Friday, June 29, 2007

in memoriam

In memoriam

By David Verveer

Two days ago, Mr. Buzaglo passed away, he will thoroughly missed by all people, who think that the law applies to everyone in the same way, irrelevant if they belong to the upper class, the crime underworld, or simply citizens of our nation. When our General Procurer. Meny Mazuth decided that poor Mr. Katzav will not get the same punishment as did our famous rapist Benny Selah, who is accused of doing precisely the same thing as our ex-president Mr. Katsav did, raping (unwilling partners) females. Nobody, tries even to argue that raping employees is different than breaking in and raping victims, the only difference is that raping employees, is punishable even more than breaking in and raping victims, but poor Benny Selah, who is obvious ill and unbalanced, will never get a treatment such as the one, Mr. Katsav received.

King David raped Bat-Sheba and got away with it, as he, just like Mr. Katsav, was above the law, and now, Mazuth confirmed clearly that the Buzaglo principle is dead and that we have 2 kinds of people, those who can do whatever they want and stay unpunished, and those who will get maximum punishment.

But how come that a mediocre politician, known for his weakness in exploiting females for his obscure sexual desires, like a Middle Eastern sheik in thousand nights, was elected for the highest position in the Israeli society, as result of a group of corrupted politicians, who, in order to block one more victory for the left, voted against Shimon Peres, who thanks the dire lesson which the nation learned with Katsav, finally elected a person, who by all means deserves to be president, and will do good for our nation, worldwide.

Something is wrong in our society, if people like Katsav get elected, and I do not mean because his origin (Persian), but because the person never showed any way in deserving to be more than others, not because his orates, nor his writings, his deeds or intelligence, he was and will remain a small time crock, perhaps good enough to be Mayor of the Israeli town of Los Angeles (kiriath Malachi), but certainly not more than that.

I don’t understand, when reporters tell us that his peculiarities were public knowledge, we do not have an efficient brake system that will prevent placing such a person in such an elevated position. Look what a damage he did to our image, our president is a bloody rapist, wondering if he is the only one crooked in our upper crust, or is this the gateway for upper class criminals to get away from punishment.

And you know what is even worse, not only remains unpunished for his crimes, he will live his further live is richness, with a full president pension, with staff paid by us, the tax payers (I hope not female, because I understand that he will remain above the law).

As I said in the beginning, Mr. Buzaglo, you will be thoroughly missed by everybody who thought the law was equal for all citizens, another elution of the Zionist dream died this week, what is next?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Kosher or not kosher, that is the question

Kosher or not kosher, that is the question

By David Verveer

I realize that one of the most important causes of survival of the Jewish nation in the last 2.000 years, was our observance of religious customs, of which the dietary laws are of course the main issue. At the time, kosher laws were thought out, they made enormous sense. By classifying animals in groups, explaining what conditions each group had, and forbidding to consume animals which do not belong to any group, they ((our forefathers) saved us from terrible plagues etc. For example, for not allowing us to eat pork, most probable saved us from extinction, as pig meat, without refrigeration and in poor hygienic conditions spoils much faster than cow or chicken meat.

But I am not intending to defend kosher laws, as everybody has to decide for himself, what he wants to eat. For example my daughter, her husband and children are vegetarians (out principle). This of course does not mean, they are angry if we eat meat, and when they come on a visit, we prepare for them special vegetarian dishes, no problems there. But the religious establishment here in Israel, thinks they have to prevent me to eat not kosher, and that I find objectionable. What I put in my mouth is my concern and my responsibility only and accounted for in my personal account with God, and that has nothing to do with any Rabbi, or hypocrite such as Mr Guydamak, trying to buy the not kosher food chain of Tiv Taam, in order to convert it into a kosher (and more expensive) food chain.

I must admit that the attempted coup by Guydamak angered me, as this was an attack on tolerance and freedom of religion, which free-thinking Israelis fought for, for so many years. We do not want to pay for religious parasites, dressed in clothing unsuitable for our hot climate, with a hat and an unhygienic beard, standing in the way of the butchers, cutting open slaughtered animals, in order to get his permission, (bribe) that the meat is kosher.

I am sure that in Mizra, (the main not kosher meat supplier for the “Tiv Taam” food chain), the only person to decide if the meat is fit for consumption, is the highly qualified vet, trained in testing meats, investigating if it is clean, disease free and fresh.

I don’t eat kosher, (for personal reasons), but will never cause anybody else unwillingly to eat not kosher food. And like me there are around 2 million people in Israel, who prefer not to contribute to the welfare of a small group of religious zealots, who, with the use of a type of witchcraft, decide what is consumed on my table. Further more, I very much object to the salt treatment of meat, which was perfect before we discovered electricity, but today causes serious environmental problems for safely disposal, besides it spoiling the meat quality. True, before the refrigeration era, blood rich meat would spoil fast, but today, salt bathing meat is like lighting fire by rubbing stones.

There are many peculiar rules in the kosher laws, why for example are we not allowed to eat catfish or eel, the reason for this, was of course, that those fish did not exist in the Middle East, and do not have scales (a requirement for fish). However, the Rabbinical council is now examining those species, and found minuscule small scales, and it might be that in the far future, smoked eel will be kosher, depending of course, if the above mentioned council belongs to the correct branch of Judaism, (at least Ashkenazim, preferable Hasidim).

Sea fruit is also not allowed, but funny enough, Locust (a creature related to the crustaceans) are allowed, providing they are slaughtered in the correct way, and received the suitable blessing. I am not sure yet, if all preparation methods are acceptable, such as barbecuing them, but surely, raw, like fish, would be questionable.

But returning to the subject of my argument, please let me live my life, don’t try to protect me, and allow me to make up my own mind on what I eat, or what I do in my kitchen. I am sure that if and when our religious leaders were bothering more with today, instead of glorifying the past, they would realize that our kosher laws could be adjusted and corrected, based on science and knowledge of our day. I wonder what is the real religious value of eating imitation shrimps (made from kosher fish), or eating smoked crackers, which surprisingly have a similar taste as baked bacon. What about crab cakes made from fish? Who are you kidding?

You realize that if everybody stopped eating pork, there would be no reason what so ever to raze those nice animals, and in a few years they would disappear, except in southern Europe were they are used to discover truffles. I am sure that is not what the good lord intended to happen to one of his creations, but on the other hand, I am not too sure about it, as look what he did to those kind dinosaurs? Is dinosaur meat kosher?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Guilty like hell

Guilty like Hell!

By David Verveer

In the last week, the Palestinians in Gaza started to kill each other, without any assistance from Israel. And they are professional killers, they throw people of roof tops, kill them, in the street, irrelevantly if they are young children, women or elderly people. The killing goes without any planning, some according family connections to somebody, some because they happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and of course many who tried to defend their posts in the Palestinian Government, police and administration.

The Gaza region is a small strip near the Mediterranean Sea, with Israel bordering on two sides, Egypt on one side and the sea on the fourth’s side. It had until a few days back a peculiar Government shared by El Fatah and the extreme Hamas. The government was never recognized by the World powers, as the Hamas is a terrorist organization.

In the Gaza strip live more than 11/2 million people, with more than half living in terrible conditions in the refugee camps, mostly around Gaza city. They are refugees since 1948, and kept in these terrible conditions, as pressure group against the Israelis. Two years ago, under international pressure, Israel removed the flourishing Israeli Gaza’ settlements without fight (risking nearly a civil war in Israel). Instead of taking over the settlements with the export orientated green gardens, and green houses, as was suggested by some philanthropic agencies, the Palestinians refused their offer for help, causing several thousand laborers to lose their only livelihood, working in the settlements, letting the villages going to waste.

But besides the Hamas and El Fatah there are also the Islamic extremists, who for the fun dispatch daily rockets on the neighboring Israeli town of Sderoth.

Without any doubt, the World opinion has long lost it objective interest in what happens in this troubled corner of the world, and without any hesitance blames Israel for all the problems, illustrated clearly when I wrote an article on the growth of Radical Islamic terrorism in Western Europe, a intelligent writer wrote, that in his opinion, it all was caused by the Zionist aggression of 1948. What is the connection with the Radical Islamic terrorism is absolutely unclear, but admit, the European reader of news flashes on the happenings in Gaza, is to lazy to read the entire article, reading the word Palestinian, he already formed the opinion, that those terrible Jews in Israel, again did something bad to those poor and innocent people, the Palestinians.

It took around 2.000 years to get the Catholic Church finally to admit that the Jews did not kill Jesus, and we expect that in another 1.000 years until they will admit that Jesus was a Jew himself, but the same goes for Israel and the Arabs; first of all, most Arabs and Jews are from the same tribe, according the DNA tests, the only difference between them is the religion. The local people partly fled to the Diaspora, while others were forcefully converted to the Islam. We, the Israeli do not hate Arabs, and want them to live in comfort aside the Jewish nation, and the Israeli iron fist is the only possible method to prevent the Radical terrorists to take over, as is demonstrated so clearly in the turmoil of Gaza.

A funny fact is, that the World (except perhaps some Americans) connect the Iraq war and Iran problems also with Israel, and think that everybody unhappy with the West, does that because the existence of the Jews and their treatment of the Arabs. The history repeats itself, weren’t the Jews blamed for the plagues in the middle Ages?

I don’t know what is going to happen in Gaza, and if we will get involved eventually, as something has to burst and shatter, just as in Lebanon, with the Syrian killings and Palestinian uprising in the refugee camps (also from 1948). Israel absorbed from that period 5 million Jews, turned them in to full blood citizens and provide them with work, home and livelihood, 11/2 million Palestinians (using the pessimistic and propaganda numbers), were never accepted in the Arab lands, never got any civil rights, as this would reduce the threat to the Jewish state.

In Western Europe, with minorities of Islamic people, loses control and suffer from terrorism, riots etc., and try to deal with the problem by issuing racist type of laws. But still, look who is boycotted by the British Academy, of course, Israel, for their treatment of poor Palestine. Every day when I awake, I say my prayer; “thank God” you made me a Jew, guilty like hell.