Saturday, April 18, 2009

this is how history is written

This is how history is written

By David Verveer

This story is based on fictional reality, or in other words, similar types of incidents have happened, however this one did but was used in order to explain to the outsider, how he is fed with propaganda and lies (without any possibility to discover the real truth). In fact, those untrue tragedies happen daily in the on-going struggle between the Palestinians and the Israelis, some with grains of truth, as reported from one side, but all, without exception told in such a manner, that the criminal and cruel manner of behavior, as related by the accusing side, and in most cases, every story has two entire different interpretations.

The messenger (the reporter journalist who brought the story to the news media) is already brain-washed, or in such extends, opinioned, that the version of the story published from the other side, is totally ignored and discarded as pure propaganda. The problem remains of course, that, due to the noise and the impact of the story on the western media, this story becomes factual history, and one of the sides is blamed for terrible crimes, which in most cases, never eve took place.

Please remember that such incidents do occur daily, and most probably the reader could not care less what and who is guilty and what really happened, as those stories are part of a propaganda strategy fought on both sides. To be fair to the reporter, there is no sure and true way to report events in the Middle East, clean of influencing public opinion. Every event can be translated in such manner, that this side is innocent and the other side looks bad.

In order to explain the power of creating a one sided incident, I borrow a story which happened only two days ago, not related at all to the Middle East Conflict, but with many aspects which could be interpreted differently. First of all, the facts (in so far we know it), a women in her fifties, crossed a highway, at a place were pedestrians are not allowed to pass, and was hit by a car, and killed on the spot. The driver, who did not comprehend what had happened to him and the car, manage to stop the vehicle about 100 meters from the accident, his front window totally smashed. To complicate the matters, the driver is nearly blind, and because his eye site, never received a driver license. As it took him a while to get the car to stop, and to walk back to the place of the accident, his behaviour could be translated in "hit and run", especially as he knew, they would ask him immediately for his driver license. Would it have been an ordinary driver, he would not been charged with anything, as the woman crossed where crossing is not permitted. Would the driver have been an Arab; manslaughter would have been the minimum charge, besides suicide terroristic act. In the last case, the driver being an Arab, his side's reporter would tell us about the terrible conditions of the drivers family, and the poor man, who had to drive 10 / 20 kilometers every time to bring his young daughter, who suffers from a rare type of cancer, back from hospital, home, even though, the hospital is only 5 minutes away from his house on the western site of the separation wall, between east (where he lives) and west Jerusalem.

The other side would tell us that the driver was a Jewish hero, who is losing his eyesight being an innocent by-stander in a terrorist attack a few years back, who came from the hospital were he serves as volunteer. At that time of the night there are no busses or taxies to reach home, not realizing his night blindness.
But based on recent happenings in Jerusalem, we could aggravate the story, claiming that the Arab terrorist intended to kill Jews, and his blindness was only a cover-up for his real intentions, and on the other side, the heroic woman threw herself in front of the car in order to prevent a greater disaster, as she understood the real purpose of the driver, to kill as many Jews as possible (at the next bus-stop).

Luckily, the driver is a Jew, thus his house will not be destroyed, the woman is dead, and nobody knows why she crossed the road at that spot. The story will never reach the foreign press, as it doesn't contain this very important element of hate needed to make it interesting reading, but if it does, please remember my warning, you are being manupilated!

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