Saturday, September 12, 2009

Why the west criticezes Israel on its latest Gaza War

Why the west criticizes Israel on its latest Gaza War

By David Verveer

I just realized why the majority of Europeans criticize Israel for the Israel Hamas war in Gaza, last year. I do not think that anybody normal sympathizes with the Hamas, a terrorist group, who was involved in many international terrorist crimes in the last years and is financed and trained by Iran, Syria and the Hezbollah.

Nor do I think that anybody blames Israel for taken finally action after being bombed with missiles for eight long years, but still, most Europeans find Israel the guilty party due to a simple fact of non proportional number of victims in comparison on both sides, namely 9 Israeli soldiers lost their life in this war, while the number of Palestinian victims (civilians, terrorists) soared to 1.300 to 3.000 (depending on the source of information).

This lopsided proportion of victims irritates the romantic European, why only so few Israeli victims and so many Palestinian victims, that is not fair play, they claim.

First of all, the reason for these unequal proportions is mainly because the terrorists fired from behind civilian population centers, with relative primitive weapons, while Israel used hyper modern arsenal, shooting back to positions from where they were attacked, without endangering the lives of their soldiers.

Secondly, does this humane European romantic realizes that in the Afghanistan war, the Nato fights against the Taliban; with the same lopsided proportions in victims. Why are the Afghani victims ignored and the Palestinian victims celebrated, especially in the media?

I don't think Israel has to apologize for winning the war, and trying to prevent the sacrifice of soldiers given their lives in service of the nation, we, the Israelis do not believe in a hero's death, with 72 virgins in heaven attending the fallen hero. Further more, I think that if Israel would have lost the war, or any war for that matter, we would ceased to exist, we would, however received the sympathy from the Europeans, but with compassion alone, one can not survive.

Why the Western society doesn't realize that the modern wars are impersonal, computers on drones are used to find the targets, the shooting is done for the distance of many kilometers, gone are the days of fighting man to man, no modern army of today can afford to fight a duel with the enemy, today war is high tech, and who possesses the best equipment wins the war, even though, the war correspondents try to give a personal touch to the story (generally not very true, as they were not there), but there is a little heroism left in the wars of today.

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