Save the World, don't become an Ecological Zombie
By David Verveer
Yes, I am talking to you, you who believe that the World is in danger, that you personally are causing the Global Warming, you, who are looking for a site on which you can build your theoretical ark, when the waters will rise, due to the disappearance of the Icebergs. My friends, believe me very clever but criminal minds are using you, and instead of using your common sense, you are prepared to stop using your electrical power supply for one hour, in order to satisfy your guilty conscience of enjoying modern life.
But let us begin with giving you some examples, how you contribute directly to the well being of the criminal underworld. For example take the recycling of PET drinking bottles. You are told that PET bottles harm the environment, but that is not true, PET does not break down in the waste dump, and does absolutely nothing to the soil or the air, True, when PET is heated (burned) at temperatures between 400 and 1500 degrees Celsius, it produces a cancer causing gas, but also recycled PET, if burned will create the same danger, you are only delaying it, while wasting an enormous amounts of energy, to recycle. The only way to get safely rid of this relative dangerous material (if burned or heated) is gasifying it with temperature far more than 2,000 degrees, but who cares. But why than are they advertising the recycling of PET bottles? The answer is simple; our distinguished criminals use the tipping fees and governmental grants to whitewash crime money. But just like all other inert solid waste, your precious world will not get colder if you recycle your cola bottle.
They say, this world is warming up, because of your irresponsible use of energy, but did they provide any proof, they did not, because that is impossible, first of all, the temperatures fluctuate in a 40 years (some say 400) years cycle, due to the distance between our Sun and the Globe, we wobble closer and farer away, due to the world being not perfectly round, in the history we have been in hotter periods than the current one, and surprisingly the penguins survived, we have also been in colder periods, and if we compare the hotter years with the colder ones, we see something very interesting, humanity and nature in general, love the warmer periods, the golden age was during such warm period in Europe.
Then some learned fanatic tells you that if the Ice disappears from the North Pole and
Some lunatic has thought out a new folly, by suggesting of closing the lights unanimously at the same time, all around the world. This grandiose scheme will not only cause an increase of energy usage, as engines, machines and equipment run most economically in their optimal mode, and peaks and low usage causes the machines to run less energy efficient, but if we would be really so mad as to close the light switch, as those madmen suggesting, the damage would be enormous costly (including wasting lots of energy / coal).
I am not sure if using a hybrid car will really reduce the output of CO2, as we need to fill the batteries from our electricity grid, and as far I know, our electricity is mainly produced by coal fired Energy plants. Now you will shout, let us use fuel derived from plants (organic matter, mostly cereals), an idea which caused directly a financial crisis, worldwide, with an influx of refugees sleeping in Tel Aviv's parks, as we can still pay for these idiotic ideas, but the world poor can not.
My question is, how come we are such fools, and let criminals use us, clever men that receive laureates, prizes and most importantly, power and money, by believing their fantastic tales, when science and common sense tells us precisely the opposite. To believe in greenism is precisely the same as believing in witch power or the existence of hell as punishment for bad behavior. I actually wanted to say, believing in Santa Claus, but realized that this would turn the readers against me.
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