Saturday, October 6, 2007

our make believe world

Our make believe world!

By David Verveer

Do you realize that most important aspects in our modern life, is related to a vague make belief system, from belief in God (based on hear-say and tradition) to working with and for a monetary system, based on promises to pay the bearer the value of bank notes in gold and silver value, a promise which is broken long ago, and knowingly you know that money bills are in fact valueless pieces of paper.

Such things like borders between countries, difference between people, due to nationality, color, good or bad families, all these differences are not based on facts but on make believe norms, which in reality don’t hold water. A Jew is somebody who’s mother was Jewish, but that is in reality pure bull-shit, if he did not receive a Jewish education, and does not accept the rules made by a bunch of religious rabies, he or she is still Jewish and is allowed to marry with a Jew (here in Israel), and his or her children are automatic accepted Jews.

Living, fighting and dying for an ideal of a God figure, which we never saw or understood, which is presented to us by a bunch of stories and fables, throughout the history, based only on make believe, is in our modern world of proven science, a very weak argument, but not only religion, everything else is based on make believe stories, accepted by the surrounding world.

What is the power that some people have on others, why rich people with make believe money have more rights than somebody who is poor. Why do we accept the superiority of people who were lucky to get born in well-off neighborhood, even if they themselves never bothered to proof their superior brain power or goodness? In our world of “everyone is equal” equality is hard to find.

We accept the difference in people’s rights as God given, aren’t we the chosen people?

Being superior beings(a concept based on fables and believe mostly based on primitive folkloristic traditions, which connection to religion is purely based on heathen traditions), we are convinced that people, believing different, are less worthy than us, the true believers in the true God.

The point I try to make, is that everything in this world is based on “make believe”, concepts which are illogical, and in real fact, unacceptable, if we try for one moment to think logical and study human behavior like any other scientific subject, for example, mathematics and biology, we would reject religion, as an not proven theory, we would reject to be governed and manipulated by paper, which represent promise of value, which we know today, is valueless, and we would appreciate people on their behavior and contribution to mankind instead of being fascinated by their inherited richness.

Summarizing the above, I am proud to be a Jewish Dutch born Israeli, believing in peace and equality, but in order to equalize the common wealth, please don’t start taking anything from me.

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