Saturday, July 28, 2007

oh boy it is hot outside!

Boy, it is hot outside!

By David Verveer

On the 16th of July, precisely at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the temperature on the ground, in Kibbutz Sde-Boker (central Negev desert in Israel) reached a soaring 41 °C, the highest in July for over 7 years, again demonstrating that our earth is warming up, provided it would have been a news item published today, but this recorded hot day occurred in 1962, long before global heating was discovered by our environmental guardians.

How simple and good was our life in those innocent early days, we could still enjoy a vacation included field trips with car and tractor, burning fossil power, creating CO2, without feeling guilty that our holydays caused indirectly the end of the civilized world, we know and love. You remember the camp fires in the middle of nowhere, our friends and us sitting around, signing songs, even dancing, enjoying the smell of burning wood, what did we know that we personally were forcing our great grandchildren to leave our globe and look for their future on another planet. Ignorant simpletons we were.

Today, we realize that when there are floods in England, the worst in 70 years, we caused it, with our irresponsible behavior, years back. The same goes of course for the drought which England suffered from a few months earlier, all caused by Global Warming. Please do not ask why droughts and floods caused by too much rain, have the same culprit, this horrible gas, the so-called CO2 or Carbon dioxide or sometimes also indicated as Green house gas. We are no scientists, we believe when one shows us terrible pictures of melting glaziers, ice bears looking for ice cream, etc.

But the punishment for our crimes is already here, the bread price rose now by x percent, as Prophet Al Gore declared that use of fossil power is only for the rich and the rest will have to look for alternative energy sources such as synthesis gas, bio-gas, and fuels derived from organic matter such as grains, causing a sudden dramatic world flour price hike, which of course does not help to limit usage of fossil fuel, (but surely helped the bank account of those huge grain growers, who before non-subsidized, at a low price did not want to continue to feed the world poor) and drove those poor world masses to deviate from their usual healthy diet based on bread and water, going instead to wine and cake (quoting somehow an advise by the late empress of France and also the enlightened Israeli MP Abrahams).

How ignorant we were, when we thought that CO2 is actually a gas beneficial in nature, causing plants to grow, increasing rainfall, thinking that the atmosphere is composed mainly of oxygen and nitrogen, but it also contains minute quantities (about .03 per cent of carbon dioxide, playing an important role in stabilizing temperatures both near the earth’s surface and in the upper atmosphere. IN the old days they told us, that the so-called green house gazes, which heavier than air, form a screen round the organic plants, block the escape of cooler air to the atmosphere, enabling maintenance of a cooler environment in which the plant survives.

But than came the Green revolution, who told you to forget every thing you ever learned, to recognize your crimes, causing this poor whale to enter the Thames last year; causing the recent earth quakes and tsunamis, the bush fires in Africa, America, etc. all climatic disasters, you know you are to blame, why didn’t you protest incineration of waste?

Why did you allow atomic power plants to provide you energy (is nuclear power “green energy”?). Your meek excuse, I did not know what I did, doesn’t work, our new church, the Green revolution, with prophet Al Gore, tells you to change your way, you stop using your car to work, you dry your wash the natural way, without dryer, you reduce use of the electricity, and fight all progress as it will surely harm the fine attuned balanse between nature and environment. Stop the making of new highways, as it will harm the rabbits, stop planning in saving the Dead Sea by creating a pipe system, supplying water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, stopping the collapse of the soils, due to the declining groundwater level, endangering for the second time the people living in the Dead Sea area (first time, see bible).

Of course, giant concerts aiming to safe the earth, which are in fact the precise opposite in trying to stop creating CO2 free atmosphere, with Gore appearing, without really being there, and with Madonna (not the one of the new testament) and other Gore disciples performing, brought us one step nearer to the second coming (what ever that means), perhaps the last air ship fleeing burning mother earth to star XYZ in the Gore galaxy.

I really do not understand my ignorant neighbors protesting me trying to aerobically compost my organic waste in my third floor flat, don’t they know anything?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

the promise

The promise

By David Verveer

The bible says that the Lord promised the territory on the Eastern Coast of the Mediterranean Sea to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and indeed, through the ages, people claiming blood relations to the two fathers of both the Arab and Jewish tribes lived un-interrupted in the holy land, after having conquered the area from the Philistines, Canaanites, etc. The so-called Moslem Palestinians ands the Jews are according DNA research, children of the same roots, and the impurity relates to neighboring tribes trading with the above descendants of Grandfather Abraham.

The rift between the Palestinian Moslems of today, Christians and Jews occurred in the Roman and Hellenistic period when the heads of the society were banned and forced to flee to less hostile regimes, but most people of our tribes stayed put in the holy land and accepted (mostly were forced to accept) the religion of the rulers.

Only when Intellects such as Herzl started to advocate that the Jewish people should return to their home land (now called Israel) they discovered that the promised land was not empty, and the locals (our cousins) were living there in poverty, ruled by big foreign powers (the Ottoman empire, and later on by the British (as a mandate). The local people (now called Palestinians) did nothing in order to gain their independence from the above foreign rulers, and were happy to continue their lives in relative poverty, provided they were left alone. Then two things happened, a – oil was discovered in the Middle East and b- the Jews started to immigrate to Israel (than Palestine). Soon we got 2 societies, the Jews and the Arabs (who served as laborers for the enterprising Jewish pioneers).

The relation between the two groups was relatively good, and if not, due to political propaganda from neighboring rulers, who feared the Jewish democratic approach, endangering their cozy feudal existence, by introducing horrible ideas such as human rights, equality and “one man one vote”, the coexistence would have continued, and indeed, a new Middle East would have emerged.

From the above you would assume that the Jews were good and the Arabs bad, of course this is untrue, as both cousins have good and bad people, in all levels of society. Arab terrorists killed innocent Jews during the end of the Turkish period and during the English Mandate, on the other hand, Jews drove innocent Arabs from their villages during the war of independence. Those Arabs fled and became, and still are, refugees, living under terrible conditions, in refugee camps, in the Arab countries surrounding Israel. The Arabs which somehow remained in Israel, gained prosperity, compared with Arabs everywhere, but somehow, never gained full equality, even though, equal by law. The main reason could be that the Arab does not serve compulsory in the Israeli Army.

In the mean time, millions of Jews immigrated to Israel, most from Europe, due to the Holocaust, but they came also from Arab countries, such as Morocco, and from the former Soviet Union, after the Communist regime collapsed. The former workable relation between local Arabs and Israeli Jews deteriorated to real hatred, especially after the terrorists started attacking Jews anywhere in the world, with methods, before considered illogical, such as suicide actions and kidnapping. Jews and Arabs stopped being equal, a sample of this is the current rate of exchange between one kidnapped Israeli soldier and convicted terrorists (1:1,000). Still the Israeli Government has problems to persuade the people to approve such exchange, even though; such deal will save thousands of tax dollars required to keep those bastards alive.

One should also remember that in this region of the world, “vendetta” still has enormous power, or in other words, you touch one of my kin, we retaliate by hurting one of your kin, irrelevant if he is or was involved. You shoot us, we shoot back, if you don’t do this, you show weakness. The terrorists shoot rockets; we shoot back, and of course, hurt innocent people.

The before mentioned millions of immigrants received on arrival immigration allowance, help and work, and in a short period converted in to full blood citizens. Compared to giving the new immigrant full rights, those poor Palestinian refugees in neighboring Arab countries such as Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, who still have not received any human rights, citizenship or possibility of succeeding to build up a normal life. The reason for this, is politics, by giving the refugees rights, they (the Arab rulers) would lose the only card for grievance with the new Israel state.

But our story is not yet complete, as Moslems fleeing their home countries to Europe and America, Europe’s open door policy in search for employment, are led by a small group of Reactionary Islamists, which not only demanded full religious rights, but also trying to influence the decision makers by forcing them, with the help of terrorism, to change their open handed policies in the Middle East. Samples of such actions are; London bombing, Madrid train bombing, New York 9-7, or even Turkey, Indonesia, Moslems countries, but not belonging to the Arab league.

The question is, if these terrorist actions are caused by the Middle East crisis, is “not related”, even though, we, Jews are blamed for everything, but the fact is, we are only a very small coil in the main fight of the Moslem and Western civilizations. Their fight with Europe and America will not benefit the Palestinian cause, just the opposite; it will weaken their getting support from the West. The fight today is about Iraq and Pakistan, oil dollars and prestige of USA and NATO, and Israel and Palestine is just a political nuisance to be considered during election campaigns.

If this is true, what will help the poor Palestinian, mishandled by local terrorists such as Hamas not receiving the simple human right for living in peace? I truly am happy I was born on the right side of Abraham’s bed!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I joined the club

I joined the club

By David Verveer

Finally it is official, I now belong to the group of people who went to visit a psychiatrist, true, aged 67 year old, I am late for our modern society, as regular visits to a brain doctor starts today, most times with first day at high school, when adolescent youths starts showing signs of independence from their parents, through growing hair, staying out late, or worse, trying out forbidden stuff, like cigarettes or God forbid, drugs.

Today, people who have no psychotic problem of some sort are either people who are totally un-informed or their psychotic problem is that they do not realize they are just like us, modern human beings, filled with un-explainable bull shit, which the professional name “psychological disturbances”.

Gone good old days, hating postmen”, the medical term is today “a postman complex” due to an traumatic experience in your early youth, when a postman accidentally broke your spectacles, pushing the front door in your face. Until now I was primitive, as I hated Germans, because they killed my father, made me to go into hiding from the ripe age of 3 years and one day old, etc., my new psychiatrist advisor told me I am suffering from a (excuse me not using the correct term, as this would be breaking the hypocrite oath, or what ever, between patient and doctor) complex, today, when I learned what complex I have, and realize that I have been irrational and harmful to my own mental constitution, instead of holding everything inside, I should have provided the psychiatrists, the fees which were truly theirs, but when I was young, nobody knew to deal with traumas, we all tried to recover from the war and tried to built up a new life with the pieces we had, there was no time and no money to deal with our psycho. Nobody, especially Jewish people in Western Europe survived those horrible days without damaging their psychological well being, but I don’t think, the psychiatrists of those days would have coped with our problems.

Only now I realize how terrible cruel we (the society) reacted to those people who could not cope with the traumatic experiences they suffered in their war days, and showed it with irrational behavior, impatience with children, or selfish actions, unfair at the moment, but understandable, realizing what those people had suffered. People, desperately looking for un-available treatment and guidance, were called by us, psychos, madmen or simply fools. I was seven years old, my mother had accepted the job of director of an Jewish old age home,which functioned as a reception home for people, returning from the concentration camps, and old lady, suffering from the last stage of diabetes, started eating paper, we found it funny, she died some days later. The children of these ex-camp people were terribly cruel, stole food etc., today I know why, at that time, they made me terribly angry and frightened. I do not what happened to them, but if they are still living, I am sure they need mental treatment, more than I do.

My intention for this essay was to make jokes about me going to the Psycho-doctor, but all jokes I attempted to write, came over, not funny and rather stupid, as in actual fact, our mental health is not something to make fun about. We do not know enough about how our brain operates, what types of self defense we have installed in order to overcome traumas, and how we control our behavior, even when inside, conscious or un-conscious storms are blowing, which without our inner defense would show our loss of control, including my trying to make fun of everything, by writing my silly comments.

Is it not un-explainable, how cruel is the Israeli society is, by not providing automatically the few poor survivors of the Holocaust, with a pension, allowing to end their days, without the need to worry from where to get money for medicines, roof on their head and food on the table? Don’t we realize that their days are counted, as they are all over the 65 years old? We have enough money to pay a generous pension to an ex-president rapist and sexual sadist, but payment to our own survivors, (at least 20 people could live comfortable on katsav’s pension) is still being discussed at the various committees of the Knesset, waiting until all survivors to die out from natural causes. Showing the television audience in a short reportage, suffering old people, doesn’t help as much as getting the politicians and the officials, responsible for the financial distribution of our wealth, to act immediately and free those funds to those surviving poor human beings, who arrived to this situation, due to being Jews.

I am of course not talking about my own situation, even though, the irresponsible and unfair pension laws invented by Netanyahu, fighting the Histadruth pension funds, made my life (and many others) after retirement, insecure.