Thursday, March 27, 2008

save the world, don't become an ecological zombie

Save the World, don't become an Ecological Zombie

By David Verveer

Yes, I am talking to you, you who believe that the World is in danger, that you personally are causing the Global Warming, you, who are looking for a site on which you can build your theoretical ark, when the waters will rise, due to the disappearance of the Icebergs. My friends, believe me very clever but criminal minds are using you, and instead of using your common sense, you are prepared to stop using your electrical power supply for one hour, in order to satisfy your guilty conscience of enjoying modern life.

But let us begin with giving you some examples, how you contribute directly to the well being of the criminal underworld. For example take the recycling of PET drinking bottles. You are told that PET bottles harm the environment, but that is not true, PET does not break down in the waste dump, and does absolutely nothing to the soil or the air, True, when PET is heated (burned) at temperatures between 400 and 1500 degrees Celsius, it produces a cancer causing gas, but also recycled PET, if burned will create the same danger, you are only delaying it, while wasting an enormous amounts of energy, to recycle. The only way to get safely rid of this relative dangerous material (if burned or heated) is gasifying it with temperature far more than 2,000 degrees, but who cares. But why than are they advertising the recycling of PET bottles? The answer is simple; our distinguished criminals use the tipping fees and governmental grants to whitewash crime money. But just like all other inert solid waste, your precious world will not get colder if you recycle your cola bottle.

They say, this world is warming up, because of your irresponsible use of energy, but did they provide any proof, they did not, because that is impossible, first of all, the temperatures fluctuate in a 40 years (some say 400) years cycle, due to the distance between our Sun and the Globe, we wobble closer and farer away, due to the world being not perfectly round, in the history we have been in hotter periods than the current one, and surprisingly the penguins survived, we have also been in colder periods, and if we compare the hotter years with the colder ones, we see something very interesting, humanity and nature in general, love the warmer periods, the golden age was during such warm period in Europe.

Then some learned fanatic tells you that if the Ice disappears from the North Pole and Mount Everest, we will all drown (it is a good thing that you are already building your arc). In the mean time, according the measurements made by overflying satellites, the sea level is practically staying unchanged or slightly reclining. But facts don't play in the greenists program of bullshitting

Some lunatic has thought out a new folly, by suggesting of closing the lights unanimously at the same time, all around the world. This grandiose scheme will not only cause an increase of energy usage, as engines, machines and equipment run most economically in their optimal mode, and peaks and low usage causes the machines to run less energy efficient, but if we would be really so mad as to close the light switch, as those madmen suggesting, the damage would be enormous costly (including wasting lots of energy / coal).

I am not sure if using a hybrid car will really reduce the output of CO2, as we need to fill the batteries from our electricity grid, and as far I know, our electricity is mainly produced by coal fired Energy plants. Now you will shout, let us use fuel derived from plants (organic matter, mostly cereals), an idea which caused directly a financial crisis, worldwide, with an influx of refugees sleeping in Tel Aviv's parks, as we can still pay for these idiotic ideas, but the world poor can not.

My question is, how come we are such fools, and let criminals use us, clever men that receive laureates, prizes and most importantly, power and money, by believing their fantastic tales, when science and common sense tells us precisely the opposite. To believe in greenism is precisely the same as believing in witch power or the existence of hell as punishment for bad behavior. I actually wanted to say, believing in Santa Claus, but realized that this would turn the readers against me.

Friday, March 14, 2008

My career choice

My career choice

By David Verveer

Human beings don't have too many opportunities to stand still one moment, and to decide, "What am I going to do with my life, what profession I will choose, and how will they (the masses) discover me and declare me a genius (IDOL).

You remember the song "Que sera" or what ever will be, will be, where small children ask their parents, on their future, and Doris Day (do you remember her, she was something) tell them, that we can not predict the future, which is a good thing, because knowing the future, means boredom, nothing to expect anymore.

In my personal case, I have not yet decided on a career, I don't want to be a pilot anymore, too tiring, and I prefer to sleep in my own bed, instead of playing around with young stewardesses, nor do I want to be police man, not only I do not want the power which goes with the job, but I hate to see blood. Postman would have been alright, but their glorious and eventful job is smothered by the internet. Who uses today the snail mail? Only the tax people, and bringing a bill to innocent tax payer is without joy.

But, really, the time has arrived that I have to decide, if I will become a famous author (somebody like Steinbeck, but without his tragedies), a painter like Van Gogh, (but with all my ears in place), a famous inventor like Edison (I don't know too much about his private life, and will refrain telling you with or without something he had).

A singing career is not laid out for me, as my basis school teacher promised me, that if I shut up during singing lesson, I would get a good mark for singing, an agreement I kept since then, but somehow the importance of this agreement faded away with the years.

Project leader on hanging more than 10.000 safety signs (signage) in the new INTEL factory, a task I managed for the last 10 months, seems to get rather boring and without any possibility to stand out and become famous, thus again, in my short working life, I have to make a new career choice.

I decided not to try to become a photographer, even though, taking pictures with a digital camera or with your mobile phone or cam recorder on your computer becomes simpler by the day, people don't like to see my famous close-up from my fingers, holding the camera, they simply do not understand modern art, you must agree seeing my fingers is much more interesting than a modern painting, in which all parts of bodies are spread over the canvas, in colors which remind me of the results of a terrible hangover, including the head age.

Becoming a playboy or piccolo, became irrelevant, when my belly started to interfere with my shoe laces, and as I have said before, I really prefer to sleep in my own bed. Thus the only job left is multi millionaire, the job does not require any skills other than counting money (never tried it, but it looks rather simple), and finding a way for people to invest in my inventions, I tried in the past, but it seems, inventing ways not to pollute the aquifer, is far from investors interests, really who cares that in 50 years time, there will be no drinking water left, safe for drinking, it is just as this French lady (Josephine) said, they can drink Cognac or eat cake instead.

Monday, March 10, 2008

the yeshiva massacre

The Yeshiva Massacre

By David Verveer

Killing is a crime, the killer is a monster and there is no excuse available for killing 8 innocent boys. Having stated this, please allow me to discuss some of the many facts which should be taken in to account for future historic classification of this horrible episode in our countries bloody story.

I realize that discussing the recent killings of Yeshiva students by an Israeli Palestinian living in the Eastern part of Jerusalem will trigger comments and angry responses from all sites of the Israeli society. Most of these reactions will be nurtured by pure primeval reasons, which we all possess, but try to subdue with the help of educated arguments.

First of all, even though, we don't admit, there are numerous sore aspects to the affair, besides the most obvious ones such as the murder of eight innocent peoples (young boys), blameless idealists, there will never be any acceptable excuse for killing, especially massacres that are carried out, based on religious fanatic beliefs to avenge apparent wrong doings by the other side.

My second point is, that we (Jews, Palestinians, Israelis, Leftists Rightists, Settlers, Politicians and bystanders) are all involved, and in some way to blame, as we are not capable to understand the way the other side thinks, due to brainwashing that occurs on all sides of all participants in this conflict. It is difficult to comprehend that the enemy has also ideals, and pre-opinioned conclusions, based on years of propaganda, education and suffering. It is shortsighted to claim, that we are innocent and they are fighting back, or claiming that occupation of Arab land is following direct orders from God, as this is the Promised Land, not to mention the discrimination the local Arabs suffer daily from righteous citizens like you and me.

The cry "death to Arabs" at a "friendly" football game, or on the other side, throwing bricks at Jewish cars (and I know, these deeds are not comparable), do not help improving the difficult interchange between the two population groups. The argument, that these are only kids, is of course irrelevant, as kids react to political visions taught at home and in school, and excuses such as "my best friends are Jews / Arabs seem to become somehow cliché. We should know that with our so called patriotic teachings, we create youths who when visiting the death camps in Poland, say that killing Arabs is the only solution to the Israel / Arab solution, on the other hand, showing children television with Walt Disney type puppets dying a Jihad death, by killing those horrible Jews.

The "Mercaz ha Rav yeshiva" has always been the center for Militaristic Settlers, the core for leaders of the irrational settler community, and choosing this college in order to trigger Jews to take irresponsible vengeance, demonstrates that the Palestinian terrorists knew what they are doing. How they persuaded this Jerusalemite to commit the crime is still unknown. But let us be fair, is this crime worse than any other terrorist crime, from the massacre in the bus to Sefar Am, several years ago, by an Israeli Jew indiscriminately killing Arabs on a bus, or the killings by Baruch Goldsmith in Hebron, or the hundreds of terror killings by Arabs in the last years?

Destroying the house belonging to the father of the terrorist is of course wrong, and based on primitive thoughts of vendetta and clan fights. How, in heavens name destroying the house can be explained rational, besides giving power to the cavemen still hiding inside somewhere. The same goes for those demanding that we bomb Gaza, as response to their missiles. I thought that the biblical phrase "Eye for Eye and Tooth for Tooth" had been replaced with rational humanism, but daily, we proof otherwise.

Friends tell me now that we have to punish (revenge) them, showing they can not remain unpunished for their terrorist crimes. The revenge has to be in some way more hurting than their actions, in order to teach them that we are not weaklings. They say, we should change immediately our Government with hardliners such as Netanyahu and Lieberman, but I fail to see, how this will bring us peace.

Their answer on this is: What peace, peace is an illusion, we can never reach peace with Arabs, and the only answer is destroying them; ("them" should be translated in Palestinian / Arab / Muslim, based on the level of primitive anger by the speaker). But we should realize that without peace, we will eventually be drowned in the Arab sea, or saved, depending on the Good Lord, who is needed to assist us in striking the enemy a mortal blow.

But based on the mistaken murmurs by our forefathers after the Exodus in Sinai, remembering the fleshpots of Egypt, we have nothing to fall back on, Israel is our country, in peace or war, with or without the Arabs, we are staying put.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

don't bite the hand which feeds you

Don't bite the hand which feeds you

By David Verveer

My brother Bob told me a traumatic story, which when you think about it, gives you a true and realistic picture of the world of today. It started some years back, when one of the many street cats in their neighborhood, found a new way to get fed, by standing outside their backdoor and crying softly. One day my sister in law made the mistake in putting out some milk, which was the beginning of a daily ritual of feeding the cat.

My brother, like many, hates cats; especially because some years back he was attacked by one cat, without any apparent reason and ended up with a poisoned hand.

He was against the infiltrating animal from the very beginning, but that did not change anything and slowly but surely, the cat moved in, and transferred from street cat to house cat, with his comfortable cushion in the corner of the kitchen.

Then trouble started, when the cat became ill and of course, my brother took it to the veterinarian, who examined the beast and told my brother, that the cat it had a serious infection in his belly, that has to be removed immediately by operation, at the cost of a mere 480 NIS (US $ 115). Understandably, Bob could not refuse, and the operation was performed and according the veterinarian was successful.

After a half day of keeping the cat under observation, my brother took it back home. The animal was drugged and tranquilized and looked near death.

Bob put him on the back bench of his car in a blanket, and brought him home, where a long night of severe suffering started for both the cat and my brother, as it cried non stop, and he was forced to go and look every time the animal cried out. They decided that there has to be something wrong with the animal, and the following morning, the cat and my brother went back to the vet, who examined him, and gave it some more pain killing drugs.

Again the cat was put back on the back bench in the blanket, but this time it looked like near death, worrying about it, my brother stopped the car, and checked if it was still breathing. Suddenly it jumped up and attacked my brother, resulting 24 serious deep bites in his right hand. After this attack, the cat in deep amok jumped out the car and disappeared forever.

Bob's hand started swelling and for more than a week he suffered severe pains and could not hold the paint brush (Bob is a painter). End of the story.

But does this story not teach us some facts of life, for example, don't try to change a street cat to a house cat, on one hand, and gratitude is not a part of an animal instinct, or cats don't attach to humans and in actual fact find a way to exploit the human to give them what they want, and if we go somewhat deeper, we find that if we replace the above cat by some humans, the story remains unchanged, and ends with the same result, the donator gets bitten, without any show of gratitude, as whatever we try to think that we are different from animals, history shows that animals without conscious act the same way as humans.

Friday, March 7, 2008

the nd of the western civilization

The end of the Western civilization

By David Verveer

It is amazing, they are playing us, and every step we make, we assist them to win another round in the World Opinion, not only us, but also the Americans, the Europeans or anybody else who dares to oppose the mighty Islam forces.

The Hamas persists on sending daily rockets and other missiles on innocent Israeli civilians, shooting from sites in the middle of local population in the densest populated area of the World, and when finally the Israeli Army goes to punish and destroy the missile sites, the Hamas make sure that a friendly Press films the poor victims, and if there are insufficient number of victims, why not stage a pitiful child death caused by barbaric Israeli soldiers. But also old pictures, unrelated to current situation that are mixed in, who knows when they see a terrible scene or corpse, if it is really a Palestinian child or Iraqi, and who really cares?

The punitive action taken by the Israeli Army was in actual fact a complete waste of time and gave the enemy tools to emphasize how those horrible Jews kill innocent poor Arabs, and after killing more than 100 terrorists, the army retreats back into Israel, bringing the next stage of the show, by publicly announcing a victory of Hamas, with festivities and propaganda films, this all together without stopping firing rockets on South Israeli towns.

I wonder again and again, which other country could tolerate missile attacks from a neighboring nation, and at the same time provide that same nation with food, electricity and medical care.

The Gaza strip with nearly two million citizens, of which more than two third are unemployed and fed on the cost of the UN, are armed and trained by the Iranians, and backed by the major Islamic terrorist organizations. It has no way in becoming an independent nation, as it can not provide any means of supporting its people, it's Government is a terrorist organization, which kicked out and killed their Fatah brothers (who are far from being saints), and the only way they keep their power financed through generous donations of the Muslim World is a continuation of pestering and terrorizing Israel.

But the happenings in Western Europe with a growing Muslim minority is also a propaganda war, daily fought and mostly won by the Muslims, through terrorism, threads and riots. When the Press does not play according the Muslim wishes, they stage riots or terrorize, and nothing can be done against it, as democratic environment can not win against the Quran, as the first is governed by common sense and humanistic thoughts, while the Islam rules by intimidation and threads. The Muslim does not believe that life should be enjoyed, that everybody has rights to live, that women are equal and people thinking different, too have the right to exist We do not understand them and continue to play fair, but if we do not get very fast somebody with some common sense and leadership to stop it, we, and you (anywhere), are losing this war.

10 years ago, the power of the Arabs was still based on oil money; today it is based on pure terrorism, which is by far more dangerous.