Thursday, August 27, 2009

False presentation of the Crusaders

By David Verveer

In most European languages we use the expression that when somebody is fighting or taking action for a good cause, he is going on a crusade.
This expression is in actual fact, unjust and a horrendous glorification of a bunch of murderers, thieves and criminals, that received papal or royal pardon for their crimes, provided they would join the crusade and free the holy land from the Saracen conquerors.

These hordes of rowdy vagabonds traveled (by foot) from Western Europe to the Middle East, not being paid or fed, they rampaged, murdered and terrorized defenseless communities of farmers, Jews, Gypsies, etc.

They were led by noblemen, who utilized those Crusade expeditions for excuse to gain fame and good standing with the Vatican, including crowns of fictive kingdoms, principalities and other titles granted by the Pope.

The Catholic church of those days did not care for religion or freedom of thought; they fought for bare power and control. Today little changed; most of the religions still fight each other with other pretends, like for example Pakistan versus India, Israel versus the Arabs and Irelands Protestants versus Catholics and so on.

The Frenchman Cœur de Lion or, Richard the Lionheart, the most famous crusader and king of England was in fact a very cruel man who ordered execution of many of his prisoners, is now revered as hero in the British historic literature, as history is made by the author and not always true.


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