Wednesday, June 17, 2009

who is next?

Who is next?
By David Verveer
WASHINGTON - His critics can no longer say President Obama wouldn’t hurt a fly.
On Tuesday, the president - irritated by buzzing during a TV interview at the Executive Mansion - issued a stern and unequivocal warning: “Get out of here.” But it didn’t. And the cease-fire was over.
Obama waited for the fly to settle, put his hand up and smacked it dead in one try. “I got the sucker,” the commander in chief said.
Look at his strategy, first a soft and friendly warning, and if the warned do not follow his instructions immediately, he punishes the culprit with excess force.
Yesterday, the world had a clear insight on how the Great Leader of the Free World operates when he terminated the life of an innocent fly in front of the television viewers. This was a clear message for anybody who dares to oppose him, by telling the political buzzers around him, look how I will deal with you if you do not listen to my warnings, I told the fly to get out, and when it clearly ignored my wishes, I killed it.
But suppose it was not a simple domestic massacre, what would you say if this is part of High Tech Espionage, when the enemy (not yet identified, but could it be that the North Koreans are behind it?) installed a nano microphone in the capitalist' fly's body, in order to record what really was said in the meeting between the President and his guest.
The life span of an ordinary fly is between 15 and 25 days, but I do not think that the late fly, when it was killed by the President, had already reached that age of retirement, after an hectic life of escaping murderous humans, no, our fly would have had at least 5 days left, but again one of God's creatures had to pay the price of being at the wrong time in the wrong place.
The sadistic tendencies of the current president should worry us, it starts with only flies, but where will it stop, public execution of opponents? Think of the sleepless nights of Hugo Chaves, thinking that he could have been that fly, or for that matter, Mrs.Sara Palin, when trying next time?
I wonder what the White house staff did with the Fly's remains, was it fed to the puppy dog, disposed in the rubbish can or preserved for the future exhibition commemorating the rule of the first fly killing President of the United States of America, let her / him Rest In Peace.

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