Saturday, July 18, 2009

Does the negative public opinion on Israel matter?

The phenomena of Israel bashing, sometimes combined with old fashioned antisemitism, seems to be gaining strength in the daily world written and cyber media. The reasons for these unfavorable reactions might be blamed on extremist proclamations by the current democratic elected Israeli government, however, I doubt that, as the anti Israel feelings seems to increase with the time, and not with a sudden jump, due to the new rightist coalition in Israel.

Some claim that Israel becomes un-popular because its successful campaign against terrorism, others say that its un-compromising harsh handling of the Palestinians, makes Israel the culprit of the media, but that does not make too much sense, as at the same time, but in other regions, terrible things happen, like in China, Sudan, Iran and Iraq, however, those happenings get only a few lines in the press, while Israel conducts a reprisal action against continues terrorism, Israel is blamed with war crimes, and look who is writing this, correspondents from countries deeply involved with murky and bloody handling of terrorists in far away countries such as Afghanistan, and don't forget the innocent victims, but that doesn't reach thefront page.. The honest reports of Israeli soldiers admitting sometimes not to adhere precisely to the Geneva convention in their fight against terrorists hiding and shooting from behind civilians, is blown out of proportion, but 8 years of bombardment of innocent civilians by those Islamic crooks, and terrible terrorist acts of blowing up airplanes, buses and people, is accepted as normal, as Israel stole their land.

Arguments explaining and repeating the origin and development of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict, including repeating that there was never in history a Palestinian entity, and the region was ruled by conquering nations such as Romans, Greek Ottoman Turkish, British and French, until the Israeli nation was proclaimed backed and approved by the UN, and after numerous wars against Arab nations trying to drive the Jews into the sea (a strife which can still be seen in their Manifesto).

But the anti-Israeli feeling might be caused by an entirely different reason, which is based on “loving the underdog”, as the Israeli actions are generally successful, and being a Palestinian kept virtually prisoners in refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Gaza, conserved for a later day, in order to over run Israel, based on right of return as demanded by the Arabs. Those Palestinians in the refugee camps have no rights, no nationality and are living in deplorable conditions, fed by the UN. Funny enough the Palestinian on the West Bank (Palestinian Authority with Israeli supervision) have a much higher standard of living than their unfortunate brothers in the Arab countries. Not to mention the Israeli Arabs who are complaining but are not prepared to give up their Israeli citizenship and immigrate to future Palestine. But those facts and figures never reach the Western media, as nobody wants to know the truth, and when somebody occasionally write about the conditions of Arab Israeli population, this is shouted down as Israeli propaganda.

But let us look at still another point of few, millions of Arabs have immigrated in the last 3 decades to Europe and the US, and in number they start gaining political strength, but not only in democratic ways but also by terror acts and riots (Paris, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, etc.). The crime world is run by these groups, they are openly against integration, but remember, most of them are not Palestinians, but from Morocco, Turkey, from the African continent, who adopted an Anti-Israel and Anti Jewish hatred as combining Islamic force, but the number of Palestinians participants are minimal. But these large numbers of Islamic people in the European society, is somehow and unjustly blamed on the Israel Palestine conflict, while it in reality, did have nothing to do with the Islamic invasion of Europe.
Another reason might be a peculiar hand out from the Nazi Period, a type of reverse guilt feeling, which is expressed in “why should I feel guilty what has happened to the Jews during the second World War, most likely they deserve this treatment, look how they treat the Arabs”.

In actual fact, the reason of Anti Israel-ism is not very important, it does not bother too much in the daily life of the average Israeli, we regret it, we don't understand and deserve it, but accept it as a fact of live. But we have to remember that we can not let down our guard, we have to maintain at all cost the upper hand, as loosing means drowning, as the other side won't have any mercy.

We will survive, if we continue to lead in technology, (which is our main export article), and articles writing about our so called land theft, and war crimes will not influence the commercial relations between the EU and USA, it is regretful, but we can live without your love, we have overcome bigger problems and survived. Fairness and objectivity are not part of the modern society, but remember, we will assist you, when the dark forces overtake your democracies, and the Islam will take over.

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