Saturday, October 31, 2009

My roll model and hero

My roll model and hero

By David Verveer

He was born with the fragile X syndrome, a condition which can develop in mental disorders including conditions rather similar to Autism, and indeed as child he was faulty diagnosed as slightly autistic, and sent to a nursery school for children with behavioral problems. But his mother (and grand parents) did not give up on him and with numerous educational treatments and disbelieve in what the experts predicted, he slowly but surely, showed signs of recovering and turning into a normal (and even gifted child). When 6 years old he enrolled a normal primary school, with after school counseling of an educational expert who with her enormous patience and love, made sure that he remained at the mental development level of his class mates, and indeed, not only because this tutoring but also with the high IQ he managed to become a good student.

No money was spared to provide him with all possible educational activities such as swimming (do deal with autistic tendencies), horse riding, and numerous other costly activities, but all this had a positive improvement on his live and behavior patterns.

In the mean time, he had to encountered many personal catastrophes, his father died of cancer when he was three years old, his mother re-married 3 years later, a new father who loved and really cared for him, but also he was killed in a road accident and when only 9 years old, he was again fatherless, but with a small but important difference, he now also had a kid brother, and even though he lost the status of being the only worry of the extended family, he managed very well in the function of big caring brother.

He finished the primary school, and was selected for a special program named "excellence" for children who are good students, with a target of giving them the opportunity of combining high school with university, and today, only 16 years old, high school and university student, sportsman and the star of the family, even though, sometimes his brother (who was not effected by the fragile X syndrome) steals sometimes the limelight.

The reason I am writing all this is, is to show what one can do with patience, love and determination, the doctors in their wisdom, do not know the possibilities of a human mind, specially not when dealing with relatively unknown syndromes such as the fragile X syndrome, their definition, that most likely nothing could be done, and that his entire life, he would require special attention, was totally mistaken, true that love and support are still very important but he is the living proof that one should never give up on anyone.

O yes, as small child he was very quiet, now he doesn't shut up for a moment, makes a lot of noise, and has set opinions over nearly everything, but there are no perfect presents. He is and will always be my roll model and hero.

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