas from an outsider, but when an ignorant Israeli Politician, who has the stupidity not to be on my side, writes an anti my stand article or speech, I will attack him viciously, I am allowed, I am an insider, the non Jew outside is however not allowed to interfere, and don't even dare to quote me on this, because automatically I will shout, that my words are wrongly interpreted, I meant something entirely different, but you as outsider wont understand it, nobody understand us, we are alone, everybody is against the Jews, etc..
When having said and admitted all this, I have to emphasize a few facts (in my opinion axioms) that we Israeli have the same right to live in our conquered stroke of semi desert, without having to fight non stop wars with the millions of Arabs surrounding us. There does not exist a fair war, (the purpose of warring is killing and disabling the enemy) and if you do not win, and do not use all the might you have, you have no right to survive, accusing Israel of using disproportional power is stupid and unreal, just like accusing Israel of war crimes, fighting terrorist criminals bombing Israeli towns for 8 years on the row. Allowing the Palestinians the right of return, after 80 years, is just like committing suicide, but all this, you Europeans know, but what can you do, you need the oil, which is in the hands of the Arabs, justice for Israel versus the comfort of driving your car, is an unfair comparison, because after all, we love everybody, but specially our own self, sounds harsh, but my dear reader, the fact of life.
Like all normal people, the average Israeli has his list of people and ideals he hates versus a list of those he supports or loves. An European has the same problem, but the difference with the average Israeli, that his hate / love relations are less extreme, more in the type of TV armchair relation , than a idealistic fight with your neighbors and family on your convictions.
It is relative simple to choose sides, but when these opinions start to argue between them selves, the poor Israeli will have a sure identity crisis, as all these slogans and ideals will affect his direct live, and his conscience.
I will try to bring you some examples of the internal conflicts of the average Israeli, who of course supports justice to the Palestinians, but opposes their policy of terrorism to achieve it. We hate torture of prisoners, but if this will be the key in order to safe innocent victims from terrorist acts, we leave the decision to the officers in charge, as it looks different from there than here (a citation of Ariel Sharon).
We support the right of return of Jews (based on their biblical rights of 2000 year in the Diaspora, but oppose the right of return of local Palestinians, whose birthrights date only from 1948. We declare any unfriendly comments about the Jews and Israelis anti-Semitism, even when uttered by Muslim Semites such as our Palestinian cousins.
I could go on like this for a long time, but you gather my point, we live in a controversy based on a primitive survival policy, which many times looks to the outsider as inconsiderate and unfair to our neighbors but in our eyes, a form of defense and existence.
But it is even worse when we talk about our internal strives, fights and ideals from the more extremist Jews such as the zealots in Jerusalem, Hebron and, the hilltop idealists, the settlers, the ultra religious (both Arab and Jews), the rightists, the centralists, the Jewish anti Zionists, and in short, all those horrible people who do not agree with my own holy point of view, and when I think of it, only a very view think about it, just in the same way as I do, but naturally other thinkers are entirely wrong, only my way is correct.
We jump in the pen when we read a comment which opposes Israeli actions or ideas from an outsider, but when an ignorant Israeli Politician, who has the stupidity not to be on my side, writes an anti my stand article or speech, I will attack him viciously, I am allowed, I am an insider, the non Jew outside is however not allowed to interfere, and don't even dare to quote me on this, because automatically I will shout, that my words are wrongly interpreted, I meant something entirely different, but you as outsider wont understand it, nobody understand us, we are alone, everybody is against the Jews, etc..
When having said and admitted all this, I have to emphasize a few facts (in my opinion axioms) that we Israeli have the same right to live in our conquered stroke of semi desert, without having to fight non stop wars with the millions of Arabs surrounding us. There does not exist a fair war, (the purpose of warring is killing and disabling the enemy) and if you do not win, and do not use all the might you have, you have no right to survive, accusing Israel of using disproportional power is stupid and unreal, just like accusing Israel of war crimes, fighting terrorist criminals bombing Israeli towns for 8 years on the row. Allowing the Palestinians the right of return, after 80 years, is just like committing suicide, but all this, you Europeans know, but what can you do, you need the oil, which is in the hands of the Arabs, justice for Israel versus the comfort of driving your car, is an unfair comparison, because after all, we love everybody, but specially our own self, sounds harsh, but my dear reader, the fact of life.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Er was eens in een heel ver land .........
Door David Verveer
En zo als de sprookjes gaan, beginnen we met te vertellen dat in een heel ver land (ver van wat, bijvoorbeeld Israël?) was er een man, die aan ernstige geestelijke complexen leed, en daar het nummer van complexen groter was dan 10, maakten hij elke morgen een mentale oefening om te zien of hij al zijn aandoeningen nog had.
Om te zien dat hij er geen een had vergeten, had hij een nummer gegeven aan elk complex, bij voorbeeld, kleptomanie was nummer 6, hoogmoed waanzin nummer 8, angst voor vliegen (niet de insecten maar vliegtuigen) nummer 3, nummer 12 was een Oedipus complex en zelfs een nieuwe aandoening ( nummer 17) die men genaamd heeft als etnische eigenwaan (in Latijns “waningisme” dat komt van de Nederlandse onderzoeker die deze afwijking heeft ontdekt).
De arme man, elke dag voor dat hij een kopje koffie (cafeïne vrij) dronk, moest hij aan al zijn aandoeningen denken, en op een slechte morgen (iedereen heeft zulke morgens, wanneer alles fout gaat), kon de zielenpoot de laatste en nieuwste complex niet herinneren, nummer 17 zei hem niets, zenuwachtig begon hij te zoeken, nam zelfs een medisch woordenboek, maar nee, hij kon er niet opkomen, wat in hemelsnaam nummer 17 was. In wanhoop belde hij zijn psychiater, maar de rotzak was op zijn kosten (zo dacht hij) op vakantie naar Israël, hij dacht even om hem optebellen naar de dokter zijn mobieltje, een telefoon nummer die onze vriend in zijn portemonnee altijd mee droeg, maar was bang dat het gesprek hem veel geld zou gaan kosten, en een van de complexen die hij had was nummer 2 (zuinigheid / spaarzaamheid / zonde van het geld complex), dus bellen was uit gesloten.
De man voelde zich doodziek en eenzaam, zonder dat iemand hem kon helpen, hij voelde te gerecht dat zijn mensen rechten waren beschadigd, daarvoor had hij zijn hele leven ziekte verzekering betaald, en nu, in een crisis, was er niemand die hem kon helpen, radeloos besloot hij niet in de internet , zijn dagelijkse wijsheden te verspreiden, en een aspirientje te nemen, en te proberen om het af te slapen, maar de man kon zijn ei niet vinden, bleef woelen in zijn bed, kon niet in slaap vallen. Om kort te gaan, onze held heeft nu een nieuw complex, wat in technische termen men nu achtienites heeft genaamd,, en handelt met het complex , wat in hemelsnaam is nummer zeventien.
Er is geen moraal in dit sprookje, alhoewel veel mensen nemen zich zelf te serieus, hebben weinig begrip voor humeur en sarcasme, en hebben een denkbeeldig beton blok die het door dringen van nieuwe en andere ideeën niet laat , het kan zijn dat dit ook een nieuw complex gaat worden, die men in de volksmond (ben de tel kwijt) gaat noemen.
Ik wens U geestelijke gezondheid en neem het leven niet zo serieus,
mvg (betekend meer vogel gezang)
Uw vriend
Deze post draag ik op aan mijn goede vriend Robert van Waning, die altijd klaar was om op mijn fouten te wijzen, met wijze citaties, knap gelul, en vreselijk veel geduld.
p.s. Iemand die denkt dat ik hier iemand speciaal bedoelt, snap ik niet waar zei deze waanzin vandaan halen.
En zo als de sprookjes gaan, beginnen we met te vertellen dat in een heel ver land (ver van wat, bijvoorbeeld Israël?) was er een man, die aan ernstige geestelijke complexen leed, en daar het nummer van complexen groter was dan 10, maakten hij elke morgen een mentale oefening om te zien of hij al zijn aandoeningen nog had.
Om te zien dat hij er geen een had vergeten, had hij een nummer gegeven aan elk complex, bij voorbeeld, kleptomanie was nummer 6, hoogmoed waanzin nummer 8, angst voor vliegen (niet de insecten maar vliegtuigen) nummer 3, nummer 12 was een Oedipus complex en zelfs een nieuwe aandoening ( nummer 17) die men genaamd heeft als etnische eigenwaan (in Latijns “waningisme” dat komt van de Nederlandse onderzoeker die deze afwijking heeft ontdekt).
De arme man, elke dag voor dat hij een kopje koffie (cafeïne vrij) dronk, moest hij aan al zijn aandoeningen denken, en op een slechte morgen (iedereen heeft zulke morgens, wanneer alles fout gaat), kon de zielenpoot de laatste en nieuwste complex niet herinneren, nummer 17 zei hem niets, zenuwachtig begon hij te zoeken, nam zelfs een medisch woordenboek, maar nee, hij kon er niet opkomen, wat in hemelsnaam nummer 17 was. In wanhoop belde hij zijn psychiater, maar de rotzak was op zijn kosten (zo dacht hij) op vakantie naar Israël, hij dacht even om hem optebellen naar de dokter zijn mobieltje, een telefoon nummer die onze vriend in zijn portemonnee altijd mee droeg, maar was bang dat het gesprek hem veel geld zou gaan kosten, en een van de complexen die hij had was nummer 2 (zuinigheid / spaarzaamheid / zonde van het geld complex), dus bellen was uit gesloten.
De man voelde zich doodziek en eenzaam, zonder dat iemand hem kon helpen, hij voelde te gerecht dat zijn mensen rechten waren beschadigd, daarvoor had hij zijn hele leven ziekte verzekering betaald, en nu, in een crisis, was er niemand die hem kon helpen, radeloos besloot hij niet in de internet , zijn dagelijkse wijsheden te verspreiden, en een aspirientje te nemen, en te proberen om het af te slapen, maar de man kon zijn ei niet vinden, bleef woelen in zijn bed, kon niet in slaap vallen. Om kort te gaan, onze held heeft nu een nieuw complex, wat in technische termen men nu achtienites heeft genaamd,, en handelt met het complex , wat in hemelsnaam is nummer zeventien.
Er is geen moraal in dit sprookje, alhoewel veel mensen nemen zich zelf te serieus, hebben weinig begrip voor humeur en sarcasme, en hebben een denkbeeldig beton blok die het door dringen van nieuwe en andere ideeën niet laat , het kan zijn dat dit ook een nieuw complex gaat worden, die men in de volksmond (ben de tel kwijt) gaat noemen.
Ik wens U geestelijke gezondheid en neem het leven niet zo serieus,
mvg (betekend meer vogel gezang)
Uw vriend
Deze post draag ik op aan mijn goede vriend Robert van Waning, die altijd klaar was om op mijn fouten te wijzen, met wijze citaties, knap gelul, en vreselijk veel geduld.
p.s. Iemand die denkt dat ik hier iemand speciaal bedoelt, snap ik niet waar zei deze waanzin vandaan halen.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
the mad mad world
The mad, mad world!
By David Verveer
I know that I did not discover anything new, when I declared the human population of today, totally mad, hypocritical and blind. I am not angry, nor do I complain, but like to express my amazement on the stupid behaviour of mankind.
Global warming and CO2
Let us assume that there was (not anymore) a slow global warming up, which replaced the slow but sure cooling of the earth, which was accompanied by alarmists which warned us with terrible prophecies about the un-avoidable new ice age, but when suddenly without apparent reason, the globe slowly started a trend of heating, and the same or new alarmists started a hoax about man made global warming, caused by the until then, benevolent CO2 gas, which is a natural fertilizer that makes plants to grow.
These alarmists, backed by business charlatans employed a great band of distinguished scientists, in order to proof their case, on the hand of computer programs, theories and falsification of so called data obtained from surveys and case studies. The leader of this scheme was All Gore, the former vice president of the USA. All Gore made millions in investment schemes in order to produce alternative fuel, made from organic material, especially corn. These bio-fuels actually require much more energy to produce, and need enormous quantities of potable water, of which the earth is running out, but his scheme worked, farmers all over the world started to cultivate corn for methanol, and caused indirectly famine in the third world countries, that are fed and dependant on the surplus corn given them at low prices by the USA and other donor countries.
The oil crisis, based on assumed running out of oil resources, is based on an unproven theory which was utilized by the OPEC countries in order to hike the oil prices, that caused new panic in the Western world, and eventually was the cause of the Iraq war, while careful check of geological data showed no shortage for the next 30 coming years, or even increase on possible supply when new oil fields were discovered in the North Sea, Alaska, etc.
In addition enormous gas wells were discovered which slowly will replace the oil as environmentally friendly energy source.
O yes, before we forget, in the last years, the Globe seamed to have finished its trend in warming, due to a wobbly circulation pattern of our globe around the sun, widening the absolute distance between the two bodies, and started a new pattern of cooling. This has happened during the entire lifespan of the relationship between the globe and the sun, without the so called green house effect caused by cars, industries, and thus we might suspect that CO2 is not the culprit for global heating.
But our world is insane; the UN started imposing limits on CO2 production with fines for countries that produce more CO2 than the UN decided they are allowed to produce. A volcanic eruption, a war or burning of the natural forests, even the oceans produce much more CO2 than all the industries and cars together, and I don't want to claim that cars and industries don't pollute, but that is another problem, and not related.
Incidentally, actually global warming (if it would have occurred) would be beneficial for mankind, it would open new areas for agriculture (like in Greenland and Iceland, which in warmer periods had extensive agriculture), it would increase the natural rainfall, reducing the danger of potable water shortage, it would create new areas for settling and solve the shortage in land for mankind. The danger of rising seas and oceans due to melting icebergs has also proven to be a hoax, as careful measuring with help of satellites, no significant change in water lever could be found.
The stupidity to think that the feeble mankind could influence the climate worldwide and in large extend is based on fairy tales and clever money schemes of un-scrupulous
Crooks, operating in order to maximize their bounty earned through exploitation of the ignorant masses.
Of course, I am not opposed to clean energy sources such as thermal wells, wind mills, solar energy, earth gas or even correct energy obtained from waste treatment, and specially air pollution should be reduced drastically, specially waste to power plants based on advanced technologies such as Plasma torch energy should be developed urgently, but hastily running towards electricity driven cars, without performing a basic study on how to create the electricity and batteries in order to accumulate the electricity needed for this fast growing pollution free fleet of private cars, could mean that we are running into a new hoax, will we not pollute in order to produce this energy?
I support all new solutions to making life easier, but please stop in fooling around, stop in collecting from the poor and pay the rich and don't exploit our ignorance.
By David Verveer
I know that I did not discover anything new, when I declared the human population of today, totally mad, hypocritical and blind. I am not angry, nor do I complain, but like to express my amazement on the stupid behaviour of mankind.
Global warming and CO2
Let us assume that there was (not anymore) a slow global warming up, which replaced the slow but sure cooling of the earth, which was accompanied by alarmists which warned us with terrible prophecies about the un-avoidable new ice age, but when suddenly without apparent reason, the globe slowly started a trend of heating, and the same or new alarmists started a hoax about man made global warming, caused by the until then, benevolent CO2 gas, which is a natural fertilizer that makes plants to grow.
These alarmists, backed by business charlatans employed a great band of distinguished scientists, in order to proof their case, on the hand of computer programs, theories and falsification of so called data obtained from surveys and case studies. The leader of this scheme was All Gore, the former vice president of the USA. All Gore made millions in investment schemes in order to produce alternative fuel, made from organic material, especially corn. These bio-fuels actually require much more energy to produce, and need enormous quantities of potable water, of which the earth is running out, but his scheme worked, farmers all over the world started to cultivate corn for methanol, and caused indirectly famine in the third world countries, that are fed and dependant on the surplus corn given them at low prices by the USA and other donor countries.
The oil crisis, based on assumed running out of oil resources, is based on an unproven theory which was utilized by the OPEC countries in order to hike the oil prices, that caused new panic in the Western world, and eventually was the cause of the Iraq war, while careful check of geological data showed no shortage for the next 30 coming years, or even increase on possible supply when new oil fields were discovered in the North Sea, Alaska, etc.
In addition enormous gas wells were discovered which slowly will replace the oil as environmentally friendly energy source.
O yes, before we forget, in the last years, the Globe seamed to have finished its trend in warming, due to a wobbly circulation pattern of our globe around the sun, widening the absolute distance between the two bodies, and started a new pattern of cooling. This has happened during the entire lifespan of the relationship between the globe and the sun, without the so called green house effect caused by cars, industries, and thus we might suspect that CO2 is not the culprit for global heating.
But our world is insane; the UN started imposing limits on CO2 production with fines for countries that produce more CO2 than the UN decided they are allowed to produce. A volcanic eruption, a war or burning of the natural forests, even the oceans produce much more CO2 than all the industries and cars together, and I don't want to claim that cars and industries don't pollute, but that is another problem, and not related.
Incidentally, actually global warming (if it would have occurred) would be beneficial for mankind, it would open new areas for agriculture (like in Greenland and Iceland, which in warmer periods had extensive agriculture), it would increase the natural rainfall, reducing the danger of potable water shortage, it would create new areas for settling and solve the shortage in land for mankind. The danger of rising seas and oceans due to melting icebergs has also proven to be a hoax, as careful measuring with help of satellites, no significant change in water lever could be found.
The stupidity to think that the feeble mankind could influence the climate worldwide and in large extend is based on fairy tales and clever money schemes of un-scrupulous
Crooks, operating in order to maximize their bounty earned through exploitation of the ignorant masses.
Of course, I am not opposed to clean energy sources such as thermal wells, wind mills, solar energy, earth gas or even correct energy obtained from waste treatment, and specially air pollution should be reduced drastically, specially waste to power plants based on advanced technologies such as Plasma torch energy should be developed urgently, but hastily running towards electricity driven cars, without performing a basic study on how to create the electricity and batteries in order to accumulate the electricity needed for this fast growing pollution free fleet of private cars, could mean that we are running into a new hoax, will we not pollute in order to produce this energy?
I support all new solutions to making life easier, but please stop in fooling around, stop in collecting from the poor and pay the rich and don't exploit our ignorance.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Cohen: Met boerka geen uitkering, en dattewe Hollandse jongens zijn dat willen we weten
Cohen: ‘Met boerka geen uitkering',en dattewe Hollandse jongens zijn dat willen we weten!
Een vrouw die haar boerka niet wil afdoen om werk te krijgen, hoeft ook niet om een uitkering te vragen. Dat stelt burgemeester Job Cohen van Amsterdam.
Door David Verveer
Dit was de mededeling die ik vandaag, nota bene gedurende de Grote Verzoendag in de Volkskrant las. In ongeveer 30 woorden zijn er zo veel tegenstrijdige argumenten, dat het een zonde zou zijn om deze niet hier te bespreken.
1 – Als ik Mijnheer Cohen goed begrijp dan stelt hij dat iemand die uit geloof een boerka draagt, dus haar rechten verliest, waar ze wettelijk recht op heeft, dus morgen als iemand met een keppeltje op zijn hoofd, kan verwachten dat hij zijn wettelijke uitkering niet zal ontvangen.
Over morgen, komt er een dame met een kruis aan haar nek, krijgt zij dan wel haar geld?
Waarom is een boerka dus Taboe?
2 – De boerka heeft eigenlijk niets met geloof te maken, maar met vrouwen discriminatie, de bedoeling is dat ze onaantrekkelijk er uit ziet voor mannen, behalve haar eigen man. Maar Islamitische vrouwen voelen zich bedreigd door het staren van vreemdelingen.
Uiteindelijk ook de Christen vrouwen droegen hoofd doekjes, en de Nederlandse dracht heeft bij traditie een hele bedoening op het hoofd. Waarom een protestante zwarte kous vrouw wel recht heeft op een uitkering maar een Moslim meisje niet?
3 – Job Cohen is Joods (van geboorte) en behoord tot de Priesters stam, de Cohanim, die van Aaron de priester afstammen, hoe kan het zijn dat iemand met zo een achtergrond en afkomst, discrimineren, dat is ongepast, dat zou hij nooit mogen zeggen, dat is verkeerd en beschamend voor een Jood.
4 – Maar wat dan met de burgemeester van Rotterdam, die Moslim is, hij mag het dragen van boerkas niet of wel toestaan? Wat heeft de wettelijke uitkering met het geloof en afkomst van de burgemeester te maken?
5 – Maar de Islamitische bevolking die niet wil assimileren, en zich apart houd, veroorzaakt wrijvingen in de gemeenschap, welke Hollander is bereid dat de dame achter het glas van het loket gesluierd is, en men behalve haar ogen niets kan zien, nee hoor, ze zijn hier in Nederland en moeten zich als gewone mensen gedragen.
6 – Maar wat is de grens, morgen komt de Islamitische politie ons vrouw volk te bekeuren want we kunnen hun knieën en blote armen zien op straat.
7 – maar dan zeggen die stoere Nederlanders, laten ze maar opdonderen, in hun eigen land doen ze wat ze willen, maar hier in Nederland moeten ze hun gedragen als gewone mensen. En waarom moeten wij hun onderhouden, geen werk, oprotten er mee.
8 – Eindelijk laat Cohen zien dat hij ballen heeft, wat denken die gesluierde Islamieten wel, het is hier geen Bagdad (in Bagdad mag dat).
9 – Dus als ik het goed begrijp, een Katholieke Non in habitat krijgt geen uitkering als ze zich niet uitkleed voor het loket?
10- Ik ben een Israëliërs, hier mogen de vrouwen met boerkas rond huppelen, en krijgen ze de uitkering die hun toekomt, maar ik bemoei me niet met jullie inlandse zaken, maar waarom bemoeien jullie met onze zaken? Raar hoor, niets schijnt de Hollander iets te leren, hij denkt steeds dat wat hij doet is heilig, maar anderen, nee hoor, daar mag je vol op commentaar op hebben.
Een vrouw die haar boerka niet wil afdoen om werk te krijgen, hoeft ook niet om een uitkering te vragen. Dat stelt burgemeester Job Cohen van Amsterdam.
Door David Verveer
Dit was de mededeling die ik vandaag, nota bene gedurende de Grote Verzoendag in de Volkskrant las. In ongeveer 30 woorden zijn er zo veel tegenstrijdige argumenten, dat het een zonde zou zijn om deze niet hier te bespreken.
1 – Als ik Mijnheer Cohen goed begrijp dan stelt hij dat iemand die uit geloof een boerka draagt, dus haar rechten verliest, waar ze wettelijk recht op heeft, dus morgen als iemand met een keppeltje op zijn hoofd, kan verwachten dat hij zijn wettelijke uitkering niet zal ontvangen.
Over morgen, komt er een dame met een kruis aan haar nek, krijgt zij dan wel haar geld?
Waarom is een boerka dus Taboe?
2 – De boerka heeft eigenlijk niets met geloof te maken, maar met vrouwen discriminatie, de bedoeling is dat ze onaantrekkelijk er uit ziet voor mannen, behalve haar eigen man. Maar Islamitische vrouwen voelen zich bedreigd door het staren van vreemdelingen.
Uiteindelijk ook de Christen vrouwen droegen hoofd doekjes, en de Nederlandse dracht heeft bij traditie een hele bedoening op het hoofd. Waarom een protestante zwarte kous vrouw wel recht heeft op een uitkering maar een Moslim meisje niet?
3 – Job Cohen is Joods (van geboorte) en behoord tot de Priesters stam, de Cohanim, die van Aaron de priester afstammen, hoe kan het zijn dat iemand met zo een achtergrond en afkomst, discrimineren, dat is ongepast, dat zou hij nooit mogen zeggen, dat is verkeerd en beschamend voor een Jood.
4 – Maar wat dan met de burgemeester van Rotterdam, die Moslim is, hij mag het dragen van boerkas niet of wel toestaan? Wat heeft de wettelijke uitkering met het geloof en afkomst van de burgemeester te maken?
5 – Maar de Islamitische bevolking die niet wil assimileren, en zich apart houd, veroorzaakt wrijvingen in de gemeenschap, welke Hollander is bereid dat de dame achter het glas van het loket gesluierd is, en men behalve haar ogen niets kan zien, nee hoor, ze zijn hier in Nederland en moeten zich als gewone mensen gedragen.
6 – Maar wat is de grens, morgen komt de Islamitische politie ons vrouw volk te bekeuren want we kunnen hun knieën en blote armen zien op straat.
7 – maar dan zeggen die stoere Nederlanders, laten ze maar opdonderen, in hun eigen land doen ze wat ze willen, maar hier in Nederland moeten ze hun gedragen als gewone mensen. En waarom moeten wij hun onderhouden, geen werk, oprotten er mee.
8 – Eindelijk laat Cohen zien dat hij ballen heeft, wat denken die gesluierde Islamieten wel, het is hier geen Bagdad (in Bagdad mag dat).
9 – Dus als ik het goed begrijp, een Katholieke Non in habitat krijgt geen uitkering als ze zich niet uitkleed voor het loket?
10- Ik ben een Israëliërs, hier mogen de vrouwen met boerkas rond huppelen, en krijgen ze de uitkering die hun toekomt, maar ik bemoei me niet met jullie inlandse zaken, maar waarom bemoeien jullie met onze zaken? Raar hoor, niets schijnt de Hollander iets te leren, hij denkt steeds dat wat hij doet is heilig, maar anderen, nee hoor, daar mag je vol op commentaar op hebben.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
IK heb mijn eigen opinie en behoor niet tot een mening groep!
Ik heb mijn eigen opinie en behoor niet tot een mening groep!
Door David Verveer
Ik vind het vervelend en onjuist dat ik door de meeste lezers in een politieke kliek word geplaatst, en mijn opinies worden beoordeeld (vooral in Nederland) samen met tamelijk fanatieke Israëliërs, die overtuigingen hebben waar ik en vele andere Israëliërs tegen zijn.
Ik weet niet of wij de stille meerderheid zijn, of een klein groepje van laatste Mohikanen, maar ik beschouw hun nationalistische idealen niet de mijne, en niet van mijn vrienden in mijn Israëlische omgeving. Van huis uit, en als lid van een Zionistische jeugd organisatie, ex kibboetsnik, en levenslang links georiënteerd te zijn, ben ik geen aanhanger van de rechtse stromingen die voor nederzettingen in de West Oever zijn, en tegen een compromis met de Palestijnse bevolking om in de West Bank (2 Kilometer van mijn huis) een zelfstandig Arabisch land op te zetten, in tegen deel, ik denk dat dit uit eindelijk de enige haalbare oplossing zal zijn, met de Arabische wijken van Jeruzalem, als hoofdstad van Palestina.
Ik ben zelfs bereid dat de heilige plaatsen van de Joden, Christenen en Islam in Jeruzalem internationaal gebied wordt, onder toezicht van de UN. Zodat elk geloof vrij zijn eigen geloof mag uitleven (dat kan natuurlijk ook vandaag, onder Israëlische beheer, maar is niet aanvaardbaar bij de Moslims).
Natuurlijk ben ik tegen het recht van terugkomen van een paar miljoen Arabieren naar Israël, maar voor mijn part, komen ze naar Palestina, zoals wij Miljoenen Joodse vluchtelingen hebben ontvangen, veel uit de Arabische landen.
De huidige rechtse regering van Israël, met een onmogelijke coalitie vertegenwoordigd niet mijn mening, maar daar wij een democratie zijn, moeten wij als oppositie laten weten met wat niet en met wat wij wel eens zijn. Dat is ons recht en plicht, en hopelijk zullen we sterk genoeg worden om deze regering te laten vallen, en door nieuwe verkiezingen onze idealen te verwerkelijken, maar dat is ons democratisch recht, en niet van de Nederlandse PC kruis ridders, die denken als ze Palestijnse terreurbewind beschermen in hun strijd voor het Democratisch recht voor zelf beschikking, zoals ik als Israëliër niets heb te maken met de rechten van de Allochtonen in Nederland.
Wilders, Fortuin, van Agt, Von der Dunk, Greta, van Bommel, enz. is jullie probleem, Lieberman, Bibi, Avneri en Kahana ons struikelblok, wat een van deze boven genoemde wijsgeren heeft gezegd, is geen bewijs dat anders denkenden ongelijk hebben, en zelfs wat een UN aan gestelde jurist, die een eenzijdig rapport schrijft tegen Israëlisch beleid van de Gaza oorlog, geen automatisch gelijk heeft, als hij denkt dat een overwinning van de Israëlische overmacht on fair is, en dat een oorlog eerlijk is, als beide zijden het zelfde nummer van slachtoffers hebben, en zelfs niet, als deze jurist dus een Jood is, en zich zelf als Zionist ziet.
Het eigenaardige van de Nederlandse PC ridders commentaar op Israël is, dat het alleen maar met Israël bezig houd, wat verder in de wereld gebeurt, zelfs door en bij Nederlanders, kan hun niets schelen, wat een gevoel van antisemitisme geeft dat luider word met de jaren sinds de Holocaust. Inderdaad, meeste PC ridders zijn alleen maar anti-Israël volgens hun nadrukkelijke mededelingen, maar in mijn opinie zijn deze het zelfde als antisemitisme. Maar dan heb je natuurlijk het andere Joodse geluid, en dergelijke zelf haatdragende Joden, die voor redenen die hun alleen duidelijk zijn, tegen Israël zijn, maar net als de jurist Goldstone, niet automatisch gelijk hebben, omdat ze zelf Joden zijn.
De PC ridders proberen de gehele tijd op ons geweten te spelen, door beschuldigingen over onmenselijkheid en wandaden, die ze niet kunnen bewijzen, omdat ze onjuist zijn, maar toch krijg je reacties van, die heeft dit en dat gezegd, en halen ze aan wat Einstein heeft beweerd, met een zin van een lang betoog, dat als zin alleenstaand, anders begrepen kan worden, maar in verband met het gehele interview iets totaal anders betekend. Zelfs de komediant Max Tailleur (die van de Sam en Moos nopjes) werd aan gehaald als anti-Israël.
Nee, nogmaals, ik ben niet eens met de nederzetting politiek van onze huidige regering, maar als men Israël onjuist bekritiseert, heb ik het recht om ons te verdedigen, zelfs als mijn zogenaamde lobby vrienden, niet de zelfde idealen aanhangen.
Hier in Israël zijn wij niet bang om met onze naam te ondertekenen, iedereen mag kritiek hebben op de regering, schijnbaar in zo genaamd democratisch Nederland kan dit niet en gebruikt men pseudoniem, ik denk dat dit precies de Nederlandse gemeenschap uitbeeld, en als dit waar is, luitjes, er is zeker iets veranderd sinds de Willem Drees dagen.
Hartelijke groeten uit Kfar Saba, in Israël
David Verveer
Door David Verveer
Ik vind het vervelend en onjuist dat ik door de meeste lezers in een politieke kliek word geplaatst, en mijn opinies worden beoordeeld (vooral in Nederland) samen met tamelijk fanatieke Israëliërs, die overtuigingen hebben waar ik en vele andere Israëliërs tegen zijn.
Ik weet niet of wij de stille meerderheid zijn, of een klein groepje van laatste Mohikanen, maar ik beschouw hun nationalistische idealen niet de mijne, en niet van mijn vrienden in mijn Israëlische omgeving. Van huis uit, en als lid van een Zionistische jeugd organisatie, ex kibboetsnik, en levenslang links georiënteerd te zijn, ben ik geen aanhanger van de rechtse stromingen die voor nederzettingen in de West Oever zijn, en tegen een compromis met de Palestijnse bevolking om in de West Bank (2 Kilometer van mijn huis) een zelfstandig Arabisch land op te zetten, in tegen deel, ik denk dat dit uit eindelijk de enige haalbare oplossing zal zijn, met de Arabische wijken van Jeruzalem, als hoofdstad van Palestina.
Ik ben zelfs bereid dat de heilige plaatsen van de Joden, Christenen en Islam in Jeruzalem internationaal gebied wordt, onder toezicht van de UN. Zodat elk geloof vrij zijn eigen geloof mag uitleven (dat kan natuurlijk ook vandaag, onder Israëlische beheer, maar is niet aanvaardbaar bij de Moslims).
Natuurlijk ben ik tegen het recht van terugkomen van een paar miljoen Arabieren naar Israël, maar voor mijn part, komen ze naar Palestina, zoals wij Miljoenen Joodse vluchtelingen hebben ontvangen, veel uit de Arabische landen.
De huidige rechtse regering van Israël, met een onmogelijke coalitie vertegenwoordigd niet mijn mening, maar daar wij een democratie zijn, moeten wij als oppositie laten weten met wat niet en met wat wij wel eens zijn. Dat is ons recht en plicht, en hopelijk zullen we sterk genoeg worden om deze regering te laten vallen, en door nieuwe verkiezingen onze idealen te verwerkelijken, maar dat is ons democratisch recht, en niet van de Nederlandse PC kruis ridders, die denken als ze Palestijnse terreurbewind beschermen in hun strijd voor het Democratisch recht voor zelf beschikking, zoals ik als Israëliër niets heb te maken met de rechten van de Allochtonen in Nederland.
Wilders, Fortuin, van Agt, Von der Dunk, Greta, van Bommel, enz. is jullie probleem, Lieberman, Bibi, Avneri en Kahana ons struikelblok, wat een van deze boven genoemde wijsgeren heeft gezegd, is geen bewijs dat anders denkenden ongelijk hebben, en zelfs wat een UN aan gestelde jurist, die een eenzijdig rapport schrijft tegen Israëlisch beleid van de Gaza oorlog, geen automatisch gelijk heeft, als hij denkt dat een overwinning van de Israëlische overmacht on fair is, en dat een oorlog eerlijk is, als beide zijden het zelfde nummer van slachtoffers hebben, en zelfs niet, als deze jurist dus een Jood is, en zich zelf als Zionist ziet.
Het eigenaardige van de Nederlandse PC ridders commentaar op Israël is, dat het alleen maar met Israël bezig houd, wat verder in de wereld gebeurt, zelfs door en bij Nederlanders, kan hun niets schelen, wat een gevoel van antisemitisme geeft dat luider word met de jaren sinds de Holocaust. Inderdaad, meeste PC ridders zijn alleen maar anti-Israël volgens hun nadrukkelijke mededelingen, maar in mijn opinie zijn deze het zelfde als antisemitisme. Maar dan heb je natuurlijk het andere Joodse geluid, en dergelijke zelf haatdragende Joden, die voor redenen die hun alleen duidelijk zijn, tegen Israël zijn, maar net als de jurist Goldstone, niet automatisch gelijk hebben, omdat ze zelf Joden zijn.
De PC ridders proberen de gehele tijd op ons geweten te spelen, door beschuldigingen over onmenselijkheid en wandaden, die ze niet kunnen bewijzen, omdat ze onjuist zijn, maar toch krijg je reacties van, die heeft dit en dat gezegd, en halen ze aan wat Einstein heeft beweerd, met een zin van een lang betoog, dat als zin alleenstaand, anders begrepen kan worden, maar in verband met het gehele interview iets totaal anders betekend. Zelfs de komediant Max Tailleur (die van de Sam en Moos nopjes) werd aan gehaald als anti-Israël.
Nee, nogmaals, ik ben niet eens met de nederzetting politiek van onze huidige regering, maar als men Israël onjuist bekritiseert, heb ik het recht om ons te verdedigen, zelfs als mijn zogenaamde lobby vrienden, niet de zelfde idealen aanhangen.
Hier in Israël zijn wij niet bang om met onze naam te ondertekenen, iedereen mag kritiek hebben op de regering, schijnbaar in zo genaamd democratisch Nederland kan dit niet en gebruikt men pseudoniem, ik denk dat dit precies de Nederlandse gemeenschap uitbeeld, en als dit waar is, luitjes, er is zeker iets veranderd sinds de Willem Drees dagen.
Hartelijke groeten uit Kfar Saba, in Israël
David Verveer
Monday, September 21, 2009
The famous UN speech of the Iranian President
By David Verveer
This post is an imaginary wishful imagination of courageous behavior by the translators and interpreters working in the UN General Assembly, translating the speeches of the world leaders, given in their native language, into English, French, German, Chinese, etc.
The Iranian president, who was supposed to address the General Assembly of the UN, and ahead of his performance, published in advance his basic thoughts on Holocaust denial, the danger of Zionism, the Iranian rights to develop nuclear weapons, and other controversial issues.
The group of translators led by Iranian descendants who fully disagree with the current regime and live in exile, decided to rewrite the speech, and simultaneous read a improved version of the speech through the microphones of the delegates.
The Iranian leader was surprised to receive ovations and applause, especially when he mentioned his enlightened opinion on suffering of the Palestinians, who according him, had to pay for the imaginary holocaust and Nazi deeds.
The delegates (those who had not yet left the assembly hall during the speech), were surprised to hear that Ahminijad mentioned his mistakes, professed that he intents to make peace with the Israelis, whom he considered a blessing for the Middle Eastern environment and technology.
The ovations and applause surprised Ahminijad, who never before received such a positive response, and happily he continued his personal tirades, which were translated in careful written wording which indicated the Iranian commitment to World Peace, his decision to stop nuclear development and improve the relations with the US and the West. He ended his speech with a commitment to have new elections in Iran and admitting foul play on his part.
The assembly was nearly hysterical, the ovations were deafening, delegates were crowding around the Iranian leader, who could not understand the commotion nor hear the comments, he did not notice that the Iranian delegation, nor other backers of the Iranian regime ignored him and left the UN building.
Heavy security protection surrounded the suddenly popular president on his way out, and then I realized that the interpreters are not allowed to think
This post is an imaginary wishful imagination of courageous behavior by the translators and interpreters working in the UN General Assembly, translating the speeches of the world leaders, given in their native language, into English, French, German, Chinese, etc.
The Iranian president, who was supposed to address the General Assembly of the UN, and ahead of his performance, published in advance his basic thoughts on Holocaust denial, the danger of Zionism, the Iranian rights to develop nuclear weapons, and other controversial issues.
The group of translators led by Iranian descendants who fully disagree with the current regime and live in exile, decided to rewrite the speech, and simultaneous read a improved version of the speech through the microphones of the delegates.
The Iranian leader was surprised to receive ovations and applause, especially when he mentioned his enlightened opinion on suffering of the Palestinians, who according him, had to pay for the imaginary holocaust and Nazi deeds.
The delegates (those who had not yet left the assembly hall during the speech), were surprised to hear that Ahminijad mentioned his mistakes, professed that he intents to make peace with the Israelis, whom he considered a blessing for the Middle Eastern environment and technology.
The ovations and applause surprised Ahminijad, who never before received such a positive response, and happily he continued his personal tirades, which were translated in careful written wording which indicated the Iranian commitment to World Peace, his decision to stop nuclear development and improve the relations with the US and the West. He ended his speech with a commitment to have new elections in Iran and admitting foul play on his part.
The assembly was nearly hysterical, the ovations were deafening, delegates were crowding around the Iranian leader, who could not understand the commotion nor hear the comments, he did not notice that the Iranian delegation, nor other backers of the Iranian regime ignored him and left the UN building.
Heavy security protection surrounded the suddenly popular president on his way out, and then I realized that the interpreters are not allowed to think
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Can a war be fair and human friendly?
Can a war be fair and human friendly?
By David Verveer
I am rather mystified by the Goldstone UN report dealing with the latest Gaza war, not so much because the report is tainted and one sided and most certainly not impartial, as data processed in the report came from Hamas terrorists and Palestinian people who are currently under the rule by the same Hamas gang, and would endanger their lives if they would supply objective statements about Israeli actions in the Gaza territory, and also because the Israeli refused to supply their version of the happenings during the war, by claiming that the conclusions of the report were pre meditated even before Mr. Goldstone started to investigate.
My mystification deals with something totally different, namely the conclusion that Israel did not fight a fair war, and my question is, what in heavens name is a fair war, when war and warring through the ages is based on the principle of hurting, killing and destroying the enemy, in such an extend, that he will surrender and the ruling power goes to the winners.
There exist no fair war, not in Gaza, not in Afghanistan, not in Somali and Iraq or any other place on this globe, the weapons used are designed to make as many as possible victims on the enemies side, preferable killing soldiers from the other side, with impersonal weapons, who can not differentiate who is in the target area, enemies forces, innocent civilians or mistaken identification of their own forces.
Terrorist fighting, hit and run tactics specialize in fighting behind the backs of the civilian population causes victims and damage the innocents, but that is not only in Gaza, but in any battle, anywhere in the world which is based on a struggle between terrorists and regular army.
Nobody will claim that the Israeli forces never made any mistakes in judgment, were un-necessarily cruel, involved non involved civilians, as it is very hard to be objective in the middle of life endangering actions, not all boys aged 18 to 23 have sufficient will power to fight the primitive instincts for saving your self before anything else.
We all want to live, and soldiers are not anything different.
I agree with Goldstone that all wars are inhuman, especially the modern wars with mass killing computer directed weapons are crimes to humanity, but selecting the Israeli response to 8 years of bombardment of their civilian population is unfair and certainly not balanced judgment. And people who will claim the fact that Goldstone is a Jew himself, should remember that this does not make him right or wrong, his religion and tribal origin are totally irrelevant.
The people who should be judged by the Hague tribunal are the Islam powers such as Iran, Syria, Sudan and Venezuela who finance the Palestinian cause and try to create havoc in Israel but also Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Golf states. Those war mongers believe in power by causing panic and chaos, currently in the Middle East but soon all over Europe.
By David Verveer
I am rather mystified by the Goldstone UN report dealing with the latest Gaza war, not so much because the report is tainted and one sided and most certainly not impartial, as data processed in the report came from Hamas terrorists and Palestinian people who are currently under the rule by the same Hamas gang, and would endanger their lives if they would supply objective statements about Israeli actions in the Gaza territory, and also because the Israeli refused to supply their version of the happenings during the war, by claiming that the conclusions of the report were pre meditated even before Mr. Goldstone started to investigate.
My mystification deals with something totally different, namely the conclusion that Israel did not fight a fair war, and my question is, what in heavens name is a fair war, when war and warring through the ages is based on the principle of hurting, killing and destroying the enemy, in such an extend, that he will surrender and the ruling power goes to the winners.
There exist no fair war, not in Gaza, not in Afghanistan, not in Somali and Iraq or any other place on this globe, the weapons used are designed to make as many as possible victims on the enemies side, preferable killing soldiers from the other side, with impersonal weapons, who can not differentiate who is in the target area, enemies forces, innocent civilians or mistaken identification of their own forces.
Terrorist fighting, hit and run tactics specialize in fighting behind the backs of the civilian population causes victims and damage the innocents, but that is not only in Gaza, but in any battle, anywhere in the world which is based on a struggle between terrorists and regular army.
Nobody will claim that the Israeli forces never made any mistakes in judgment, were un-necessarily cruel, involved non involved civilians, as it is very hard to be objective in the middle of life endangering actions, not all boys aged 18 to 23 have sufficient will power to fight the primitive instincts for saving your self before anything else.
We all want to live, and soldiers are not anything different.
I agree with Goldstone that all wars are inhuman, especially the modern wars with mass killing computer directed weapons are crimes to humanity, but selecting the Israeli response to 8 years of bombardment of their civilian population is unfair and certainly not balanced judgment. And people who will claim the fact that Goldstone is a Jew himself, should remember that this does not make him right or wrong, his religion and tribal origin are totally irrelevant.
The people who should be judged by the Hague tribunal are the Islam powers such as Iran, Syria, Sudan and Venezuela who finance the Palestinian cause and try to create havoc in Israel but also Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Golf states. Those war mongers believe in power by causing panic and chaos, currently in the Middle East but soon all over Europe.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mijn nieuwe hobby
Door David Verveer
Geleidelijk zag ik de onweerswolk naderen, elke dag kwam het nader, tot op een zekere dag ik tot de ontdekking kwam dat ik gepensioneerd was, en nu, behalve de klusjes, klein kinderen zorg en dagelijkse huishoudelijke werkzaamheden, ik de gehele dag voor mij zelf heb, en uiteindelijk aan hobby's kan beginnen te denken.
Om eerlijk te zijn, ik heb ontiegelijk veel hobby's en dingen die ik interessant vind en weinig tijd voor had tijdens mijn werkende dagen, maar goed men moet zo als met alles, besluiten wat geeft je de meeste plezier om je dag mee te vullen. Als ik naar mijn vrouw zou luisteren, zou ik de gehele dag aan het poetsen zijn, schoonmaken en het repareren van gebroken dingen in het huis, maar ik weet niet waarom, maar in zulke klusjes heb ik nou echt niet het gevoel van bevrediging, nadat ik uren een kandelaar heb op gepoetst, en hij glimt als een glim worm.
Koken en bakken vind ik erg leuk, en ben er tamelijk goed in, maar ja, nu dat de dokter heeft gezegd dat ik moet vermageren, is de lol van het koken er een beetje af.
Tuinieren, ik woon op een flat, ben dol op planten, maar mijn vrouw wil geen planten meer in huis, toen het moeilijk werd om plaats te vinden om te zitten, en nu mag ik alleen maar planten groeien op mijn balkonnetje. Maar ik hou van wild groeiende woeker planten, en heb automatische drup irrigatie, dus veel kan ik daar niet doen, vooral omdat er vogels zijn die op mijn balkon een vakantie oord hebben uit geroepen, en weet ik wanneer ik niet welkom ben.
God zij dank heb ik mijn computers (ja je leest correct, meervoud) ik heb op mijn kleine werk kamertje 4 computers, mijn nieuwe (nou ja 2 jaar oud) vriend, waar mee ik vooral werk, mijn oude computer, die als reserve en Google zoeker dient, terwijl ik aan iets bezig ben op mijn nieuwe vriend, dan heb ik een nog oudere computer, waar ik foto's op laad van de klein kinderen, en dan mijn vrouw er uren lang naar kan zitten kijken, en de 4de computer is een laptopje, die ik mee neem, als ik op vakantie ga, en die mijn connectie met de beschaving geeft (nu ja, dat beschaving klinkt mooi, maar dat valt wel mee).
Natuurlijk hebben 4 computers veel attentie nodig, de gehele dag moet men programma's op loden, anti virus laten werken, nieuwe uitgaven proberen, enz. Maar dit is natuurlijk geen hobby, maar onderhoud.
Echter een paar jaar geleden ben ik tot de ontdekking gekomen dat ik van schrijven hou, ik de nacht merrie van mijn leraars was, die vele talen spreekt, maar geen woord kan schrijven zonder fouten (de speller werkt nu), hou van korte verhaaltjes te schrijven, en het gekke is, dat er mensen zijn die mijn gekrabbel lezen, het is natuurlijk wel moeilijk om iets van mij te lezen, want de stijl, zins opbouw en woorden kennis in beide talen (Nederlands en Engels) is erg beknopt, en taalkundigen, na een zin van mij gelezen te hebben, gaan naar de dokter om hun migraine te laten behandelen.
Daar ik een beetje sarcastisch ben en niet lang serieus kan blijven, wat mij veel last heeft bezorgd in mijn professionele leven als raadgevend ingenieur, vooral als de klant geen idee heeft waar je het over heb, en elk cynisch woord verkeerd begrepen werd, maar goed, als je schrijft, dan kan bijna alles door de beug.
Maar het leukste vind ik de talk-backs, of wel reacties, waar mensen naar aanleiding van wat ik had geschreven, hun hart openen, en proberen hun eigen opinie op het onderwerp op het vuur te gooien.
Als ze mijn sarcasme en nonsens begrijpen geniet ik er van, maar ook als ze er in trappen, en boos reageren, vooral als ze kwaad worden en sputteren, heb ik enorme gijn, ziekelijk niet, maar ieder zijn meug.
De laatste tijd heb ik veel tijd besteed, en je heb er tijd voor nodig, met een discussie forum op de Volkskrant, internet editie, die de laatste weken over groeiende antisemitisme in Nederland ging.
Naar een paar dagen kregen we duidelijk twee groepen, anti Israël / Joden / Zionisten aan de ene kant en een Pro Israël lobby die de aanvallen opving en terug wierpen.
Het argument van beide zijden was erg persoonlijk, met weinig intelligentie maar veel overtuiging, sommige antwoorden bleken in blinde woede te zijn geschreven, meeste deel nemers gebruikten citaten wat een of andere idioot, of wijsgeer eens had gezegd toen hij last had van zijn ingewanden, en krom liep van de pijn, of citaten die eerst geregisseerd waren met doel een goal te maken in het andere front.
Maar ik had erg veel plezier om mee te doen, het kon me weinig schelen wat de aanvallers over mij dachten, of mij een engerd, flauw of huichelaar noemden in hun drift, schelden doet geen pijn, maar laat zien dat de schelder zijn zelf controle is aan het verliezen, en met en klein beetje plagen, schrijft hij de meest bizarre dingen.
Veel deelnemers probeerde om politiek er bij te halen, beide Nederlandse en Israëlische interne moeilijkheden, die ik probeerde te vermijden, daar mijn politieke overtuiging niets heeft te maken met antisemitisme of niet. Onbegrijpelijk was dat de andere zijde probeerde om goals te maken met interne politieke argumenten van de andere zijde, zonder enige wetenschap, waar het werkelijk over gaat.
Ik heb veel nieuwe woorden geleerd, uitdrukkingen en begrippen die ik nog nooit had gehoord, ik wil geen voorbeelden gebruiken, om niet mijn voorkeur te laten zien, mar het was prachtig, ik heb er werkelijk van genoten, en zelfs soms zelfs het nieuws op de TV gemist om te zien wat taal virtuoos nu weer neer geknald heeft. Mijn vrouw dacht al dat ik nu porno was aan het lezen op internet, en kon zich niet indenken dat ik met plezier mee deed in een argument.
Ik geloof het weke punt van de discussie deelnemer is dat hij zich zelf zo serieus neemt, zo dat hij niet kan zien dat men hem aan het opjagen is, snel begint hij zijn persoonlijke geschiedenis te vertellen, waar en waarom hij geboren is, wat hij geleerd heeft en wat niet, enz. feiten die niets met het argument te maken heeft, maar prachtige openingen zijn om hem te beantwoorden. Natuurlijk heb je niet altijd de overhand, soms laat je iets kwijt dat een pientere vechter aan de andere kant tegen je gaat gebruiken, want he heb zelf gezegd, dat je dit en dat denkt, het beste als ze zo een argument gebruiken, of toegeven of geen antwoord te geven, maar in geen geval kwaad worden, want dan verlies je het argument.
Jammer dat het forum tot een conclusie is gekomen over het antisemitisme in Nederland, wat was het ook weer? Maar misschien kunnen we een nieuw argument beginnen of de Max Tailleur “Sam en Moos” moppen antisemitisch zijn of zuivere Joodse gijn? (Iemand had Max Tailleur geciteerd dat hij een Antisemitische monoloog had gemaakt, wat waarschijnlijk waar is, daar de Joodse humeur meestal zelf stekend is, wat onbegrijpelijk is voor de droge Nederlander, die zelfspot niet kan of wil begrijpen.
Wat het meest hilarisch was dat men het kwalijk nam dat God de Joden, terecht, heeft verkozen als zijn verkoren volk, en daar voor ons zo verwent, of dat de Joden de meeste Nobel prijzen op pikten, maar ook de vreselijke misdaden van Israël, in het deelnemen in het Euro Song Festival.
O ja, meeste anti's waren voor de Palestijnen, maar konden niet een Palestijn produceren om hun te bedanken voor de bescherming, ik weet niet waarom dat was, er moeten toch ook Palestijnen die Nederlands spreken, zijn in Nederland, het beste wat ze konden produceren was een ex-Marokkaan die een teleur stelling was, daar hij Israël weigerde te vervloeken, tot grote teleurstelling van de anti's, die hem Oom Tom noemden.
Mijn diepe dank voor de Volkskrant dat ze mij een nieuwe hobby hebben gegeven, en mijn excuses aan de leraren die mij hebben getracht om mij Nederlands te leren, wat een grote fiasco is geworden, het lag niet aan hun vakkennis , maar aan mijn on-vermogen.
Geleidelijk zag ik de onweerswolk naderen, elke dag kwam het nader, tot op een zekere dag ik tot de ontdekking kwam dat ik gepensioneerd was, en nu, behalve de klusjes, klein kinderen zorg en dagelijkse huishoudelijke werkzaamheden, ik de gehele dag voor mij zelf heb, en uiteindelijk aan hobby's kan beginnen te denken.
Om eerlijk te zijn, ik heb ontiegelijk veel hobby's en dingen die ik interessant vind en weinig tijd voor had tijdens mijn werkende dagen, maar goed men moet zo als met alles, besluiten wat geeft je de meeste plezier om je dag mee te vullen. Als ik naar mijn vrouw zou luisteren, zou ik de gehele dag aan het poetsen zijn, schoonmaken en het repareren van gebroken dingen in het huis, maar ik weet niet waarom, maar in zulke klusjes heb ik nou echt niet het gevoel van bevrediging, nadat ik uren een kandelaar heb op gepoetst, en hij glimt als een glim worm.
Koken en bakken vind ik erg leuk, en ben er tamelijk goed in, maar ja, nu dat de dokter heeft gezegd dat ik moet vermageren, is de lol van het koken er een beetje af.
Tuinieren, ik woon op een flat, ben dol op planten, maar mijn vrouw wil geen planten meer in huis, toen het moeilijk werd om plaats te vinden om te zitten, en nu mag ik alleen maar planten groeien op mijn balkonnetje. Maar ik hou van wild groeiende woeker planten, en heb automatische drup irrigatie, dus veel kan ik daar niet doen, vooral omdat er vogels zijn die op mijn balkon een vakantie oord hebben uit geroepen, en weet ik wanneer ik niet welkom ben.
God zij dank heb ik mijn computers (ja je leest correct, meervoud) ik heb op mijn kleine werk kamertje 4 computers, mijn nieuwe (nou ja 2 jaar oud) vriend, waar mee ik vooral werk, mijn oude computer, die als reserve en Google zoeker dient, terwijl ik aan iets bezig ben op mijn nieuwe vriend, dan heb ik een nog oudere computer, waar ik foto's op laad van de klein kinderen, en dan mijn vrouw er uren lang naar kan zitten kijken, en de 4de computer is een laptopje, die ik mee neem, als ik op vakantie ga, en die mijn connectie met de beschaving geeft (nu ja, dat beschaving klinkt mooi, maar dat valt wel mee).
Natuurlijk hebben 4 computers veel attentie nodig, de gehele dag moet men programma's op loden, anti virus laten werken, nieuwe uitgaven proberen, enz. Maar dit is natuurlijk geen hobby, maar onderhoud.
Echter een paar jaar geleden ben ik tot de ontdekking gekomen dat ik van schrijven hou, ik de nacht merrie van mijn leraars was, die vele talen spreekt, maar geen woord kan schrijven zonder fouten (de speller werkt nu), hou van korte verhaaltjes te schrijven, en het gekke is, dat er mensen zijn die mijn gekrabbel lezen, het is natuurlijk wel moeilijk om iets van mij te lezen, want de stijl, zins opbouw en woorden kennis in beide talen (Nederlands en Engels) is erg beknopt, en taalkundigen, na een zin van mij gelezen te hebben, gaan naar de dokter om hun migraine te laten behandelen.
Daar ik een beetje sarcastisch ben en niet lang serieus kan blijven, wat mij veel last heeft bezorgd in mijn professionele leven als raadgevend ingenieur, vooral als de klant geen idee heeft waar je het over heb, en elk cynisch woord verkeerd begrepen werd, maar goed, als je schrijft, dan kan bijna alles door de beug.
Maar het leukste vind ik de talk-backs, of wel reacties, waar mensen naar aanleiding van wat ik had geschreven, hun hart openen, en proberen hun eigen opinie op het onderwerp op het vuur te gooien.
Als ze mijn sarcasme en nonsens begrijpen geniet ik er van, maar ook als ze er in trappen, en boos reageren, vooral als ze kwaad worden en sputteren, heb ik enorme gijn, ziekelijk niet, maar ieder zijn meug.
De laatste tijd heb ik veel tijd besteed, en je heb er tijd voor nodig, met een discussie forum op de Volkskrant, internet editie, die de laatste weken over groeiende antisemitisme in Nederland ging.
Naar een paar dagen kregen we duidelijk twee groepen, anti Israël / Joden / Zionisten aan de ene kant en een Pro Israël lobby die de aanvallen opving en terug wierpen.
Het argument van beide zijden was erg persoonlijk, met weinig intelligentie maar veel overtuiging, sommige antwoorden bleken in blinde woede te zijn geschreven, meeste deel nemers gebruikten citaten wat een of andere idioot, of wijsgeer eens had gezegd toen hij last had van zijn ingewanden, en krom liep van de pijn, of citaten die eerst geregisseerd waren met doel een goal te maken in het andere front.
Maar ik had erg veel plezier om mee te doen, het kon me weinig schelen wat de aanvallers over mij dachten, of mij een engerd, flauw of huichelaar noemden in hun drift, schelden doet geen pijn, maar laat zien dat de schelder zijn zelf controle is aan het verliezen, en met en klein beetje plagen, schrijft hij de meest bizarre dingen.
Veel deelnemers probeerde om politiek er bij te halen, beide Nederlandse en Israëlische interne moeilijkheden, die ik probeerde te vermijden, daar mijn politieke overtuiging niets heeft te maken met antisemitisme of niet. Onbegrijpelijk was dat de andere zijde probeerde om goals te maken met interne politieke argumenten van de andere zijde, zonder enige wetenschap, waar het werkelijk over gaat.
Ik heb veel nieuwe woorden geleerd, uitdrukkingen en begrippen die ik nog nooit had gehoord, ik wil geen voorbeelden gebruiken, om niet mijn voorkeur te laten zien, mar het was prachtig, ik heb er werkelijk van genoten, en zelfs soms zelfs het nieuws op de TV gemist om te zien wat taal virtuoos nu weer neer geknald heeft. Mijn vrouw dacht al dat ik nu porno was aan het lezen op internet, en kon zich niet indenken dat ik met plezier mee deed in een argument.
Ik geloof het weke punt van de discussie deelnemer is dat hij zich zelf zo serieus neemt, zo dat hij niet kan zien dat men hem aan het opjagen is, snel begint hij zijn persoonlijke geschiedenis te vertellen, waar en waarom hij geboren is, wat hij geleerd heeft en wat niet, enz. feiten die niets met het argument te maken heeft, maar prachtige openingen zijn om hem te beantwoorden. Natuurlijk heb je niet altijd de overhand, soms laat je iets kwijt dat een pientere vechter aan de andere kant tegen je gaat gebruiken, want he heb zelf gezegd, dat je dit en dat denkt, het beste als ze zo een argument gebruiken, of toegeven of geen antwoord te geven, maar in geen geval kwaad worden, want dan verlies je het argument.
Jammer dat het forum tot een conclusie is gekomen over het antisemitisme in Nederland, wat was het ook weer? Maar misschien kunnen we een nieuw argument beginnen of de Max Tailleur “Sam en Moos” moppen antisemitisch zijn of zuivere Joodse gijn? (Iemand had Max Tailleur geciteerd dat hij een Antisemitische monoloog had gemaakt, wat waarschijnlijk waar is, daar de Joodse humeur meestal zelf stekend is, wat onbegrijpelijk is voor de droge Nederlander, die zelfspot niet kan of wil begrijpen.
Wat het meest hilarisch was dat men het kwalijk nam dat God de Joden, terecht, heeft verkozen als zijn verkoren volk, en daar voor ons zo verwent, of dat de Joden de meeste Nobel prijzen op pikten, maar ook de vreselijke misdaden van Israël, in het deelnemen in het Euro Song Festival.
O ja, meeste anti's waren voor de Palestijnen, maar konden niet een Palestijn produceren om hun te bedanken voor de bescherming, ik weet niet waarom dat was, er moeten toch ook Palestijnen die Nederlands spreken, zijn in Nederland, het beste wat ze konden produceren was een ex-Marokkaan die een teleur stelling was, daar hij Israël weigerde te vervloeken, tot grote teleurstelling van de anti's, die hem Oom Tom noemden.
Mijn diepe dank voor de Volkskrant dat ze mij een nieuwe hobby hebben gegeven, en mijn excuses aan de leraren die mij hebben getracht om mij Nederlands te leren, wat een grote fiasco is geworden, het lag niet aan hun vakkennis , maar aan mijn on-vermogen.
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